16. Demonic Toys (1992)

*The Warlock opens the door to his lair. He’s wearing a black leather jacket, black gargoyle shades, a white t-shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. He’s holding a 20 ounce glass of pepsi throwback*

The Warlock: Welcome to my lair…..welcome I don’t think so, but enter. Enter my lair if you dare. I’m your host The Warlock.

*Warlock spread his arms, tilts his head and dims the lights before walking into his lair as the lights brighten*

Warlock: Happy now?

*Mr. America is in white camo fatigues, vest, hat with black combat boots and aviator shades. He’s sitting in the recliner twirling a berretta*

Mr. America: Yes, now I don’t have to restart the damn thing.

Warlock: Anyway, tonight’s playful screenplay is DEMONIC TOYS. Following the movie we will be joined, via satellite by the world renowned toymaker Professor Nate Average to discuss the Toys, Dolls and Puppets phenomenon in movies.

America: Okay great, another lunatic.

*Warlock sits in the middle of the couch*

Warlock: Without wasting anymore time, let’s check out DEMONIC TOYS.

Written by Charles Band and David S Goyer

Directed by Peter Manoogian


Tracy Scoggins Judith Gray
Bentley Mitchum Bentley Mitchum Mark Wayne
Daniel Cerny Daniel Cerny The Kid
Michael Russo Michael Russo Lincoln
Barry Lynch Barry Lynch Hesse
Ellen Dunning Ellen Dunning Anne
Peter Schrum Peter Schrum Charnetski (as Pete Schrum)
Jeff Celentano Jeff Celentano Matt Cable (as Jeff Weston)
William Thorne William Thorne Fair-Haired Boy
Richard Speight Jr. Richard Speight Jr. Andy (as Richard Speight)
Larry Cedar Larry Cedar Peterson
Jim Mercer Jim Mercer Dr. Michaels
Pat Crawford Brown Pat Crawford Brown Mrs. Michaels
Christopher Robin Christopher Robin Skeleton Kid
Kristine Rose Kristine Rose Miss July
Robert Stoeckle Robert Stoeckle Man-Devil
Crystal Carlson Crystal Carlson Little Girl
Juney Ellis Juney Ellis Old Woman (as June C. Ellis)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Linda Cook Linda Cook Baby Oopsie Daisy (voice) (uncredited)

*Warlock reads the tag-line: “A policewoman, her quarry and an innocent delivery boy become trapped in a haunted toy warehouse”

America: So wait, this movie doesn’t have the midget in it?

Warlock: Sadly, no Phil Fondacaro this time.

America: This movie falls short.

*opening credits has creepy music*

Warlock: Reminds me of Puppet Master.

*featured songs by Joker*

Warlock: Jack Nicholsen or Cesar Romero?

America: So wait this is Demonic Toys right?

Warlock: Yeah?

America: All I see in the credits is a clown, where’s the plural to Toys?

Warlock: They’re hiding.

*Movie opens with 2 boys and a woman all in white in front of a bunch of clocks. The boys are playing War the card game*

America: War?


America: Absolutely nothing.

*Random shot of warehouse of boxes*

America: Oh boy, a warehouse of boxes. Its got nothing on the Indiana Jones warehouse.

*Officer Judith Gray wants to get married to her partner Matt*

Warlock: Sorry folks, should have told you about the subplot.

*Partner: Are you pregnant? Officer: I found out this morning. Matt: Yay! That’s great!*

America: I thought this was Demonic Toys, not Days of Our Lives.

*Another car pulls up to where Gray and Matt are staked out. Lincoln and Hesse exit*

America: Oh boy, you go from HOORAYYY BABY to super serious conspicuous car shows up, what a contrast!

*Hesse laughs at Gray and Matt*

America: Isn’t his cousin fighting off Bruce WIllis?

*Criminals pull guns out of trunk of their car, Lincoln describes the gun*

Warlock: Shop smart.

*Both Warlock and America: Shop S-Mart!

*Matt pulls a gun and says you’re under arrest. Hesse literally throws the gun at him instead of hitting him with the butt. Matt shoots him. Lincoln pulls a gun and shoots Matt dead*


America: What the hell was he thinking? “Let me nudge his leg, I’ll get a running start!” Moron!

*Gray chases after criminals, one is wounded, the other isn’t. Criminals make it into the warehouse. Hesse2: I’m hit!*

America: You really need to tell him that? After he saw you get shot and fall to the ground? Are you gonna tell him his shirt is blue next? Captain obvious!

*Lincoln kicks Hesse down the flight of stairs. Gray walks right by him*

Warlock: One got away up the stairs and now you’re gonna let the other get away? This cop sucks!

Warlock: This is almost a direct ripoff of Child’s Play

America: Eddie Caputo got away though.

*Chartnetski the security guy orders food. Bad attitude Wayne has to deliver it.*

Warlock: Oooooooh he’s the edgiest guy at the chicken palace.

*Hesse crawls around a bloody mess when a strange light appears*


Warlock: Wrong movie.

*Hesse sees the toys: Fuckin toys!*

Warlock: Damn them!

*Hesse’s blood awakens the demonic toys*

*Gray slowly makes her away up the stairs and around door corners*

Warlock: She’s taking so long the other guy should be long gone by now.

America: What’s worse, no call for backup, no call of officer down. She’s gonna go all General Custer style.

Warlock: Going in guns a blazing would at least be one way to do it, she’s not even doing that.

*Lincoln and Gray get into a fistfight, Gray wins and cuffs him. He taunts her*

*Back to Hesse. Jack in the Box pops out, bites his face.

America: Compared to this guy, the one in cuffs is getting off easy.

*Hesse falls to the ground, Grizzly Teddy bites his finger off*

America: Finger food!

*The Kid appears and tells Hesse its time to raise hell*

Warlock: What a pun.

America: I liked it!

*A loud bang has Lincoln, Charnetski and Gray spooked*

Warlock: Huh? What was that noise?

*Charnetski is watching Puppet Master on his tv*

Warlock: These Full Moon guys like to stick together.

*Gray tries to use a phone*

America: Hello? Operator!

*Lincoln: I know my rights lady!”

Warlock: She didn’t even read him his rights.

*Wayne shows up at Arcadia Toys*

Warlock: Now its a party.

*Chartnetski lets Wayne in. Gray opens an inch break with her gun screams at him to get his attention, Wayne drives in.*

America: Try smashing the window next time, not a mousehole.

*Lincoln: A lot of good that did lady!

Warlock: Even he agrees with you.

*Charnetski leans against the door*

America: What are you gonna do, hit on him?

*Charnetski pulls out Playboy and unveils the centerfold*

Warlock: Automatically not the worst movie of all time.

*Charnetski and Wayne share beer and chicken and compare jobs*

Warlock: If nothing else, good for character development.

*Wayne: Everything tastes like chicken. Chartnetski: Yeah, except this shit!”

America: Ugh.

*Gray fires a bunch of shots to get Charnetski’s attention*

Warlock: If I were Lincoln, I’d jump her now. Out of ammo for sure.

*Charnetski goes to investigate with Wayne*

Warlock: Acting security guard.

*Chartnetski opens the door, Gray introduces herself. Tells him to call for backup*

America IDIOT! Its 1992, why didn’t she have a radio and do it herself? Didn’t they have cell phones? They were the size of bricks then but still?

Warlock: Not on a cop’s salary.

*Charnetski investigates storage room, Grizzly Teddy appears with baseball bat*

America: Now batting for the Demonic Toys, Yogi Berra comes to the plate.

*Teddy nails Charnetski in the knee*

Warlock: Base hit to center.

*Baby Oopsie Daisy makes its appearance. Says it can walk, talk and shit its pants. Asks if Charnetski can shit his pants.”

America: Yes…

*Baby shoots Charnetski in the leg. Wayne freaks out. Teddy pops out and screams. Jack ties him up. Teddy bites, Baby stabs him in the nuts*

Warlock: What a way to go.

*Gray hears rustling in the shafts. Wayne asks what the fuck is going on. Anne pops out of the air conditioner shaft and says the toys are possessed.*

America: Who the hell are you???

*Gray grills Anne. Wayne freaks out, Gray slaps him. Meanwhile Baby drags Charnetski to where Hesse was earlier. Baby draws a pentagram around him.

Warlock: Demonic indeed.

*Gray: I don’t believe in evil spirits*

Warlock: Better start!

*Blocks move themselves to send a message that the toys want them dead. The Kid takes possession of Lincoln*

Warlock: Its about to get weird.


*The Kid wants their flesh to survive and especially Judith’s because he needs a host*

*Anne and Wayne crawl through the shafts. Anne: Are you chicken?”

America: Buckkkk buck buck buck!

*Lincoln picks lock with pocket knife he had in his pocket*

Warlock: Isn’t she supposed to be watching?

America: She sucks.

*The Kid has Gray hallucinating that she’s in the dollhouse. He takes several forms to taunt her. He says that he’s a demon.

Warlock: Pretty strong acid.

*The Kid says he wants a body to put his soul in. He says its taken him 66 years to bring the toys to life. Flashback to 1925, Halloween Night. Its revealed The Kid died in child birth of a satanic ritual. 3 trick or treaters bury the corpse in the building construction site where the toy factory stands now. Kid takes form of Matt to taunt Judith, reveals the baby needs to be born to give the demon life.*

Warlock: At least they’re explaining it.

*Oopsy Daisy and Mr Static corner Wayne and Anne. Baby stabs Wayne, Static shoots Anne in the arm. Wayne knocks Static over and follows Anne out of the shafts. Wayne uses the bug spray and lighter trick to use it as a flamethrower to stun Oopsy Daisy. Wayne gets the shotgun out of Charnetski’s station locker as Jack in the Box sinks its teeth into first Anne, then Wayne. Oopsy jumps out of the shaft*

America: Geronimo!

