400. Gigi (1958)

*The Warlock appears on screen in a black tuxedo. He’s holding a champagne glass of Dr. Pepper*

W: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a special day of sorts here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Today we finish off Oscar’s Month with the movie that won Best Picture in 1958 and we celebrate our 400th episode special. Reluctantly my father has joined me for this one.

*The Grand Wizard is in the recliner*

Wi: Since its your special, was I going to say no?

W: Why is my dad reluctant? Well the movie isn’t really our style. Today we close out Oscar’s Month with GIGI, the musical romantic comedy starring Leslie Caron. Basically the French aristocrat version of Grease.

Wi: For those that are too young to remember, this was a bubblegum movie taking home the Oscar.

*Warlock takes his seat in the middle of the couch*

W: Since its the last one on the list, we may as well get it over with and end Oscar’s Month once and for all. Let’s get started with GIGI.


Written by Alan Jay Lerner, Colette and Niven Busch

Directed by Vincente Minnelli



Gigi (Leslie Caron)

Honore Lachaille (Maurice Chevalier)

Gaston Lachaille (Louis Jourdan)

Madame Alvarez (Hermione Gingold)

Liane D’Exelmans (Eva Gabor)

Sandomir (Jacques Bergerac)

Aunt Alicia (Isabel Jeans)

Manuel (John Abbott)

Maxim’s Girls (Marie-Helene Arnaud, Anne-Marie Mersen)

Waiter (Jack Ary)

Boy (Daniel Aube)

Harlequin (Richard Bean)

Gentleman (Cecil Beaton)

Maitre D (Jacques Bertand)

Patron (Paul Cristo)

Secretary (Hubert De Lapparent)

Horseback Girl (Cilly Feindt)

Charles (Edwin Jerome)

Young Lady (Corinne Marchand)

Prince Berensky (Maurice Marsac)

Guest (Bernard Musson)

Designer (Dorothy Neumann)

Monsieur Lachaille (Jean Ozenne)

Mannequin (Maruja Plose)

Pierre (Roger Saget)

Blonde (Pat Sheehan)

Redhead (Marilyn Simms)

Simone (Lydia Steven)

Coachman (Jack Trevan)

Henri (Francois Valorbe)

Showgirl (Monique Van Vooren)

Gigi’s Voice (Betty Wand)

Lifeguard (Leroy Winebrenner)


*Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “Weary of the convention of Parisian society, a rich playboy and a youthful courtesan-in-training enjoy a platonic friendship, but it may not stay platonic for long.”

Wi: Oh this is going to be just riveting.


*Opening credits*

W: After all the black an white movies I’ve done this month, so grateful for color to be the norm now.

Wi: Unless you didn’t have a color TV then.


*Move opens in France with aristocrats enjoying a day at the park*

Wi: Look at those outfits.

W: That can’t be real.

Wi: They were.


*Honore greets us watching*

W: Breaking the fourth wall.


*Honore says we’re not actually in this century but he’s here to tell the story*

W: Least he had the decency to tell us.


*Honore says women usually don’t get married. Some lady flirts with a guy with a long beard*

W: Heh.


*Schoolgirls play as Honore says someday they’ll be married or unmarried*

W: Unless they die young.

Wi: Beat me to it.


*Honore sings Thank Heaven For Little Girls*

W: An old white guy singing about little girls would be considered creepy today.

Wi: It was creepy then!


*Gigi plays with the other girls as Honore continues to sing*

W: Good thing about musicals is the songs take off the run-time.


*Gigi drops her books and Honore hands them back. Gigi runs home to her Grandma who she hugs. Grandma says her Aunt Alicia is waiting for her. Grandma tells her to dress up better before leaving*

W: What century is this supposed to be?

Wi: 19th I’d guess.


*A cat licks itself on the chair*

W: Aww der smittens.


*Gigi’s mother sings tenor*

W: I can’t do that.

Wi: Good.

W: By the way, they’re making her out to be in high school, the actress was 28.


*Gaston and Honore walk out in top hat and coattails*

W: Here’s one for the kids, the good guy is named Gaston.

Wi: Why’s that important?

W: Beauty and The Beast. The bad guy is Gaston.


*Green screen of a carriage ride between Gaston and Honore*

W: Green screen.


*Gaston is dating Liane and is bored*

W: How can you be bored dating Eva Gabor?

Wi: Yeah really.


*Gaston and Honore perform Its A Bore as they travel under the Eiffel Tower*

W: Always wanted to go there.


*Gaston visits Grandma who picks the cat up for him to sit*

W: Cat didn’t like it.


*Cat gets up and leaves as Gaston asks where Gigi is. Grandma says she’s with Alicia. Grandma tells Gaston how her family is like. Gaston sips tea and is happy to be there. She says she’s happy to see the rich benefit off the poor*

W: That didn’t sound sarcastic.


*We cut to Gigi visiting Alicia*

W: She looks like Madeline with that hat.


*Gigi greets Charles before Alicia tries to teach her how to eat properly*

W: What the hell is an Ortolan?

Wi: Its a small bird.

W: French people….eating fish eggs, snails and tiny birds and they think they’re classy.


*Gigi tell Alicia about her day. Alicia says the English refuse to learn French*

W: Ferme le bouche, madamoiselle.

Wi: Try learning Latin, bitch.


*Gigi eats the bird but the bones are still inside*

W: Why the hell would you eat the bone?

Wi: Yeah that’s stupid.


*Alicia says marriage is not forbidden, they usually don’t do it young*

W: I somewhat get it.


*Alicia says wearing expensive jewelry will make her more attractive*

W: Guess they had a lot more class in that day. Nowadays wearing a little clothes as possible gets attention.

Wi: A lot more clas.


*Alicia says kings don’t give out large stones. She also says Gigi needs a complete makeover*

W: Oh that’s going to do wonders for her confidence.


*Alicia says Gigi needs to be adept at cigars. Gigi says she doesn’t smoke and Alicia says no, but men do. If she wants to please men she needs to learn which cigars are the best*

W: Ha, not everyone smokes.


*Gigi sings The Parisians to a statue*

W: That’s not her voice.

Wi: No its not, a lot of actresses had singing doubles because their voices weren’t perfect.


*Gigi dons the Madeline outfit to continue her number*

W: I gotta look it up which came first, Madeline or this.


*Gaston shows up and Gigi asks if he makes love all the time*

W: If this was supposed to be the 19th century, wait a hundred years.


*Gaston and Gigi hit up the roller rink*

W: Haha, aristocrat roller derby.

Wi: Heh.


*Gaston orders a Babotage for Gigi*

W: The what?


*Gigi calls Liane scandalous*

W: Hahaha Eva Gabor.


*Gaston asks if she talks like that in front of her grandmother*

W: Its not like she screamed fuck you.


*Gigi says she most go and runs out as Gaston looks disgusted. Liane joins Gaston after Gigi leaves and Gaston tips the waiter. Liane says her waltz instructor sucks*

W: French people…


*Honore narrates what’s going on. There’s a party at Maxim’s and all the hot ladies are in attendance*

W: Love how anyone that looks remotely attractive are showing their shoulders, cleavage and arching their necks while Gigi was dressed as a schoolmarm.


*Ensemble performs Gossip*

W: Horrible Amour, hahahahahha

Wi: Bless her little heart.


*Gaston looks bored*

W: He warned us that he was bored.


*Liane pays attention and schmoozes with everyone but Gaston. He performs She Is Not Thinking of Me*

W: What? You were bored anyway.


*Manuel gives Honore a shave*

W: I think that’s Lipschitz.

Wi: What?

W: John Abbot.

Wi: Ohhh, the actor.


*Honore, Manuel and Gaston perform Its A Bore again*

W: This again?


*Gaston and Honore ride a little mini car*

W: Imagine one of those today.

Wi: My old truck would smash that thing to pieces.


*Gaston and Honore spot Liane kissing another man. Gaston says she never kissed him like that. Gaston and Honore grab the guy*

W: Beat him up! Make the movie interesting.


*Gaston and Honore bribe him with 1,000 francs to go away. He takes the deal*

W: Hahaha gets the heave ho but richer.


*Gaston tells Liane goodbye*

W: Good on him.


*Liane screams and it makes the newspaper that Gaston dumped her. Alicia tells Grandma that Liane committed suicide again*

W: Wait, again?

Wi: This just got interesting.


*Alicia says Liane tried to poison herself but failed*

W: Suicide Chump by Frank Zappa comes to mind.


*Gaston, Honore and Manuel celebrate Gaston dumping Liane*

W: Ha, they’re gonna party.


*Honore says Gaston needs to go out and let loose, a girl every night*

W: Ha.


*Gaston has a huge party including a woman on horseback riding around*

W: Hahaha what’s with the horse?


*Gaston has a parade where a woman has flowers throw at him. His date is highly allergic*

W: Okay, this finally got funny.


*Gaston hosts a Masquerade ball, Honore is the devil. Gaston is falling asleep*

W: He said he was bored.


*Gaston posts he’ bought the Opera and Gigi wants to go. Right on cue Gaston walks in asking where her grandmother is*

W: If they’re going to set up a potential love plot. Gaston is 38 and she’s 28 but she’s supposed to be a schoolgirl.


*Grandma is in the middle of making dinner and Gaston says it smells great*

W: Better than a lard omelette.


*Gaston says he has a manicure every morning*

W: If he ever had to be a farmer he’d have a tractor run himself over.


*Grandma says Gigi takes advantage of him and Gaston doesn’t mind*

W: As long as its not the other way around.


*Gigi and Gaston play cards*

W: I doubt Texas Hold Em was played in 19th century France.

Wi: No, it wasn’t.

W: What are they playing?

Wi: Looks like Bridge.


*If Gaston loses, he takes Grandma and Gigi on a date. She wants a glass of bubbly but Grandma says no as she hands a glass to Gaston. When Grandma leaves the room, Gaston slides his glass over so she can take a swig*

W: Hahahaha good one.


*Gaston goes over strategy and Gigi still wins the game. She jumps on him and says they’re going to Trouville. Grandma says they don’t have to go as Gigi pours herself a glass and drinks it. Gaston calls her an outrageous brat and smacks her ass*

W: He could do that in those days, right?

Wi: I wouldn’t recommend it but I guess.