*Oopsy Daisy kills Anne with a knife as Wayne blows Jack’s head off with a shotgun. Daisy gets away*

Warlock: One down, 3 to go.

*Wayne checks Anne, she’s dead, he pukes*

Warlock: Heart of a lion that one.

*Kid appears in the TV at the station, Wayne breaks tv with shotgun butt. Wayne reloads shotgun*

Warlock: Its down to 3 on 3. Lincoln, Gray and Wayne against Oopsy Daisy, Mr. Static and Grizzly Teddy.

*Wayne is chased by demon girls on bicycles. Realizes they’re not real. Demon girl turns into Ms July from Playboy, totally nude.*

Warlock: This movie just got better.

*Lincoln sneaks up on Wayne, knocks him down and steals his gun. He explains how he got away and taunts him.  He goes to kill Lincoln but Gray out of nowhere puts a bullet in his head. Kid possesses Lincoln and taunts them. Wayne takes his head off with the butt of the shotgun*

Warlock: How did his head fall off that easily?

America: I give up.

*Gray reveals Kid needs Wayne for power and her to impregnate. Mark freaks out and shoots the wall in anger. Camera pans to ritual room where Teddy and Oopsy Daisy hold court with The Kid. A toy soldier pops out of a nearby box complete with gun.*

Warlock: Who was that?

*Daisy tells the toys to charge. Wayne blows it away then blows Mr. Static away. Wayne and Gray open fire on all the toys*

America: Where did they get the ammo from?

*Grizzly Teddy pops up and they shoot him dead*

Warlock: That takes care of the……

*Teddy turns into a huge monster, throws Wayne down and chases Gray*

Warlock: Nevermind….

*Judith traps herself in storage closet, goes to shoot herself when Toy Soldier appears and opens a door for Gray to escape*

Warlock: A face turn?

*Judith runs into the zombie corpse of Matt, he pulls his own eyes out. Wayne wakes up and goes to reload. Meanwhile zombie Matt drags Gray into the pentagram. Matt ties up Gray as she screams nooooo*

Warlock: No means no, bitch!

*Zombie Matt turns into The Kid as Wayne makes it to his car*

Warlock: Go! Forget about her!

*Wayne runs back and tries to stop The Kid, Kid sicks Teddy on him*

America: They’re gonna go play for a while.

*Kid turns into his real form of a man with horns. He goes to rape her. Says he’s going to eat the soul of her unborn baby and be born that night.*

Warlock: Bond villain right?

America: Yup, always tell the plot!

*Kid says he’s waited 66 years for this. Wayne tries to start the car but it won’t turn*

Warlock: How come they can never get the car going?

*Kid says she won’t survive the child birth. Goes to rape her but Toy Soldier appears and shoots him*

America: Are they going to explain that?

*Wayne runs over and kills  Teddy with his car. Soldier unties Judith and turns into the blonde boy from Judith’s dream. Kid transfers back into the child form. The two boys fight after Judith realizes what’s going on*

Warlock: Here’s your explanation.

*Judith stabs and kills the demon child while Wayne blows his car and Teddy’s body up. Soldier reveals he’s the unborn son and wanted to save the day.*

Warlock: Nice sob story.

*Soldier turns back into the actual wooden toy soldier. Mark Wayne walks back in: It’s over isn’t it?”

America: Until next movie

*End credits*

Warlock’s assessment: I thought it was good, 6 out of 10

America: Too generous…. I give it a 3.5

Final assessment: 5 out of 10….average.

*Warlock rises from the couch*

Warlock: Now to discuss the haunted toy phenomenon, joining us live via satellite is world renowned toymaker Professor Nate Avarage. Nate can you hear me?

*The dvd menu of Demonic Toys fades and a live feed of Professor Avarage in front of a conveyor belt of action figures appears on screen*

Nate: Yes, Warlock, thanks for having me.

Warlock: What can you tell us about the phenomenon of possessed or haunted toys in the move business.

Nate: To scare the pants off children, my man. Children see toys as a sanctuary but a horror movie such as Child’s Play or Demonic Toys proves that even toys can be evil.

America: You didn’t have to scare the pants off me when I was a kid, I never wore any.

*Nate facepalms and Warlock rolls his eyes*

Warlock: Moving on, the genre was launched in the late 80’s and early 90’s, why do you think sequels and spinoffs are still being created 25 years later?

Nate: As you can see behind me, you can see the next series of Starting Lineup. As you know, Starting Lineup has been around since the late 80’s and as long as professional sports are in demand, so will the toy line. As long as there are toys, there will be horror movies about toys.

*Camera shows fluffy bunny rabbit toys, beanie babies and the snowman from Frozen going down the conveyor*

America: So what sport does the bunny rabbit play?


*Loud buzzers go off as Nate and other workers scuttle around replacing the toys on the conveyor*

America: I don’t know about you but I think Bones the beanie baby would make a heck of a second basemen.

Warlock: To be…a winner…..anyway thanks for your time Nate.

*Nate has Todd by the collar pointing at the conveyor and shouting as the feed ends*

Warlock: Well that was interesting. Anyway that about wraps up Demonic Toys. Have a pleasant evening.

15. Meridian (1990)

*The Warlock opens the door to his lair, he’s wearing a black leather jacket, white t-shirt, black gargoyle shades, blue jeans and white sneakers. He’s holding a mug of Barq’s root beer*

The Warlock: Welcome to my l…….

*All of a sudden a heavyset man in a white, doubleknit suit, blue sandals, a pink tie, glasses and a Canadian Mountie hat runs by. Warlock looks at him puzzled as he runs to the end of the hall then sprints back the other way*

The Warlock:….lair. Welcome I don’t think so, but enter. Enter my la…..

*All of a sudden the man stops in front of Warlock*

Man: You gotta help me, the cops are after me!

Warlock: Um, we’re filming here and I don’t think harboring criminals is a….

Man: I’ll pay you 50 dollars if you’ll let me in.

*He pulls a 50 dollar bill from his wallet*

Warlock: ….a bad thing at all. Come on in. *Warlock takes the 50*

*Warlock enters the lair with the man, Mr. America stands up. He’s wearing his white camo fatigues, vest and hat along with black combat boots, aviator shades and dog tags*

Mr. America: Who the hell is this?

The Warlock: Um….

Man: Jedley….Jay Z Jedley.

Mr. America: What the hell is he doing here?

Man: The cops on my tail, I need a place to crash.

Mr. America: Why the hell did you let him in?

Warlock: He paid us 50 bucks.

Mr. America: Oh ok…come and sit.

*Jedley sits on the left side of the couch, America in the recliner*

Warlock: Tonight’s tale is MERIDIAN, a 1990 horror about a haunted Italian castle with werewolves.

Jedley: Mangia, mangia!

*Warlock shoots a glare and America facepalms*

Warlock: You will NOT talk during the movie!

*Jedley stops talking*

Warlock: So without further adieu, its time for Meridian.

Written by Charles Band and Dennis Paoli

Directed by Charles Band


Sherilyn Fenn Catherine
Malcolm Jamieson Malcolm Jamieson Lawrence / Oliver
Charlie Spradling Charlie Spradling Gina (as Charlie)
Hilary Mason Hilary Mason Martha
Phil Fondacaro Phil Fondacaro Dwarf
Vernon Dobtcheff Vernon Dobtcheff Priest
Alex Daniels Alex Daniels Beast
Vito Passeri Vito Passeri Adriano
Angelo de Bianchi Angelo de Bianchi Lunatic Man
Mohamed Badrsalem Mohamed Badrsalem Strong Man (as Salem Badr)
Walter Colombaioni Walter Colombaioni Fire Eater
Nashira Nashira Belly Dancer
Gianluca Tramboni Gianluca Tramboni Boy
Fernando Cerulli Fernando Cerulli Master
Isabella Celani Isabella Celani Ghost
Fabrizio Fontana Fabrizio Fontana Workman
Gianni Bisbini Gianni Bisbini Juggler
Fabrizio Mele Fabrizio Mele Monk
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Michael Todd Michael Todd Man in the Crowd (uncredited)

*Warlock reads the tag-line*

Warlock: “When a young woman visits her recently inherited Italian castle, she discovers that she has also inherited a medieval curse that threatens her life.”

America: That’s just too stupid for words.

*Opening credits*

America: I don’t know any of these people apart from the midget

Warlock: That’s not a good thing.

America: Kind of sad the gargoyles on the castle are more impressive than the cast.

*Midget, guy juggling torches a woman and a druid walk out of a hellmouth*

Warlock: Is the circus in town?

America: This movie wasted no time getting weird.

*Guy with bald head and hair on the side examines picture*

Warlock: Hey look its Larry Fine!

*Catherine introduces Gina to Martha*

Warlock: Hey that’s Curley’s Wife in Of Mice and Men!

America: Oh I’m just brimming with excitement.

*Catherine smiles*

Warlock: That mole on her eye won best supporting actor.

*Gina looks outside. Gina: Its one of those sideshows*

America: That’s no ice cream truck.

*Catherine and Gina walks around the castle*

America: Its leisurely stroll time.

*Magician: Ladies and Gentleman!”

*Warlock and America look around confused*

*Magician: We come from the exotic corners of the earth*

America: No you didn’t, you came out of the mouth of the stone faced sculpture.

*Executioner shoots arrow through tambourine*

Warlock: William Shatner is in mourning.

*Snake charmer on stage: HA!

Warlock: HIYAH!

America: Since when do snake charmers kill the snakes?

*Magician throws knives at Gina in front of the crowd*

Warlock: Watch, he misses and its a lawsuit on his hands.

*Magician gives monologue and then does nothing*

America: That’s it? “We tease death muahahah” I don’t think she’s in much peril.