*The trio perform The Night They Invented Champagne*

Wi: Another song…


*Gigi and Grandma swing dance before Gaston cuts in with Grandma*

W: I’m gonna have this stuck in my head.


*Gaston and Gigi frolic in the water in their clothes*

W: Did the French not have bathing suits?


*Honore says he’s on important business. He checks out a woman playing tennis. Gigi and Gaston play as well*

W: She’s out there looking like Martina Navaratalova and he’s out there looking like an actor.


*Gaston and Gigi ride donkeys*

W: Look at her ass.

Wi: Ain’t it a beut?


*Honore sits with Grandma and Grandma says the woman he was checking out wasn’t his type. She says Gigi is her granddaughter and Gaston is a dear man. Honore says he hasn’t seen him this chipper in years. They look at each other and reminisce on old times. Honore is still miffed she left him for the Austrian Count. Honore an Grandma perform I Remember It Well*

W: At least in these days actors and actresses could act, sing and dance. Triple threats are rare these days.


*Alicia wants to talk to Grandma, she’s concerned about Gigi. Alicia says it was a great mistake and says Gigi is falling for Gaston without actually saying so. Alicia says Gigi spent the weekend with Gaston. Grandma had no idea or even thought about it*

W: If the age gap was real, I can see why Alicia would be upset.


*Alicia says the solution is to train Gigi with work and lessons. Gigi is a klutz and drops the coffee pot. Alicia wants Gigi to answer the door like a lady. “Not like a marionette”

W: Hahahahahaha


*Alicia shows Gigi how to sit, stand and drink properly. “Dooooon’t gulp it!”

W: Hahahaha.


*Alicia tells her how to savor the aroma and the taste, Alicia downs her third glass and is clearly buzzed*

W: You asked for that one.


*Alicia and Gigi pick out cigars and sniff them*

Wi: I never understood that part.

W: Me neither.


*Alicia, Grandma and Gigi watch house maids run around and model clothes*

W: Are they supposed to be showing outfits Gigi is to wear?


*Gigi is dressed ridiculous. Next frame is Gaston visiting Gigi and Grandma. He has a present for her but she runs away. Grandma says everything is wrong with her. She ask how his trip was before going to make him tea. Gigi walks out in an elegant gown and says it took 47 yards of material to make her dress. Gaston says she looks like an organ grinder’s monkey*

W: Hahahahahaha.


*Gaston says the collar makes her look like a giraffe. Gigi tells him he has no taste in fashion and he gets up and leaves. Grandma is horrified and is disappointed she was rude to him*

W: He deserved it.


*Gigi looks out the window and Gaston has a change of heart*

W: Oh I can’t stay mad, get back here!


*Gaston apologizes and invites her out for tea. Gigi says they’re going out but Grandma says no and sends her to her room. She wants to talk to Gaston alone and Gaston says the mood around there has changed. Grandma says Gigi’s mother can’t take of her so Grandma has to. Grandma says if it was up to her, she wouldn’t care but everyone else thinks they’re an item. Grandma says anyone that goes out with him will get people talking. She doesn’t want Gigi to be just another girl. Gaston gets pissed and Grandma says she’ll only allow Gigi to be with a man that can take of her. Gaston gets angry and says Gigi shouldn’t be married to just anyone and he yells that she shouldn’t project her misery on others. Gaston storms out “What rubbish!”

Wi: I feel a song coming on.

W: You called it.


*Gaston asks Pierre the driver if he looks upset. He walks into the middle of the street and goes into his Soliloquy*

W: He’s making it sound like she’s a child.


*Gaston calls her a clumsy child without a shape*

W: He’s trying to convince himself she’s just a kid.


*Gaston goes into Gigi*

W: Now he’s falling for her.


*Gaston wants to talk to Grandma alone. Then we cut to Alicia in the bath talking to Grandma. Gaston told Grandma he’ll do everything to take care of her. Gaston says Alicia and Grandma are to bring their lawyer to meet his to draw up papers*

W: As in a legal guardian?


*Gaston tell Gigi that he wants her to be his mistress. She says she’ll have to sleep in his bed and Gaston feels sheepish. She doesn’t want to because she doesn’t want to be another notch on his gun like the women who stole from him or got dumped. She doesn’t want to be publicly humiliated then have to find another man*

W: I see what she means.


*Gigi still wants to be friends and Gaston starts to feel bad. Gaston admits he loves her*

W: Drops a bombshell with 25 minutes left.


*Gigi calls him a wicked man for admitting he love her knowing what will happen to her. She starts crying and Grandma runs in wondering what’s happened. Gigi runs off and Gaston calls her out for teaching her about how relationships are vulgar but not true love and kindness*

W: This was supposed to be the 19th century, people still haven’t figured it out in the 21st century either.


*Gaston yells at Grandma that kindness and generosity exist too and storms out. Gaston runs out and vents to Honore about how the next generation is going to wreck everything*

W: Ha, it gets worse every generation.


*Gaston is jealous that Honore is older and doesn’t have to worry about what he himself goes through anymore. He vents that Gigi turned him down and Honore says she’s gone mad*

W: Guys still hate being rejected.


*Honore says Gaston did everything right and she’s not worth it. Gaston makes a face*

W: Ha, look at his face.

Wi: Like he ate a snail.


*Honore says he’s going to hook him up with a redhead*

W: Sounds good to me.


*Honore chuckles to himself when Gaston leaves. He goes on a monologue*

Wi: I feel a song comin on…

W: Here we go again.


*Honore performs I’m Glad I’m Not Young Anymore*

W: Are you glad you’re not young anymore?

Wi: Hell no.


*Honore finishes his number*

W: Good news is we only have 17 minutes left now.


*Alicia runs around her house and tell Charles she’s going out. Alicia confronts Grandma about Gigi turning down Gaston as Gigi’s mom sings*

W: I wish they’d explain that more.


*Alicia scolds Grandma for not showing Gigi what love is. Alicia rants about Grandma and Gigi being fools when the doorbell rings. Gaston shows up and says Gigi sent him a note that she wants to see him. He greets Alicia and Grandma before Gigi appears in normal clothes. Gigi says she’d rather be miserable with him than without then goes back in her room. Gaston leaves*

W: What the hell was that?

Wi: In other words, “soon I’ll be ready.”


*Gaston gets spiffy for a big date as Gigi sings Say A Prayer For With Me Tonight*

W: For what? She’s in the driver’s seat. He won’t make a move without her say so.


*Gigi holds her cat*

W: Awww der smitens.


*Gigi walks out in an immaculate dress*

W: Jesus.

Wi: Looking good, getting better.


*At Maxim’s, everyone stops when Gigi walks in with Gaston. Everyone checks them out as Gaston wants to go to Siena. Gigi says she wants to hit up a casino and she pours coffee for him. The waiter pulls a box of cigars out and Gigi listens to them before lighting one for him. People laugh at Madame Dunard. Her pearls are dipped*

W: Dipped?


*Honore says hi to Gaston and Gigi before realizing its her*

W: Ha.


*Gigi and Gaston dance but she feels something in his breast pocket. He says its a present for her but she says she’ll wait until after the dance. After the dance Gaston pulls out a long box full of emeralds*

W: Charming.


*Gaston tells Gigi to have a lady help her put them on as Honore runs over and asks what changed. Gaston tells him to keep it on the down low. Honore figures out why Gaston is so bored, he was dating women, not girls. Gaston gets up and leaves*

W: He’s making him sound like a pedophile.


*Gaston grabs Gigi and wants to leave. Everyone gossips as Gaston leads Gigi home despite her begging not to. Gaston brings Gigi home and he cries in Grandma’s arms. Gaston storms away and stands in front of a giant fountain*

W: He’s gonna ponder life.


*Gaston goes back to Gigi’s place and rings the doorbell. Grandma lets him in and tells him no scandals please. Gaston asks her permission to take Gigi’s hand in marriage. She smiles an we cut to Honore singing Thank Heaven For Little Girls*

W: We’re gonna end with that?


*Gigi and Gaston greet a bunch of random pedestrian before riding off in a carriage. Honore winks at us, THE END*

Wi: About damn time.



The Grand Wizard has no assessment

The Warlock’s Assessment: This is a tough one because it was a fun little musical but at the same time it was about a grown man falling for a teenager. Not only that but the teenager’s mother was brushed off as insane and barely spoken about. Good luck getting away with doing a movie like this now.  I give it a 7 because the songs were catchy and the storyline was easy to follow, even if it would be creepy by today’s standard.

Final Grade: 7 out of 10 – Great


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: That was GIGI and good grief that was bizarre. I know in those days marriage was more about companionship than sex so having such an age gap wasn’t uncommon but still. Once again the actors were well above age so suspending disbelief was easy, but they still had a grown man romance a teenager. At least it wasn’t as dark or as bloody as Lolita, that’s for sure. It was a musical so no squawking about the acting, epecially since everyone played their roles well. It was a 2 hour movie but didn’t feel like it. Now….after 31 movies, most of which were BREATHTAKING long, I need a break. It was a fun ride to go from silent films to color and most of the time the movies were really good. I should do this annually. Its also interesting to note that all the movies from 1930 to 1934 were either about the past or set in Europe to avoid the great depression going on in the states. Then It Happened One Night didn’t even mention it before we went back to the past from 1935-37. Then the opposite happened once World War 2 went in effect, EVERY movie had to have some elements of the war. Then once the calendar turned to the 50’s, all sorts of different themed movie popped up as if the US had finally settled down. With that this officially ends Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm, now get outta here before I give ya a slap!


399. The Bridge on The River Kwai (1957)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a wine glass of Dr. Pepper*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Tonight my father and I take a look at one of the best World War 2 movies to ever hit the screen. The winner of Best Picture of 1957, THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI.

Wi: It has a cast of thousands.

W: 20 years before A New Hope was robbed of Best Picture by Annie Hall, Alec Guinness starred in this masterpiece about British prisoners building and destroying a strategic bridge.

Wi: Slightly more complicated than that.

W: Of course.

*Warlock takes his seat in the middle of the couch*

W: So let’s get started with THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI.