*Catherine has an elaborate feast with friends and family*

America: The table looks like King Richard’s Fair.

*Magician: Distinguished guests!*

America: Distinguished guests?? YOU’RE the guest!

*Strongman and snake charmer clang their mugs together in a toast*

Warlock: More ale wench!

*Dwarf gets on table and pours wine for people*

Warlock: Is he gonna dance on the table next?

America: No he’s going to poison the two girls.

*Magician makes goblet disappear*

America: Nice going asshole, you ruined the kitchen set. What’s the idea?

*Gina starts feeling woozy*

Warlock: Good call on the poison.

*Magician rips Gina’s top off, exposing her breasts*

Warlock: Well this just got better. This is automatically not the worst movie of all time.

*Magician carries Catherine into the next room, strips her naked*

Warlock: So he whips Gina’s tits out then goes after Catherine?

America: My hero.

*Magician kisses Catherine’s neck*

Warlock: Is he kissing or is he a vampire?

America: We’ll find out.

*Magician starts stripping*

America: I’m still waiting for the curse because all I’ve seen is date rape.

Warlock: Well you can’t rape the willing.

America: What???

Warlock: Well, she’s not exactly resisting and she’s kissing back.

America: Last time I checked, a date rape drug inhibits your ability to resist and be aware

Warlock: Ohhhhh, a date rape DRUG, I forgot about that.

America: What the fuck did you think I was talking about?

*Magician stops stripping and walks out of room. Tells executioner outside that she’s all yours*

America: That’s the worst case of self inflicting blue balls I’ve ever seen.

Warlock: Maybe he’s gay.

America: That would explain it then.

*Executioner unmasks to be Magician’s twin brother*

Warlock: A double role?

America: Not exactly phantom of the opera.

*Magician walks back in the room. Starts making out with her*

Warlock: Wait, is that the brother or him?

America: I’m confused.

*Executioner starts stripping Gina completely*

Warlock: Ohhhhh, I get it now. The twins are getting their mack on.

America: You know what this means? It means their disappearing box trick the lamest trick in the world. There’s no optical illusion to it. The first guy is “oh I’ll just hide in this box for an hour until the show closes until after you pop out of the other one, they won’t know a thing!”

*Magician with Catherine, Executioner with Gina*

Warlock: Well this makes a great orgy but what about the rest of the freaks?

America: If this is an orgy, does that mean the rest of the freaks are running a train on the old nanny?


America: Yeah, this is no orgy.

*Magician is having sex with Catherine, Executioner with Gina*

Warlock: So this was just an elaborate scheme to get the twins laid.

*Magician turns into a werewolf, continues sex*

Warlock: Awooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

America: Yup, right movie this time.

*Martha to Catherine: Your friends were…interesting*

Warlock: Ha! She WAS in the orgy.

*Catherine: I think something terrible may have happened.”

America: Did it have something to do with silver?

Warlock: I just realized the last 3 movies we’ve seen had Phil Fondacaro in it?

America: Oh yeah.

*Catherine: What happened last night? Gina: I don’t know. I think we were drugged*

Warlock: No shit.

America: Reeeeeally???

*Gina: We should go to the police*

Warlock: On what grounds?

America: On THESE grounds.

*Catherine: I’ll see you soon*

America: Sooner than you think.

*Catherine fixes a sculpture*

Warlock: Is that Abraham Lincoln with leaves on his head?

America: Why the hell would that be Abraham Lincoln?

Warlock: Its just missing a beard.

America: You peon.

*Catherine walks down a long hallway*

America: Oh boy, long hallway. Now we know its a horror movie. Oh look, eerie staircases!

*Catherine walks to a bed with a dead girl on it*

Warlock: Who the hell is that?

*Catherine grabs Martha and brings her to the room with the dead girl on the bed. There’s no one there*

Warlock: Saw that coming.

*Catherine: I don’t know what’s wrong with me.*

Warlock: My first thought would be….a lot.

*Catherine runs into Magician/Lawrence*

America: You again!

*Lawrence: When we made love, what we felt, it was real. Catherine: Leave me alone*

Warlock: Shut down

*America makes plane crashing sounds*

*Gina starts coloring a painting*

America: Now watch this reveal something about the freaks they just ran into

Warlock: Oh of course.

*Gina discovers the castle hidden underneath the tree in the painting*

Warlock: Good call.

*Lawrence: I love you too much to have her kill you. Oliver: You mean hate me too much. Lawrence: That too.

Warlock: Cain and Abel?

America: Romulus and Remus?

Warlock: Kenan and Kel?

America: …..no.

*Dead blonde girl from earlier walks upstairs. Catherine: What’s wrong?*

America: You just found her dead earlier. Obviously a lot is wrong. Although whatever doctor she has is a freakin miracle worker.

*Wall separates to create an opening with a fiery red light. The werewolf carries the blonde girl out and lays her on the bed. Werewolf turns and looks at Catherine*

America: Hiiiiii!

*Martha revives Catherine with guy next to her*

Warlock: Who the hell is this guy?

America: The janitor

*Martha: The girl in white was your father’s sister*

Warlock: Auntie?

America: Oh boy, plot reveal. Time to explain EVERYTHING!

*Martha reveals the blonde girl’s name was Audrey*

Warlock: So Lawrence bagged the aunt and the niece?

America: Or Oliver.

*Martha reveals a group of traveling magician and friends, the magician wanted Audrey and got her. Eventually she was killed by a creature. The father of Catherine would see the ghost of Audrey in the castle after that. Catherine: The magician still exists*

America: Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn!!

*Catherine: So I’m supposed to accept that as a rational explanation. Martha: You must decide for yourself if you accept that or not.*

America: If you accepted that as rational, you’d only be the second person in movie history.

Warlock: The first being the cops from The Ice Cream Man right?

America: Yes!

*Gina reveals the werewolf in the painting*

America: You know for the amount of time its taking her to figure out the painting is her sister’s castle, Jeapordy music would be appropriate. *starts singing the theme*

Warlock: There’s no need to sing.

America: Do do do do DO, do-dod-

Warlock: Will you shut up!!

*Catherine finishes the sculpture, its Lawrence*

Warlock: So much for Lincoln.

America: Ugh….idiot.

*Oliver says no one will hear Catherine and he goes to rape her*

Warlock: Oh boy, old fashioned rape

*Werewolf pounces on Oliver and stops him*

Warlock: Wait, I thought Oliver was the werewolf!

America: I’ve given up following this.

Warlock: There’s still a half hour left.

America: This is gonna be a long ass fight.

*Werewolf lets Oliver go, Catherine wakes up. Werewolf motions that he’s not going to hurt her.

America: Use your words.

*Wereworlf disappears through the red doorway as before*

America: So are we supposed to assume the other brother went out the same way.

Warlock: No he jumped out the window.

America: Oh ok.

*Gina discovers the painting is of Catherine*

Warlock: Its about time.

*Werewolf and Catherine start making out*

Warlock: Would this be considered bestiality?

America: Probably.

*Wereworlf howls after having sex*

Warlock: That’s quite the money shot.

*Martha taps Catherine, its all a dream*

Warlock: Whatever drugs she’s on, I want no part of.

*Oliver stabs himself with an arrow, Lawrence mocks him*

Warlock: Ok, so Oliver is the werewolf and Lawrence is the evil brother.

*Lawrence: Only someone that loves you can kill you and obviously you don’t love yourself. Oliver: You do it. Lawrence: I detest you. Oliver: YOU’RE the beast Lawrence.*

Warlock: That would have been good dialogue if it was for a different movie.

*Audrey appears behind Catherine*

Warlock: Auntie!

*Catherine: I need your help!*

America: That’s an understatement.

*Red doorway opens, Oliver walks out. Oliver: I swear I did not kill that child (Audrey). Catherine: Then who did?*

Warlock: Good ol Larry!

*Oliver reveals he killed Audrey and the father cursed him. He’s come back for Catherine to kill him. She refuses to do so*

Warlock: Do it! Do it! Do it!

*Oliver turns into werewolf*

Warlock: I thought he needed a full moon to do that.

America: Apparently not.

Warlock: Oh wait, this is a Full Moon production, he can do it at will.

America: Ughhhhh

*Werewolf simply walks back through red doorway*

America: Not a very convincing argument.

Warlock: There’s still 20 minutes to go.

America: Yeah, and we have a body count of ZERO!

*Priest reveals Martha has been dead the last 6 months*

Warlock: That can’t be right. There was another dude with her when she woke up.

*Catherine is packing and Martha walks in. Martha gets Catherine to reveal she loves Oliver. Catherine says she can’t understand how he can be so evil all the time. Martha tells her that it can’t be him that’s evil.*

America: So now let’s put two and two together.

*Martha disappears in the doorway*

Warlock: They still haven’t explained who that guy was if she is, in fact, a ghost.

America: You’re still trying to make sense of this? I gave up a half hour ago.

*Catherine puts old dress on and walks through red doorway*

Warlock: Finally, this is about to end. Here we go.

America: Yayyyyyyyy…..

*Oliver reveals Lawrence is his brother. He reveals Lawrence killed Audrey because he didn’t want Audrey to kill Oliver and break the curse*

Warlock: How are they immortal?

America: I’m pretty sure its the curse.

Warlock: Does that include the traveling circus guys too?

America: Who cares?

Warlock: Lunkhead!

*Oliver gives sob story to synthesizer music*

America: Oh get over it!

*Catherine to Oliver: I do love you*

Warlock: Kill him!

America: Awwww isn’t that sweet…..now kill him.

*Catherine figures out its Lawrence and not Oliver. He smiles evily and drags her away*

Warlock: Should have known.

*Lawrence holds Catherine at knife point. Oliver as the werewolf appears and howls*

Warlock: Worst stealth ever.

America: Nooo. Laser Mission was the worst.