Written by Pierre Boulle, Carl Foreman an Michael Wilson

Directed by David Lean



Shears (William Holden)

Colonel Nicholsen (Alec Guinness)

Major Warden (Jack Hawkins)

Colonel Saito (Sessue Hayakawa)

Major Clipton (James Donald)

Lt Joyce (Geoffrey Horne)

Colonel Green (Andre Morell)

Captain Reeves (Peter Williams)

Major Hughes (John Boxer)

Grogan (Percy Herbert)

Baker (Harold Goodwin)

Nurse (Ann Sears)

Captain Kanematsu (Henry Okawa)

Lt. Miura (Keichiro Katsumoto_

Yai (MRB Chakrabandhu)

Siamese Girls (Vilaiwan Seeboonreaung, Ngamta Suphaphongs, Javanart Punynchoti, Kannikar Dowklee)

Tokyo Rose (Tsai Chin)

British Officer (Christopher Greet)

Extra (Herbert Nelson)


*Wizard reads the tag-line*

W: “British POW’s build a railway bridge across the river Kwai for their Japanese captors, oblivious of the Allies plan to destroy it.”

W: They had em all fooled.


*Movie opens with a bird flying*

Wi: I believe they’re supposed to be in Burma.

W: Burma shave.


*A graveyard is shown by the railroad*

Wi: That’s why all those people died, building the railroad.


*Japanese army has the workers clear out so they can get through*

W: Was this the Japanese army or navy?

Wi: Army.


*POW’s are led by their captors*

W: So glad these are finally in color.

Wi: This was based on a true story. When they invaded southeast Asia, the British surrendered in droves.


*Shears makes headstones*

Wi: Nice hat.


*Captain Kanematsu “No time for joke, dig!”

W: Hahahaha.


*Shears gives Kanematsu a lighter for the cigarette Kanematsu gave him that morning. Kanematsu puts them on the sick list so they don’t work. Weaver tells him Saito will find out eventually*

W: There would be no movie if they didn’t.


*Shears gives a eulogy for Private Thompson and Weaver scoffs at him for not taking it seriously*

W: He doesn’t have an accent.

Wi: He’s American.


*Some guy holds the shade string*

Wi: Look at this sorry individual.


*Saito is sitting and meditating*

W: This reminds me of Missing In Action 2.


*British soldiers whistling while they march*

W: And there’s this movies version of Nester.

Wi: There’s a shitload of these guys.

W: If they banded together they could overrun the Japs.


*Colonel Nicholsen watches as hundreds of prisoners arrive*

Wi: How many Japs were on the train to take them there? A dozen if that. They couldn’t have fought?


*Weaver asks if Shears is going to tell him the truth. Saito salutes Nicholsen and his men stand away from him. Nicholsen introduces himself as does Saito. Saito cuts a promo saying this is Camp 16 and they’re there to build a bridge to Bangkok to Rangoon. “If you work hard, you will be treated well. If you do not work hard, you will be punished.” Saito says there’s no security because they’re on an island in the jungle, there’s no escape. Saito “Be happy in your work”

W: I love it “There’s no security here because where the hell are you gonna go?”

Wi: There’s poisonous animals in the jungle and its 100 degrees.


*Nicholsen tells Saito his men will work hard but officers are forbidden to do manual labor by order of the Geneva Convention*

W: “We don’t give a shit about the Geneva convention.” You’re right though, that the hell are they gonna eat?


*Officers run around in a rainstorm inspecting all the sick and wounded*

Wi: This must be sick bay.


*Nicholsen speaks to Clipton who’s arm is injured. Shears tell them his crew built the camp and they’re mostly all dead from various diseases or suicide. Nicholsen says Saito is reasonable an Shears scoffs. We cut to Saito and his men going over plans before we cut to Nicholsen holding a meeting. Jennings says he has an escape plan but Nicholsen says they won’t be escaping. Shears says he’s waiting for his chance to do it. Nicholsen reveals says they were ordered to surrender and it would be against military law to escape*

W: They’ll get their chance.


*Nicholsen says they must feel like they’re commanded by the British, not the Japanese so they don’t think they’re slaves. Shears says he’s a living slave. When Shears leaves Nicholsen calls him a queer bird*

W: This one will be trouble.


*Saito says they are no longer British soldiers, the officers will work alongside them because they surrendered. Bradley goes to pick up their tools but Nicholsen tells him to go back. Nicholsen tells him the Geneva Convention forbids it and pulls out the manual. Saito slaps him across the face says to hell with the code. He rips his bars off and says he’s unworthy of command. Nicholsen says the officers will not work and Saito says “We’ll see”

Wi: Still think he’s reasonable?


*A truck shows up as the enlisted men are put to work with the officers still in line. Shears says “He doesn’t want any witnesses”

W: I see what’s coming.


*Saito says order his officers to work. Nicholsen refuses and the trucks pull up all carrying machine guns. Saito says order the officers to work by the count of 3 or they’ll be executed*

W: Wouldn’t be much of a movie if he refused.


*Japanese soldiers run out of the line of fire*

W: Look at them run, they’re like “Hey hey, wait till I’m out of the way.”


*Clipton runs out and says murdering unarmed men is no code and there’s too many witnesses. Saito walks away leaving all the men standing out in the sun*

Wi: He’s gonna let them bake in the sun.


*Hours later one of the British officers passes out. Lt Miura brings Nicholsen inside. Japanese soldiers have sticks as the troops come back from work shouting invectives*

W: This is gonna get ugly real fast.


*Nicholsen is thrown into solitary confinement. The troops sing “For he’s a jolly good fellow”

Wi: He ought to be right by the morning.


*Escaping soldiers are shot and killed. Shears kills one of the Japanese guards*

Wi: He’s making his escape plan.


*Shears is shot in the back and falls into the river*

W: He didn’t get very far.


*Dead soldiers are brought back to the graveyard. We cut to Shears swimming onto a rock*

W: I thought he was shot, unless he faked it.

Wi: No I think he got tagged.


*Prisoners screw up building the bridge as Clipton wants Nicholsen out after 3 days. Saito praises the ones that tried to escape because they were very briefly soldiers again. Saito says they’re behind schedule because of the insubordination and sabotage. Clipton says they won’t take orders from the Japanese and Clipton says its against the rules. Saito says if Nicholsen doesn’t relent and give up the officers, he’ll shut down the hospital and make the sick men work*

W: Reasonable huh?


*Clipton visits Nicholsen and tells him what’s going on. Nicholsen says Saito is the worst officer ever and he thinks he’s mad*

Wi: Hahaha.


*Nicholsen says its blackmail and Clipton tells him the officers are no good in the hole and the food rations have been cut. Nicholsen says if they give in now, there will never be an end to it. Clipton says to give up and Nicholsen refuses. Clipton says they got a guard bribed and Shears was shot and killed. Nicholsen says “To what end.”

W: They only think he’s dead, the Opelka of this movie.


*Clipton shakes his head at the officers in the hole. The officers say Nicholsen refused to surrender. Saito asks for a report and Clipton says Nicholsen refuses to quit. Clipton tells Saito if Nicholsen dies, its on him and Saito deflects the blame*

W: How would they enforce any sort of rule against Saito out there anyway?


*Shears looking haggard falls under a tree of vultures*

Wi: Just waiting. What’s he drinking, river water? Good luck with that.


*Shears gets attacked by a kite from a village he wanders to. The villagers bring him in*

W: Burma saves the day.


*Saito is frustrated at being behind schedule. The Lt runs out looking ashamed and one of the British guys mocks him with hara kiri motion*

W: Hahahahahahaha


*Saito calls the British officers lazy. He also says Lt. Miura has been fired for incompetence and Saito himself takes over tomorrow. Saito says he has presents for the troops and its cartons of cigarettes*

W: How about a beer?


*Next day the bridge they were building collapses*

Wi: Well there goes a whole days work.


*Saito has Nicholsen brought to him. They have a one on one chat over dinner and Saito says he spent 3 years in London studying. Nicholsen says he intends to make a full report of Saito’s cruelty and Saito says he has only 12 weeks to finish. Saito says he’s not responsible for the officers building the railway. Saito says he’ll let Majors and above not work but Nicholsen refuses that as well. Saito says he’ll have to kill himself if he doesn’t complete the bridge. Saito says “What would you do if you were me?” Nicholsen “Well I’d guess I’d die then. Cheers”

W and Wi: Hahahahhaha


*Nicholsen says he has a solution if he’d listen. Nicholsen says Lt. Mioura can’t do it but Reeves and Hughes can do it. Saito says he’s taken over and Nicholsen asks if he’s happy. Saito “I HATE THE BRITISH!”

W: Nice temper tantrum.


*Nicholsen is thrown back in the hole. Meanwhile the Burma village dress Shears in a American flag and they built him a catamaran*

W: Where’s he gonna go? He’s got no weapons, no clothes.


*Shears is out of clean water so he drinks river water. He’s shown to be sick*

W: He’s gonna be sick as hell.

Wi: He reached the south China sea.



*Nicholsen is brought out of the hole and the troops salute him. He goes before Saito*

W: We’re an hour into it.


*Saito says its the anniversary of their victory over Russia. In honor of this, Nicholsen and the officers will be released and will not have to work labor*

W: A small victory.


*Nicholsen is mobbed by the troops*

W: Why don’t they run to the trucks and man the machine guns?

Wi: Yeah, the guards only have rifles. Samurai swords don’t hold up to bullets.


*Nicholsen gets a heroes welcome. Saito cries*

Wi: That’s Saito, he knows he’s lost the battle of wills.


*Nicholsen looking healthier and in uniform inspects the railway construction. A bolt wasn’t put in and his second says the guy who screwed up deserves a medal. We cut to the river and Nicholsen asks Reeves how he’d get the bridge built. Reeves says he wouldn’t have built it here because there’s no bottom. Reeves says if it were up to him they’d build downstream with a better base. The crew also is horsing around, Nicholsen “Thanks to the Japanese, we now command a rabble.” Nicholsen says pride is on the line and they can show the Japanese how its done. Evans asks if he’s serious and Nicholsen says he is.*

W: A battle of wills turns into a battle of pride.


*Nicholsen tells Saito they should follow Reeves plan 400 yards downstream and Hughes says the forces has been badly distributed. Nicholsen says they can increase production to eat while they work. Nicholsen says the railway has a skeleton crew and they’ll need some of Saito’s men to help that and build a friendly rivalry. Saito “I have already given the order.” Saito asks if they can finish on time and Nicholsen says probably not since they wasted a month already that wasn’t his fault*

W: Nice subtle dig at him.