*Oliver holds up crossbow and aims it at Lawrence as Gina appears and hides behind a tree*

Warlock: Its a Mexican standoff!

*Dwarf appears and whips the crossbow from Oliver;s hands*

Warlock: Where did HE come from?

America: He overlooked him.

*Gina picks up crossbow, hands it to Oliver. He shoots Lawrence……in the arm.*

Warlock: Now we question him.

*Oliver and Catherine walk toward each other. Oliver growls and shoots Lawrence with the crossbow who had snuck up from behind*

Warlock: Where’d he get a second arrow?

America: Its an automatic.

*Lawrence dies and disappears*

America and Warlock: Ehhhhhhhhh *pretends to be dead*

*Oliver: The curse is broken, he was a beast*

Warlock: What a twist.

*Circus goes back through the hellmouth, Oliver takes Catherine with him*

Warlock: What about Gina?

America: She just vanished into thin air.

*End credits*

Warlock: This movie has more holes than swiss cheese.

America: We had a total body count of one.

Mr. America’s assessment: 2 out of 10 for the two brothers…had a howling time.

The Warlock: Well the acting was good, the tits were great…I give it a 4

Final Grade: 3 out of 10 …..Abysmal

*The Warlock rises from the couch*

The Warlock: Well that was…..awful. The acting wasn’t bad, the story was too stupid. All in all it was…..

*There’s a knock on the door*

Jedley: Oh no, its the cops!

America: Don’t worry, we got your back.

Warlock: Just shut up and we’ll handle it.

*Warlock and America open the door. Officer Osgood answers in full standard uniform*

Warlock: How can we help you officer?

Osgood: We’re looking for a cat burglar that’s been making his rounds in the area.

Warlock: I think everyone’s cat around here is accounted for.

Osgood: That’s not what I me….

*America cuts him off*

America: Well there’s no burglars around here.

Warlock: Yeah we haven’t seen anyone around here.

Osgood: Well….ok….just in case you do, his name is Jedley, and the reward is 5,000 dollars.

*America and Warlock look at each other for a second, turn around and point*


*The cops run in the room, Jedley notices*

Jedley: Oh you guys suck!

*Jedley dives out the open window, the cop gets stuck in the window going after him*

Jedley: Uh…guys…little help?

*America facepalms, Warlock shakes his head and turns to the camera*

Warlock: Have a pleasant evening.

14. Evil Bong (2006)

*The Warlock opens the door to his lair. He’s wearing a black tuxedo, white dress shirt, red tie, black dress shoes, black gargoyle shades. He’s holding a glass bottle of pepsi.*

The Warlock: Welcome to my lair….welcome I don’t think so, but enter. Enter my lair if you dare. I’m your host The Warlock.

*Warlock turns his head and the ground starts to shake until he turns his head back up. He enters the lair*

The Warlock: Don’t mind our attire, we just came from a wedding. With us as always is Mr. America. Mr. Wallstreet couldn’t be here today, Dow Jones was too hopping for him to miss.

*Mr. America is in the recliner wearing a gray Joseph A Bank suit with a pink dress shirt, gray tie, black dress shoes and aviator shades*

Mr. America: So we’re down one of the troops, lovely. We’re taking a hit on this one.

The Warlock: Oh don’t worry, he’ll be sky high when he comes back. Tonight’s terror tale is Evil Bong….yes…evil….bong. Words cannot describe how stupid this sounds, but with any movie, you can’t judge it just by its cover.

Mr. America: That’s some pretty strong shit.

The Warlock: So let’s not waste anymore time, its time for Evil Bong.

Written by Charles Band & Dominic Muir

Directed by Charles Band


David Weidoff Alistair
John Patrick Jordan John Patrick Jordan Larnell
Mitch Eakins Mitch Eakins Bachman
Brian Lloyd Brian Lloyd Brett
Robin Sydney Robin Sydney Luann
Kristyn Green Kristyn Green Janet
Tommy Chong Tommy Chong Jimbo Leary
Michelle Mais Michelle Mais Evil Bong / Eebee (voice) (as Michele Mais)
Jacob Witkin Jacob Witkin Cyril
Kristen Caldwell Kristen Caldwell Goth Dancer
Phil Fondacaro Phil Fondacaro Club Patron
Tim Thomerson Tim Thomerson Jack Deth
Bill Moseley Bill Moseley Bong World Patron
Brandi Cunningham Brandi Cunningham Bong World Dancer
Dana Danes Dana Danes Bong World Dancer
Gina-Raye Carter Gina-Raye Carter Bong World Dancer
Sonny Carl Davis Sonny Carl Davis Delivery Guy
Sylvester 'Bear' Terkay Sylvester ‘Bear’ Terkay Bouncer
Dale Dymkoski Dale Dymkoski Male Dancer
Mae LaBorde Mae LaBorde Rosemary
John Carl Buechler John Carl Buechler Gingerdead Man Puppeteer / Voice (voice)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Gregory Paul Smith Gregory Paul Smith Bongworld Strip Club Patron

*The Warlock sits on the right side of the couch and reads the tagline: “Straight-laced nerd Alistair moves into a college dorm with hardcore marijuana users Brett, Larnell, and Bachman. Larnell orders an old giant bong that proves to have strange magical powers.”

Mr. America: I wonder if our scoring by the ending of this film will set a new high.

*Opening song plays*

The Warlock: I can write a better song than this.

*Credits: Special appearance by Tommy Chong*

The Warlock: You KNEW he had to be in this.

*Credits: Edited by Danny Draven*

Mr. America: Him again? We may be in trouble.

*Allstair knocks on the door and says Hellooooooooo*


*Larnell throws magazine at Bachman to wake him up*

The Warlock: Should have used one of grenades

*Brett comes out of the bathroom and shakes Allstair’s hand*

Mr.America: I seriously doubt he washed.

The Warlock: So Brett’s a jock, Larnell and Bachman are beach bums and Allstair’s a nerd. If this wasn’t a horror movie it would make for an interesting 80’s sitcom.

Mr. America: Highly unlikely.

*Brett picks up a seashell off his trophy case and stares at it*

Mr. America: To be, or not to be.

*Larnell offers Allstair a joint, he turns it down. Larnell: Seriously?”

The Warlock: That’s low.

*Bachman: Large bong for sale. Recently deceased owner claims its possessed.*

The Warlock: How to ruin a movie!

Mr. America: “Yeahhh, that bong’s a scam mannnnn. Don’t get it…. THE END.

*Bachman: If there’s one thing this pad needs is a killer fuckin bong!*

Mr. America: He got the killer part right.

*Larnell is playing Super Mario World on Super Nintendo with the wrong sound effects*

The Warlock: What, didn’t want to pay royalties to Nintendo? Cheap bastards.

*Mailman delivers package. Larnell: What’s in it? Mailman: I don’t look in the boxes!”

Mr. America: What an idiot.

*Brett gives Larnell’s sob story*

Mr. America: Hand me a handkerchief

*Larnell looks at the bong. Brett: This is a piece of crap”

The Warlock: Hahahahaha

*Random music plays as the boys take hits from the Evil Bong*

Mr. America: Where did the music come from?

*Bachman falls over after taking a hit*

The Warlock: He took knock yourself out too seriously.

*Larnell puts the bong on Brett’s trophy case*

Mr America: The first of many judgments I’ve questioned.

*Allstair is sleeping*

The Warlock: Meanwhile Allstair Cookie over here.

*The bong comes alive*

Mr. America: The bong is up to no good.

*Everyone is asleep*

Mr America: We got quite the collection of passed out idiots. We got one is out cold with porno mags, the other is passed out with his hand down his pants, the third is too busy bookworming and surprise surprise, the last one simply got too high.

*graphic 24 hours later*

Mr. America: Munchies pending.

*Brett: And that…is Al washing his skivvies in the sink*

The Warlock: Washing machines didn’t exist in 2006?

*Allstair says high to Lueanne and Janet*

Mr. America: Let’s get high high high

*An actual funny scene plays out where Allstair has soap and water on his pants*

The Warlock: Automatically this is not the worst movie of all time

*Luanne walks away, Bong calls her a bitch*

The Warlock: So that makes the bong the smartest character in the movie outside of Allstair. You got Allstair, the bong then pick your poison.

Mr. America: So the evil bong is calling people out on the way they are behaving? Yeah, go evil bong on her!

The Warlock: Patience! She’ll get hers.

Mr. America: I’m highly anticipating that.

*Evil bong sucks the soul out of Bachman into Bong World. The first scene of Bong World is a strip club. Mr. America and Warlock throw their phones and remote behind their heads*

The Warlock: This just got better.

Mr. America: Yup.

*Marvin from Decadent Evil shows up followed by Ivan*

The Warlock: Holy shit, Bong World is the strip club from Decadent Evil

Mr. America: Watch out for vampires.

*Bachman tries to sweet talk the stripper*

Mr America: Here’s a tip, when you have to translate your own jibber jabber, IT DOESN’T WORK!

*Mr. America notices the stripper is topless on the pole but when she goes to lapdance Bachman, she has a skull bra on.*

Mr. America: World’s worst strip club business model. Who puts clothes ON during the course of the night? Ughhhhhh

The Warlock: I want my 10 dollars back.

Mr, America: Ten! I only paid 5!

The Warlock: Lucky you.

*Stripper: Wanna see more?*

Mr. America: See more? You’re gonna see less!

*Marvin jacks it to Bachman getting bit by the bra vampire. Ivan: Nasty!*

The Warlock: Dammit Marvin.

*Allstair and Brett kick Bachman, he doesn’t respond. They discover he’s dead*

The Warlock: The plot thickens!!!

*Allstair goes to call the cops, Brett stops him. Brett: Look around bro!*

The Warlock: Brett’s the only one thinking.

*There’s a knock on the door. Allstair: There’s someone at the door.”

The Warlock: No shit.

*Allstair: Have you two gone completely insane?*

Mr. America: No but close!

*Grandpa overhypes his new wife*

Mr. America: I got a bad feeling about this.

*Grandpa calls Larnell every name in the book*

The Warlock: You know he kind of looks like Jon Papelbon.

Mr. America: Hardly….

*Grandpa introduces Rosemary, who’s a 90 year old lady. Larnell’s face turns sour real quick*

Mr. America: Told you I had a bad feeling about this.

The Warlock: Larnell’s face says it all.

*Grandpa: You wouldn’t believe what a vixen she is in the sack*

The Warlock: I’m gonna throw up.

*Brett gives Allstair a pep talk*

The Warlock: Rallying the troops.

*Brett goes into a love story. Warlock and America pretend to fall asleep*

*Larnell is baked in a chair*

The Warlock: Those are the worst looking pajamas.

Mr. America: I doubt he’ll need them much longer.

*Eebee: Come on baby…take me…take me*

Warlock: Jeeeeeeesus

*Eebee takes Larnell into Bong World*

The Warlock: Back to Bong World.

*Sylvester Terkay is Evil Bong’s bouncer/bodyguard*

The Warlock: He goes from the NCAA Wrestling National Championship to ECW…..to bouncing in Bong World.

Mr America: I got nothing.

*Larnell requests rock music at the strip club*

Mr. America: Thank you.

*Gingerdead Man shows up and says he’d like to bite off the pastry of the stripper. Larnell: That’s what I’m talking about*

The Warlock: Is everyone from Full Moon in on this?

Mr. America: Where did he come from? I didn’t hear a timer go off.

*Sylvester Terkay throws Grandpa out of Bong World*

The Warlock: That’s the highlight of the movie.

*Shark bra eats Larnell’s arm*

The Warlock: Death by Jaws

*Luann: Where’s Bachman? Allstair: He’s dead tired*

Mr. America: Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh

*Allstair hits on Janet badly*

Mr. America: We have better game than this.

*Luann takes a hit from Eebie*

Warlock: She was just badmouthing the thing earlier in the movie!

*Luann puts the pogo stick aside and starts stripping*

Mr. America: Where’d she get the pogo stick?

Warlock: Hold on, this just got better.

*Luann starts spazzing out*

The Warlock: What the hell was that?

America: I don’t know.

*Luann starts getting off by bouncing on the pogo stick*

The Warlock: I bet you the cast had to do about 8 takes because they were laughing their asses off.

*Janet starts stripping Allstair. Allstair: So what do you do Janet?”

Warlock: You…

The Warlock: There’s still a half hour left.

Mr. America: The two chicks and Brett took hits, that means we got a kill to death ratio of one every 10 minutes.

*Allstair notices Larnell is dead. Allstair: I believe we’re dealing with a world beyond the realm of physical*

Mr. America: Oh god

*Luann and Brett get sucked into Bong World*

Mr. America: This should be interesting.

*Jack from the Demonic Toys pops up and scares Luann before Terkay comes and takes her away*

The Warlock: Yup, EVERYONE’S in on this.

*Jack Deth from Trancers shows up and says his hair is perfect*

Warlock: Guess he’s in a trance huh?

America: I’ll have you taken out of here.

*Carla from Brett’s past confronts him*

The Warlock: I bet you 5 dollars she’s gonna bite his dick off.

Mr. America: Unlike Final Examination, she really IS a biter.

*Carla’s bra bites Brett’s dick off*

Warlock: I told you.

America: That was the most painful death yet.

*Eebie comes alive, Tommy Chong walks in the door*

Warlock: About damn time!

America: Yes, time to explain EVERYTHING!

*Chong/Jimbo: Its the bong man, its evil. My wife man, she sold all my shit. The guy who sold it to me said it had some voodoo curse on it. It killed all my friends*

*Allstair prepares to go in to Bong World to save Janet, Jimbo helps him to get high*

Warlock: He needs Cheech for assistance.

*Eebie cons Jimbo into taking a hit. He goes to, stops and grabs a hammer. Jimbo: I’ve come to take you out bitch!*

The Warlock: I’m high on life because of this movie.

*Jimbo whacks Eebie with a hammer but there’s a force field. He goes to chop it up with a chainsaw but the force field stays*

*Janet is with a male stripper*

Warlock: Equality for all.

*Allstair stands up to male stripper by taking his army helmet off and dropping it on the ground*

Warlock: Yeah he sure showed him.

Mr America: What a show of force!

*Jimbo pulls out a bomb, Eebie blows powerful bud that knocks Jimbo down*

Warlock: It was great while it lasted.

*Allstair bumps into Bill Moseley. He wonders where the exit is*

Warlock: Yeah, take a left at the Devil’s Rejects and a right at the House of a thousand corpses

*Allstair goes on an epic speech*

Warlock: Forget it, he’s rolling.

America: What a campaign speech.

*Jimbo suicide bombs Bong World as Allstair and Janet escape*

Warlock: Yay a happy ending….but what about the others?

*Brett, Luann, Larnell and Bachman are back, but not Jimbo. Allstair: Truly a heroes demise*

Warlock: Hahahahaha

*Jimbo is now in charge of Bong World and he wants the strippers to play with the hot wheel toy cars*

Warlock: Only he could pull that off.

*As the credits roll, a preview for Evil Bong 2 plays*

Warlock: That was retarded

America: Ughhhh, looks stupid.

Warlock: We’re totally watching that.

America: Oh totally.

The Warlock’s Assessment: I give it a 5.5 out of 10, pretty dumb but it had its moments. It was more fun than stupid.

Mr. America’s Assessment: I give it a 3. That was stupid.

*The Warlock rises from the couch*

The Warlock: Well that was fun….yeah, that’s the best way to describe the movie. Fun! It doesn’t take itself seriously which is why its worth watching.

Mr America: Dude…..that movie was like….philosophical bro…..

The Warlock: Really?

Mr. America: NO! You idiot….it was stupid.

The Warlock: Well that about wraps up Evil Bong. Guess I need to go sequel hunting. Have a pleasant evening.

13. Decadent Evil (2005)

*The Warlock opens the door to his lair. He’s wearing a plain black t-shirt, gray khaki shorts, black gargoyle shades and holding a water bottle*

The Warlock: Welcome to my lair….welcome I don’t think so, but enter. Enter my lair if you dare. I’m your roasting host The Warlock. *He goes to shoot fire from his wrist but then stops himself.* Nah, too hot for that shit. Anyway, in case you haven’t noticed its 90 degrees out and the air conditioner is broken.

*Warlock enters his lair*

The Warlock: With me in this extreme heat is Mr. America.

*Mr America is sitting in the recliner, his vest and hat are off and he only has on white camo shorts with no sunglasses. He’s fanning himself with a rolled up Wallstreet Journal and drinking out of a World War 1 canteen*

Mr. America: You can shoot fire but can you shoot ice for once?

The Warlock: Do I look like Sub-Zero? Anyway, tonight’s tale is DECADENT EVIL…a tale of a vampire that feasts on strippers.

Mr. America: Well at least there will be strippers.

The Warlock: So without further delay, its time for DECADENT EVIL.

Written by Charles Band & Dominic Muir

Directed by Charles Band


Phil Fondacaro Ivan
Debra Mayer Debra Mayer Morella
Daniel Lennox Daniel Lennox Dex
Raelyn Hennessee Raelyn Hennessee Spyce
Jill Michelle Jill Michelle Sugar
Roger Toussaint Roger Toussaint Bruce
April Gilbert April Gilbert Tami
John F. Schaeffer John F. Schaeffer Lester
Harmony Rose Harmony Rose Jazzmin
Jessie K. Walters Jessie K. Walters Stripper
Pat Siciliano Pat Siciliano Club Patron
Andrew Steiner Andrew Steiner Club Patron
Brian Muir Brian Muir Club Patron
C. Courtney Joyner C. Courtney Joyner Club Patron (as Courtney Joyner)
Victoria Lane Victoria Lane Club Patron
Kahlil Johnson Kahlil Johnson Club Patron
Ronnie Dees Ronnie Dees Club Patron
James Antes James Antes Club Patron
Carols Pinzon Carols Pinzon Club Patron

*Warlock reads the tagline*

The Warlock: “A vampire named Morella feasts upon the blood of strip club clientele while housing her ex-lover Marvin, part human, part reptile in a bird cage”

Mr. America: Ohhhhh…kay?

*Warlock reads the time of movie*

The Warlock: This is only 67 minutes long.

Mr. America: So much for character development.

*Movie opens with a shot of the cage*

The Warlock: There’s the cage.

America: Wasting no time are they?

Warlock: They only have 67 minutes.

*Marvin is shown in his cage*

The Warlock: He looks like a diseased muppet.

Mr. America: He looks like a sunburned troll.

*Montage of Monsieur Ash is shown*

Mr. America: He challenges you to a duel.

*Ivan tells the tale of Ash and Morella*

Mr, America: So let me get this straight, a family of vampires….nevermind I’m lost.

The Warlock: Think of it as the mafia, Morella wanted to form her own family in the states.

*3rd grade CGI credits roll*

Mr. America: Your credits don’t impress me.

*Edited by Danny Draven*

Mr. America: You did a terrible job!

*Free parking in rear*

The Warlock: Her rear?

America: The first of many innuendos.

*Stripper gets naked*

Warlock: Automatically this is not the worst movie of all time

America: Good to know

*Emcee: Gentleman take your hands out of your pants and put them together*

Warlock: I don’t want to.

*Emcee: Remember the more green you see, the more pink you see.”

Warlock: Good deal.

America: You know what audience his comedy is perfect for?

Warlock: What?

America: Crickets.