*Nicholsen says to thank Saito as they leave. Saito looks sad as they leave. Outside Nicholsen says he doesn’t care if they appreciate it or not. We cut to a British hospital where Shears is*

Wi: They don’t show you how he ended up here.

W: Yeah, that’s the one thing they left out.


*Shears hits on a blonde nurse and kisses her*

W: Typical 50’s even those this was supposed to be World War 2.


*Shears says she’s Lt Lover as an officer shows up. His name is Warden and he’s part of Force 316 and he wants intel on what’s going on there. Shears says he told the intelligence agency agency but Warden says he wants Shears personally to come with him tomorrow at 10 AM*

W: That sounds like a set-up.


*Next morning local troops train as Shears is brought to Warden’s hut. Soldiers are stealth training. Joyce attacks Shears before his commander realizes Shears isn’t part of it. They apologize as Shears salutes Joyce*

W: Whoops.


*Colonel Green wants to meet Shears and Warden speaks with him one on one. Warden says he’s an expert in sabotage and demolition*

W: Movie is now half over.


*Warden congratulates Shears on his escape. Shears says its good that his sea planes saw him*

W: That explains it.


*Shears asks if Nicholsen is okay, Warden doesn’t know. Warden shows a map of where they think the prison camp is compared to the Siamese village. Warden says their objection is to blow up the bridge and railway. Warden wants Shears to go back to help them with firsthand knowledge. He doesn’t want any part of it but Warden says the US Navy sent him orders. Shears is pissed*

W: “I have already given the order.”


*Shears says he’s not an officer, he just stole is CO’s uniform after he was killed so he could get better treatment in prison camp. Shears goes on a monologue saying he can’t go. Warden reveals they know all about him and he can’t go home or he’d be arrested for impersonating an officer. Shears says he has no choice but to vollunteer. Green shows up and says “Jolly good show”

W: Hahahaha blackmail.


*Back at the bridge, Saito oversees everyone working. Baker’s foot is infected and Clipton tells him to head to sickbay. One of the workers asks why Nicholsen is doing this right and the other guy says Nick knows what he’s doing. Nicholsen tells Clipton that Saito has backed off since they took over and Clipton asks if this is a good idea to build the bridge. Nicholsen says everyone is being treated well and Clipton says this could be seen as treason. Clipton says they shouldn’t be doing their work. Nicholsen goes on a monologue saying they’re prisoners and some day the war will be over. He wants the bridge built and remembered fondly by those who built it*

Wi: “Take that.”

W: “Well there goes my argument.


*Shears walk by the blonde from earlier and checks her out as she gets in a cab*

W: Gratuitous bent over shot.


*Green wants Shears to pick the fourth member of his team. Joyce is under consideration, Chapman says he’ll do. Green wants Shears to be the deciding factor. Joyce says he was an accountant in Montreal. Green “That sounds like a dreadful bore.”

W: Hahahaha


*Green asks if Joyce can kill in cold blood and Joyce doesn’t honestly know. Green dismisses Joyce and Warden says at least he was honest. Shears says he can take his place and Green says don’t even think about it*

W: Hahahahhaa


*Green asks Shears if he wants a sniff of air*

W: He wants that nurse from earlier.


*Green says there’s a new death pill and he recommends not being taken alive. He doesn’t want anyone to know they’re blowing up the bridge. Shears says Chapman and Joyce will be fine, Warden is the one he’s worried about. Green is about to say how Warden was captured by the Japanese when Warden shows up and says practice jumps won’t be necessary. Shears asks if they want him to jump with or without the parachute, everyone laughs*

W: Ha.


*Warden, Shears and Joyce land safely but Chapman is killed when he lands in a tree*

W: The Himenez of this movie.


*Warden runs down the battle plan, Yai will be their man on the inside. Shears asks Warden why they’re bringing him back and Warden says to expect the unexpected. The trio cut their way through the forest*

W: We got an hour to go.

Wi: Like I said, half the movie is building the bridge, the other half is knocking it down.


*Siamese girls are shown*

W: The middle one is cute.


*Shears is exhausted from hacking and the cute one gives him water. They wade through rice patties*

Wi: This reminds me of Vietnam.


*Joyce hits on the third girl and Shears says “Be happy in your work.”

W: Hahahaha


*The girls and the trio wade through the muddy water and are told to be careful of leeches*

Wi: Gotta burn them off.


*The cute one burns leeches off Shears’ back. Shears is pissed off and kicks the radio over, it starts to work. Tokyo Rose goes on air*

Wi: Good old stuff, just whack it.


*Joyce gets the radio working and figures out they abandoned the original built site and are building downstream. Warden says if they move faster they can get to the train on time. The cute one smiles at Shears*

Wi: Hahahhhaa


*Nicholsen’s men continue to build. Nicholsen tells Clipton that they can’t finish on time even with the officers help. He says he didn’t want Saito’s help because its their show. He wants the sick to help depending on how sick they are. Clipton says one man could have his leg amputated if he’s not treated. Clipton asks if he wants him to report and Nicholsen says “Don’t talk rot.”