*Guy goes to touch stripper but she blocks his hands*

Warlock: Denied!

*Spyce gives Tami a lap dance, Tami is grossed out*

Warlock: Neyzor Blades would be like that.

America: The stripper?

Warlock: Noooo! Idiot….

*Motage of stripping, lapdances and electro music goes on for minutes*

Warlock: I fail to see how this is a bad movie.

*Camera pans to Tami, Bruce and Spyce entering a mansion*

Mr. America: That’s the second time now they’ve done a really bad job disguising a miniature set as an authentic wide shot.

*Tami looks at the gothic setting. “This is creepy”

Warlock: She’s the only smart one.

*Bruce: Get undressed for me and I’ll never ever ever ever ask you for anything again”

Warlock: Famous last words.

America: I don’t believe you.

*Spyce and Bruce strip Tami*

Warlock: So far so good.

*Morella feasts on Bruce, Tami runs away screaming in her underwear. Morella and Spyce show their fangs*

The Warlock: That didn’t take long.

Mr. America: I’m still trying to sink my teeth into the plot of this.

Warlock: HA HA HA….ha…ha…

*Tami goes to open the front door, its locked*

Warlock: Its always locked, ever notice that?

America: At least they’re thinking a little bit.

*Tami goes for the phone, its dead*

America: Nope, the phone’s for show”

*Tami runs into Marvin*

Warlock: The diseased muppet returns.

*Morella feasts on Tami*

Warlock: So much for character development

*Spyce: You finished her off? Morella: Take her to the incinerator”

The Warlock: Incinerator Clayton!

America: Clayton!

*Morella asks where Spyce’s sister is, Spyce answers she’s working till close. Next scene shows a couple fucking*

America: I’m guessing this is the sister.

*Guy looks like Ryan Reynolds*

Warlock: Its Ryan Reynolds!

America: Nah, the real Ryan would never do crap like this?

*Dex: “Spyce has always been bitchy to me”

Warlock: Haha, you’re not the only one buddy.

*Sugar: We’ll have our own place soon*

Warlock: Wait…Sugar and Spyce?

America: Ughhhhhhh.

*Full moon is shown, Warlock barks at it*

America: Wrong movie fool.

*Morella is “tanning” in the moonlight”

America: I thought it was supposed to be sun.

*Morellla: You know the rules, you can’t date humans. They’re different than us.”

America: Yeah, for starters we’re not immortal, they are.

*Morella tells the tale of Marvin, how she caught him with another woman before she turned him into…that*

Warlock: Poor Marvin

*Studboy talks to Dark Lady (Spyce): I can’t wait much longer. I have to meet you*

Mr. America: The anticipation is killing me, what is she gonna sayyyyyy?

*Someone knocks on Dex’ door. He wakes up “What the hell?”

America: Guess he doesn’t own an alarm clock.

*Ivan tells Dex how he investigated the murders. The lighting shows Dex all bug eyed*

America: Terrible lighting effect.

*Dex: So you’re a vampire hunter? Ivan: Yes”

Warlock: Guess he’s seen the error of his ways since Bordello of Blood…..then again this movie looks to be just a low budget knock off.

*Studboy is revealed to be a fat middle aged guy with glasses*

America: I’m studly disappointed. I like how he throws punches in the mirror as if he’s a 90’s tv superhero character. Wohoo gonna save the dayyyy.

*Spyce: You’re not what I expected Studboy”

America: That’s an understatement.

*Spyce feeds on Lester*

Warlock: We hope you’re enjoying no moral theater.

*Ivan pulls out his vampire compass and it points to Sugar’s bag. Ivan: Take my advice kid, break up with her gently.

Warlock: Hahahaha

*Ivan goes through Sugar’s bag, finds her address*

America: They found a clue!

*Morella threatens Spyce*

Warlock: Can’t really kill what’s already dead.

*Sugar chills with Marvin*

Warlock: Put on Sesame Street.

*Sugar leaves Marvin’s cage door open to go and answer the door.*

America: Hurry Marvin, its a jailbreak! Go as fast as your tiny feet will take you!

*Dex confronts Sugar, she admits she’s a vampire*

Warlock: So its a reverse Twilight.

*Dex: So its true, she is a vampire. Ivan: Forget about her kid, go find a nice girl that doesn’t mind sunlight*

Warlock: Hahahaha

America: Yeah, because finding someone that doesn’t want to kill you isn’t a bigger issue.

*Dex: This garlic will mask your scent for 10 minutes.*

America: Hurry up, you already wasted 30 seconds!

*Dex goes to rescue Sugar, tries to convince her to leave. Sugar: Give me a minute to pack*

Warlock: Typical women, always late, even in tragedy.

*Spyce and Morella have some random blonde hooker spread eagle and cuffed to the bed, Morella takes the girls’ corset off*

Warlock: Ivan…hold on a minute.

*Marvin spies on the hooker, makes weird noises but doesn’t do anything*

Warlock: Is he jacking off?

*Spyce catches Sugar trying to leave and brings her to Morella. Marvin climbs the bed to stare at hooker. He then licks her nipple.*

Warlock: Ohhhh my god hahaha.

*Morella catches Marvin, calls him bad boy and throws him in the cage. She feasts on hooker*

Warlock: 2 to go!

*Spyce taunts Sugar: How does it feel to be the bad one for once?

Warlock: Slap her!

*Spyce attacks Ivan, Ivan stabs her in the chest with a stake.*

Warlock: That’s not where the heart is.

*Spyce dies, Sugar pulls stake out. Sugar: She was my friend!”

America: Key word…was!

*Ivan spots Marvin in the cage. Ivan: Dad??*

Warlock: I knew it!

*Morella: You’d never be faithful to Sugar. You’re a man. All men are unfaithful.”

Warlock: Oh wonderful, she’s a feminazi to boot!

*Ivan: She’s been keeping you in this cage all this time? For 30 years? I’ll make her pay.”
Warlock: He shall be revenged!

*Morella: I got 9,998 marks in that book. Ivan: You’ve been pretty busy for an old bitch!”

Warlock and America: Hahahahahaha

*Ivan tries to stab Morella, she blocks it. Dex just stands there*

Warlock: Is he just gonna stand there or is he gonna do something?

*Ivan eats the ring on Marvin’s finger, she feasts on him. Then starts getting sick*

Warlock: We’re not gonna see it????

*Sugar and Dex kiss in the moonlight, Morella catches them. Morella collapses and turns into a green muppet thing. Movie ends with Marvin fucking Morella*

Warlock: Well so much for this being a good movie…

America: Muppet sex…ugh.

*End credits song plays*

Warlock: Not only that, this ending song sucks.

*A bizarre preview of the sequel plays before going back to the credits*

Warlock: So they’re advertising the second movie before the end credits for this one is over?

America: That’s promising!

The Warlock’s assessment: 4 out of 10

Mr. America’s assessment: 3 out of 10

Final Grade: 3.5 out of 10

*Warlock rises from the couch and grunts when his skin gets caught in the leather*

The Warlock: Owwwwwwww…..well that was, interesting. It was fine until the ending. At least we know there’s a sequel. Until then, that’s all for now.

Mr. America: I’m about to piss myself in anticipation!

Warlock: Did not need to know that. That about wraps up the heat wave version of Decadent Evil. Have a pleasant evening.

12. Hotel Transylvania (2012)

*The Warlock opens the door to his lair. He’s wearing a black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black gargoyle shades, blue jeans and white sneakers. He’s holding a mug of Dr. Pepper*

The Warlock: Welcome to my lair….welcome I don’t think so, but enter. Enter my lair if you dare. I’m your host The Warlock.

*The Warlock holds his open palm out and levitates off the ground before returning to ground level and walking inside*

The Warlock: Mr. America and Mr. Wallstreet refused to join us today and I’ll tell you why in a moment. Who IS here today? None other than Neyzor Blades.

*Neyzor Blades is sitting in the recliner wearing purple scrub pants and a pink tanktop. She gives Warlock the finger*

The Warlock: Love you too. Anyway, the reason the others refused to participate is tonight’s film. Hotel Transylvania was an animated comedy that was released in 2012. PG movies are not their thing.

Neyzor Blades: Sucks for them.

The Warlock: So without further delay, its time for Hotel Transylvania.

Written by Peter Baynham, Robert Smigel, Todd Durham, Dan & Kevin Hageman

Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky


Adam Sandler Dracula (voice)
Andy Samberg Andy Samberg Jonathan (voice)
Selena Gomez Selena Gomez Mavis (voice)
Kevin James Kevin James Frankenstein (voice)
Fran Drescher Fran Drescher Eunice (voice)
Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi Wayne (voice)
Molly Shannon Molly Shannon Wanda (voice)
David Spade David Spade Griffin (voice)
CeeLo Green CeeLo Green Murray (voice)
Jon Lovitz Jon Lovitz Quasimodo (voice)
Brian George Brian George Suit of Armor (voice)
Luenell Luenell Shrunken Heads (voice)
Brian Stack Brian Stack Pilot (voice)
Chris Parnell Chris Parnell Fly (voice)
Jackie Sandler Jackie Sandler Martha (voice)
Sadie Sandler Sadie Sandler Winnie / Young Mavis (voice)
Robert Smigel Robert Smigel Fake Dracula / Marty (voice)
Rob Riggle Rob Riggle Skeleton Husband (voice)
Paul Brittain Paul Brittain Zombie / Hydra (voice)
Jonny Solomon Jonny Solomon Gremlin Man / Hydra (voice)
Jim Wise Jim Wise Shrunken Head / Hydra (voice)
Craig Kellman Craig Kellman Guy in Crowd / Hydra (voice)
Brian McCann Brian McCann Hairy Monster / Hydra (voice)
James C.J. Williams James C.J. Williams Foreman (voice) (as James Williams)
Rose Abdoo Rose Abdoo Additional Voices (voice)
Steve Alterman Steve Alterman Additional Voices (voice)
Kirk Baily Kirk Baily Additional Voices (voice)
Dana Belben Dana Belben Additional Voices (voice) (as Dana L. Belben)
Meira Blinkoff Meira Blinkoff Additional Voices (voice)
Ranjani Brow Ranjani Brow Additional Voices (voice)
Corey Burton Corey Burton Additional Voices (voice)
William Calvert William Calvert Additional Voices (voice)
Cam Clarke Cam Clarke Additional Voices (voice)
Michael Corbett Michael Corbett Additional Voices (voice)
Allen Covert Allen Covert Additional Voices (voice)
Rachel Crane Rachel Crane Additional Voices (voice)
Doug Dale Doug Dale Additional Voices (voice)
Collin Dean Collin Dean Additional Voices (voice)
Eddie Frierson Eddie Frierson Additional Voices (voice)
Bridget Hoffman Bridget Hoffman Additional Voices (voice)
Wendy Hoffman Wendy Hoffman Additional Voices (voice)
Rif Hutton Rif Hutton Additional Voices (voice)
Tom Kenny Tom Kenny Additional Voices (voice)
Darrin Lackey Darrin Lackey Additional Voices (voice)
Ashley Lambert Ashley Lambert Additional Voices (voice)
Scott Menville Scott Menville Additional Voices (voice)
Edie Mirman Edie Mirman Additional Voices (voice)
Jon Olson Jon Olson Additional Voices (voice)
Jessica Pennington Jessica Pennington Additional Voices (voice)
Alec Rosenthal Alec Rosenthal Additional Voices (voice)
Judith Sandler Judith Sandler Additional Voices (voice) (as Judy Sandler)
Sunny Sandler Sunny Sandler Additional Voices (voice)
Katie Silverman Katie Silverman Additional Voices (voice)
Warren Sroka Warren Sroka Additional Voices (voice)
Melissa Sturm Melissa Sturm Additional Voices (voice)
John Hans Tester John Hans Tester Additional Voices (voice)
Sarah Thyre Sarah Thyre Additional Voices (voice)
Chris Titone Chris Titone Additional Voices (voice)
David Zyler David Zyler Additional Voices (voice) (as Dave Zyler)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Maddie Taylor Maddie Taylor Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)

*The Warlock reads the tagline*

The Warlock: “Dracula, who operates a high-end resort away from the human world, goes into overprotective mode whenaboy discovers the resort and falls for the count’s teen-aged daughter

Neyzor Blades: Someone’s gonna get bitten for that.

*Graphic reads 1895*

The Warlock: Going old school

*Dracula: I vant to kiss your tush!*

The Warlock: I’d love to kiss Selena Gomez’ tush

Neyzor: Shut up before I slap you.

*Dracula plays ukulele*

The Warlock: I prefer the banjo

*The zombies are the bellboys*

The Warlock: Hotel of the Dead

*Steve Buscemi is Wayne the Werewolf*

The Warlock: lol its Mr. Pink

*Kevin James is Frankenstein*

The Warlock: So he’s no longer a zoo keeper?

*Dracula: Recent surveillance of humans show they are getting fatter to overpower us.”

The Warlock: Hahahahaha

*Do not disturb signs are shrunken heads*

Neyzor Blades: I need one of those.

*Dracula: Just do your job!”

The Warlock: Bill Bellichick approves.


The Warlock: You would know Fran, you would know.

*Dracula: You don’t need a mannequin. Leave the mannequin there.”

The Warlock: Go jerk off somewhere else.

*Jonathan: Hey look I’m a Frankenhomie!*

Neyzor Blades: Ugh, that’s horrible.

*Jonathan: What is this place?

The Warlock: A place that makes the Bates Motel look enjoyable

*Armor: Boy that kid smelled*

The Warlock: Take a shower Mr Gower.

*Jonathan: A wooden stake to the heart? Dracula: Yeah well, who wouldn’t that kill?”

Neyzor: Hahahahaha

*Jonathan: I’m Frankenstein’s cousin Johnnystein

The Warlock: and I’m Warlockstein

*Frankenstein starts crooning*

The Warlock: Please no.

*Murray starts singing*

The Warlock: At least Ceelo can sing.

*Drac: If they find out you’re human they’ll go bat poop!*

The Warlock: PG, gotta love it.

*Frankenstein nose drives 100 feet into the pool*

The Warlock: Kevin James cannonball, I give it a 7.

*Dracula uses Blobby to cushion Johnny’s fall*

The Warlock: There’s always room for jello.

*Camera does a full spin*

The Warlock: I’m getting car sick.

Neyzor: You’re not in a car.

*Sunrise burns Mavis’ toes:

The Warlock: Feeling hot hot hot!

*Invisible man: I have red, curly hair! Dracula: How was I supposed to know that?

The Warlock: Hahahaha

*Dracula freaks out, Johnny looks disgruntled*

The Warlock: Look at his face!!

*Dracula chases Johnny on flying tables*

The Warlock: And they’re off!!!!

*Dracula and Johnny wipe out Suit of Armor*

The Warlock: Ya cleaned him out!!

*Quasimodo kicks Armor in the balls and he goes down. Suit: Why did that hurt me?”

The Warlock: Hahaha

*Esmeralda fights off spiders*

The Warlock: Ninja mouse.
Quasimodo: When you bump with the hump, you land on your rump!

The Warlock: The mack daddy will make ya jump!

Neyzor: Daddy mack will make ya jump!

*Johnny: He tried to eat me. That’s only happened one time when I was at a Slipknot concert.”

The Warlock: Joey Jordison was a cannibal?

Neyzor: No! Not him you idiot!

*Montage shows humans setting Lubov on fire*

Neyzor: That’s sad.

*Johnny: You can say the gremlin lady ate me.”

The Warlock: Gizmo will save you.

*Wolfman is surrounded by kids and can’t sleep*

The Warlock: Poor Mr. Pink.

*Murray sings a pop song*

Neyzor: Sing it Ceelo!

*Montage shows Haweewee*

Neyzor and Warlock: Hahahahaha

*Johnny jumps up and down*

The Warlock: I can dance better than that.

*Dracula starts dancing*

The Warlock: Ok, nevermind.

*Frankenstein: What did you do?”

The Warlock: Doo-doo!

*All the monsters protest and leave*

The Warlock: Even Kevin James is walking out.

*Shrunken head: Oh look, its Count Crock-ula”

Neyzor Blades: I want some Count Chocula

Warlock: Good thinking.

*Dracula gives a sob story*

The Warlock: Oh here we go, get the handkerchiefs

*Fleas argue*

The Warlock: They have no respect for crud.

*Trolley swerves to avoid a sheep.

The Warlock: That’s baaaaaaaad driving.

Neyzor: Horrible pun.

*Frankenstein gives a pep-talk to the humans to help Dracula*

The Warlock: He must have used this speech for his future presidential run in Pixels.

*Plane goes by with Transylvania on it*

The Warlock: Transylvania’s not even the country, its Romania!

Neyzor Blades: Its just a movie.

*Johnny watches Twilight. Dracula: THIS is how we’re represented?*

The Warlock: It gets worse.

*Dracula flies through Mavis’ window totally burnt*

The Warlock: He would have been dead within 30 seconds.

Neyzor: Once again, its just a movie.”

*Johnny and Mavis kiss*

The Warlock: Mush mush mush.

Neyzor: Awwww,mush mush mushhhhh!

*Johnny starts to sing*

The Warlock: Please no.

*Murray and Mavis start singing*

The Warlock: Ok that’s better.

*Dracula starts rapping*

The Warlock: Word

*Closing credits*

Warlock: Even animated, animated Dracula is miserable.

Neyzor Blades assessment: That was good. I’d say an 8.5

The Warlock: This isn’t my thing but I’ll say 7.5

Final assessment: 8.0…outstanding

*The Warlock rises from the couch*

The Warlock: That about wraps up Hotel Transylvania. With the sequel coming out next week, I can safely say that the first was good so you should check out the second…..if you’re into kids movies. Join us next time for another craptastic adventure. Have a pleasant evening.

11. Drop Zone (1994)

*The Warlock opens the door to his lair. He’s wearing a black leather jacket, black gargoyle shades, black t-shirt, blue jeans, white sneakers and holds a 20 ounce glass of pepsi*

The Warlock: Welcome to my lair….welcome I don’t think so, but enter. Enter my lair if you dare. I’m your host The Warlock.

*Warlock flicks his wrist and the power goes out, then flicks it again and it comes back on. A voice from inside the lair says “DAMMIT!!”

Warlock: Oops, I forgot.

*Warlock enters the lair and Mr. America stands there tapping his foot. He’s wearing white camo fatigues, vest and hat, dogtags and aviator shades*

Mr. America: I told you once, I told you a thousand times, don’t do that! I have to restart the damn movie.

The Warlock: Sorry…anyway tonight’s tale is Drop Zone. Wesley Snipes must take down Gary Busey using his wits and a team of skydivers.

Mr. America: Who cares about the divers? I want to see the planes.

The Warlock: So without further adieu, its time for Drop Zone.

Written by Tony Griffin, Guy Manos, Peter Barsocchini and John Bishop

Directed by John Badham


Wesley Snipes Pete Nessip
Gary Busey Gary Busey Ty Moncrief
Yancy Butler Yancy Butler Jessie Crossman
Michael Jeter Michael Jeter Earl Leedy
Corin Nemec Corin Nemec Selkirk
Kyle Secor Kyle Secor Swoop
Luca Bercovici Luca Bercovici Jagger
Malcolm-Jamal Warner Malcolm-Jamal Warner Terry Nessip
Rex Linn Rex Linn Bobby
Grace Zabriskie Grace Zabriskie Winona
Robert LaSardo Robert LaSardo Deputy Dog
Sam Hennings Sam Hennings Torski
Claire Stansfield Claire Stansfield Kara
Mickey Jones Mickey Jones Deuce
Andy Romano Andy Romano Tom McCracken
Rick Zieff Rick Zieff Mike Milton
Clark Johnson Clark Johnson Bob Covington
Charles Boswell Charles Boswell Glenn Blackstone
Natalie Jordan Natalie Jordan Lena
Ed Amatrudo Ed Amatrudo Detective Fox
Melanie Mayron Melanie Mayron Mrs. Willins
A.J. Ross A.J. Ross Roslund
Al Israel Al Israel Schuster Stephens
Steve DuMouchel Steve DuMouchel Walsh Matthews
J.P. Patrick J.P. Patrick Jump Master
Tim Powell Tim Powell Gordon Maples (as Tim A. Powell)
Steve Raulerson Steve Raulerson Commander Dejaye (as Steven Raulerson)
D.D. Howard D.D. Howard Norma
Dale Swann Dale Swann 747 Captain
Keith Leon Williams Keith Leon Williams 747 Flight Engineer
Lexie Bigham Lexie Bigham Big Man Passenger
Ron Kuhlman Ron Kuhlman DEA Guard
Jerry Tondo Jerry Tondo DEA Guard
Kimberly Scott Kimberly Scott Joanne (as Kimberly A. Scott)
Keith MacKechnie Keith MacKechnie Night Desk Sergeant
Jan Speck Jan Speck Flight Attendant #1
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
John Badham John Badham Yacht Captain (uncredited)
Vince Cecere Vince Cecere Special Agent Jones (uncredited)
Dana Cox Dana Cox Paramedic (uncredited)
Sheldon Fogel Sheldon Fogel The Official (uncredited)
Anthony Giaimo Anthony Giaimo Head Jump Official (uncredited)
Steve Greenberg Steve Greenberg Steve Greenberg, Reporter (uncredited)
Danny Hanemann Danny Hanemann Parachutist (uncredited)
Dave Knight Dave Knight DC Skydiving Finals Attendee (uncredited)
Tom Lawrence Tom Lawrence Airplane Passanger (uncredited)
Gary Rodriguez Gary Rodriguez Paramedic (uncredited)
Vic Stagliano Vic Stagliano Convict (uncredited)

*Warlock reads the tagline*

“A tough cop teams up with a professional skydiver to capture a renegade computer hacker on the run from the law.”

America: Wonderful.

*Opening credits*

The Warlock: Ripped off Predator 2

Mr. America: Oh boy, dramatic music!

*Hardened criminals walk out to recreate. A skinny white dude then follows*

Mr. America: Which of these is not like the others?

*Terry “A little excitement won’t kill you”*

Mr. America: Oh you’d be surprised.

*Terry “We don’t have to take the cats do we? *airplane personnel puts cats on plane*

Mr. America: Yup!

*Pete “Don’t worry, the cats will be eating better than we will on this flight.”

Warlock: Hahahahaha

Gary Busey: I’m afraid to fly

Mr. America: You’re afraid to fly? You know there’s such thing as trains and boats don’t fly?

Snipes: Gentleman!

*Warlock and America turn their heads*

Warlock: Who walked in?

Captain: We’re losing cabin pressure!

Mr America: Ya think?

*Captain says they’re losing cabin pressure and he puts the landing gears up*

Mr. America: At 38,000 feet? Are you an idiot???

*Little girl pulls the terrorists mask off and screams. He screams too*

Warlock: Hahahahahaha!

*Terry is sucked out of the plane after his sleeve tears away*

America: That’s what you get for wearing a cheap suit.

*Under Siege guy knocks on Pete’s door*

Mr. America: Halt! Who goes there?

*Under Siege guy: Pete please, give me your badge and gun.*

The Warlock: You can have his gun instead.

*Navy guy: Crossman lives real close to here*

Mr. America: How convenient. Now let’s go search for clues!

*Maintanence guy is fixing an airplane engine*

Mr. America: You are a horrible mechanic

*Pete steals a picture of Crossman and Jagger*

Warlock: Thief!

*Jess gives Pete a beer*

Mr. America: You must reallyyyyy hate cops.

*Winona takes the plane into the air*

The Warlock: Watch the plane blows an engine.

*Jess pulls Pete close to the door*

Mr. America: Watch, she’ll throw him out.

*Jess pulls the ejector seat and Pete goes flying, literally*

Mr. America: Told you.

*Pete goes crashing into the water. Pete gives Jess a right cross*

The Warlock: Now they’re even.

*Pete gives stuffed tiger to little girl*

America: Its missing its hat!

*Peter forces little girl to point out Jagger. She cries after*

Mr. America: Congrats, you just gave her nightmares.

*Ty kills Jagger by dropping him into electrical tower*

Warlock: Shocking!

*Jess cries when she finds out Jagger is dead. Camera pans to a seagull*

Warlock: The seagull is not happy.

*Leedy protests jumping out of the plane for the umpteenth time*

Warlock: Will somebody please kill him?

*Ty’s crew overshoots the bank while parachuting*

America: You missed it.

Warlock: This isn’t GTA.

*Ty goes to slit security guard’s throat, camera pans away*

Warlock: They won’t show it? Damn.

*Ty picks up piece of trash and tells it to stay*

Warlock: Really?

*Deuce picks up Ty’s crew in a truck*

America: He’s got the easiest job in the world, just drive the truck!

*Pete: Why are we looking over there?*

America: To find swoop!

*Swoop jumps off the building and parachutes through the city*

Warlock: THAT’S more like GTA.

*Dramatic music*

America: Oh boy a down on his luck bluesy guitar solo. Something bad’s gonna happen!

*Montage of Pete learning to skydive*

Mr. America: A montage…..

*Swoop ignores Pete after jumping*

America: No love for the jump.

*Helicopter lands on a boat*

Warlock: I can’t do that in GTA

Mr America: You suck.

*Emcee: This will be a day to tell your grandkids about!*

Mr. America: I won’t.

*Emcee: It ends in Potomac!*

Warlock: Potomac? That’s in DC.

America: Hey dumbass, that was in the opening credits they were in DC.

Warlock: I missed it.

America: Clearly.

*Swoop ties up Torski in his parachute, cuts away, pulls his secondary chute. Torski crash lands*

Warlock: He fell down.

America: Nooooooo…..

*Pete beats up Deuce, Torski and henchman*

Mr America: Its a handicap match!

*Pete throws Torski into a stall*

Warlock: Give him a swirlie!

*Pete finds out Ty is DEA*

Warlock: More like DEA-D

*Henchman cuts chute, later on Jess gives it to Selly*

Warlock: Ruh-roh!

*Skydivers make red white and blue circle in the sky*

Warlock: Isn’t that pretty?

America: Today’s betting pool, who’s the first to get dizzy!

*Selly pulls chord, chute won’t open. Swoop cuts his chute to go get him*

Warlock: He’s gonna swoop in and save the day.

America: Ugghhhhhhhhhh

*Swoop catches up to Selly and pulls his chute, Selly plunges into water anyway*

Warlock: He didn’t make it.

*Jess gives Selly CPR, comes alive.*

Warlock: HE MADE IT!!!!

*America stands up and salutes*

*An angry Jess goes and gets a gun*

Warlock: Holy shit she’s going straight outta Compton!

Warlock: Oh so Jess got in the plane with the terrorists?

America: They’re criminals, not terrorists.

Warlock: Same thing!

America: Not really.

Warlock: The bad guys! That better?

America: That’s more like it!

Warlock: Ugh

*Ty’s team jumps out of plane*

America: Weeeeee!!!

*Jess pulls gun on Ty’s crew, gets overpowered then jumps out of plane*

America: Watch, she’s hanging on.

*Camera shows her hanging on to something*

America: See!

*Two idiots discuss Star Trek*

Warlock: No love for the Andorians.

*Ty’s team breaks into security tower*

America: That is just awful security.

*Pete’s team lands on top of the tower a while later*

Warlock: Better late than never.

*Deuce pulls up in the truck*

America: Easiest job in the world.

*Henchmen shoots Bobby, one on one fight between hench and Pete results in Pete rolling down the stairs and snapping Hench’s neck*

Warlock: Snap into a slim jim!

*Joeanne tells the fridge she’s going to be back*

Warlock: I don’t think its going to answer.

*Kara opens fire on Jess, she Indiana Jones her way through the glass*

Warlock: Bitch fight!

America; Told you!

*Jess rams Kara’s head into the copier*

America: Time for your closeup!

*Leedy steals the DEA jacket*

Warlock: What an exit strategy.

*Bobby pulls Torski’s parachute chord, snaps his neck*

Warlock: Prong would approve.

*Cops move in, Deuce drives off*

America: Easy!

*Cops catch Deuce, drives through barrier*

America: You just gave yourself away, all you were doing was parking!

*Pete and Ty fall out a window, Pete cuts the chord and Ty flies into the window of Deuce’s truck.

*Pete: Leedy! Get him! The one with the bozo hairdo!*

Warlock: Hahahahaha

*Swoop jumps off the roof and tackles Leedy*

*America: Got him!

Mr. America’s assessment: 6.5 out of 10

The Warlock’s assessment: 6.5 out of 10

Final assessment: 6.5 out of 10…very good.

*The Warlock rises from the couch*

Warlock: Well that about wraps up Drop Zone. A decent movie, but suited more for skydiving fans. The terrorists buy it at the end so you got the feel good ending. Join us next time for another cra….

*America interrupts*

America: Criminals, not terrorists.

*Warlock looks at him coldly and flicks his wrist, killing the power to the room*

America: God dammit!!!!

Warlock: Have a pleasant evening!