W: He’s saying “I’m not a savage.”


*Nicholsen convinces Baker and some of the others that are hurt to get to work*

Wi: Look at this rabble.


*Nicholsen leads the sick men to the bridge as Saito looks on impressed*

W: He’s like “What do you need me for?”


*Warden sees his men getting bathed and shaved by the women. He rolls his eyes and says “10 minutes”

W: Better make it 20 minutes.


*One of the girls run into a Japanese soldier as the men arm themselves. A patrol just happened to wander by*

W: What lousy luck.


*A shell goes off and Warden’s men ambush, all we see are bird flying*

Wi: A few birds there huh?

W: Nice touch.


*We show the Japanese soldiers dead and bleeding into the water*

W: So much for the swimming water.


*Warden says to make sure they’re all dead. One happens to escape. Warden tells Joyce to use his knife or they’ll be shooting each other*

Wi: I remember how this scene goes.


*Warden and Joyce search for the Japanese soldier. The soldier pops up and looks into Joyce’s eyes, they both hesitate and Warden guts him with the knife, taking a shot to the side of his foot from the discharged gun. Joyce says he could have done it but Warden says don’t worry about it. They try to walk further but Warden’s foot is more injured than he thought. He cuts his boot off*

Wi: That ain’t gonna work, its infected now with that humidity.

W: At this point, how would he make it back even if he wanted to turn around?

Wi: He’d have to be carried. By the way the girls are walking barefoot through all that, I walk on a beach for 3 minutes and I’m going “ow ow”


*The crew continues to trudge through the forest*

Wi: Look how the roots are above ground.


*Warden says they’re 5 hours away and need to keep moving. Shears says keep walking and he’ll bleed to death. Warden says to leave him there and Shears says forget it. Warden says Shears is in command now, Shears goes on a rant saying its all about rules with him and Nicholsen, they need to live like human beings. Shears says they’re not going to leave him behind as Yai shows up with a stretcher. Warden refuses to be put on it but he relents*

Wi: Good thing they had the women.

W: They’re working just as hard as the men.


*The crew looks over a ledge and spots the Kwai bridge*

W: They found it.

Wi: There it is. They finally get the thing built, the train is on its way and now they have to blow the damn thing up.


*Warden says its a shame to blow it up as Nicholsen hangs a sign saying the bridge was built by British and Japanese soldiers. Nicholsen and Saito shake hands as Warden goes over how to blow it up*

Wi: The ironies of war.


*Warden tells Shears, Yai and Joyce what to do and how to attack. Yai and the women will build the raft, Warden will man the mortar. He says if he had two good legs he’d go with Shears instead of Joyce. Montage of the women smearing camouflage on the men as Shears loads the mortar. Nicholsen inspects his fine work*

W: Don’t hit him.


*Nicholsen and Saito check out the sunset. Nicholsen says he’s been in the service 28 years and home for maybe 10 months of it*

Wi: How do you stand the smell?


*Nicholsen philosophizes before dropping his stick in the water. He says he must be off because they have a show to put on. The soldiers perform as Warden’s crew make their way towards camp on a raft*

W: Watch out for leeches, alligators and piranha. This is fresh water right?

Wi: Yeah.


*British soldiers dress in drag*

W: Japanese soldiers are probably looking at them like “the hell is this crap?”


*Saito cobbles a letter and puts a lock of hair in it*

W: What’s with the hair?


*Japanese soldiers guard the bridge. Shears and the others float the raft underneath it silently. They set the charges as Nicholsen makes a speech saying they’ll be moved to a new camp in the morning. The completion of the railway will allow them to transport the sick by train to the next camp. Nicholsen says when they go home they will all be proud of what they achieved in the face of adversity. Everyone from solider to civilian will have survived with honor*

W: A shame the bridge has to be blown.


*Joyce and Shears make it down stream away from the bridge. Shears has Joyce all set up before swimming away. A bird squawks*

Wi: They forgot something, but they’re going to realize it shortly.


*Shears wakes up and Warden realizes the river has gone down, the explosives can be seen easily*

Wi: That’s what they forgot, the tides.

W: I didn’t know rivers had tides.


*Saito cuts the ribbon for the ceremonial march across by the British soldiers. Warden watches from afar. One of the Japanese soldiers spots the bombs as Warden says don’t wait for the train. Joyce wants the British soldiers to pass first and they do. Nicholsen and Clipton are still there. Nicholsen walks down the bridge by himself as Clipton watches from another side. Nicholsen hears the train coming, Joyce prepares the charges as Warden prepares the mortar*

W: Get the hell out of there Nicholsen.


*Saito prepares the ritual knife*

W: Why?

Wi: He had nothing to do with it. This was a British operation and in his shame, he’ll commit hara kiri.


*Nicholsen spots the charges*

W: Might want to get out of there.

Wi: He’s in conflict.


*Nicholsen tells Saito to take a look around with him and they go down to look at a branch. They follow the detonators as Warden says Nicholsen is leading Saito right to Joyce*

Wi: Blow it now.

W: Wouldn’t that take out Nicholsen with it?

Wi: Oh yeah.


*Nicholsen tells Saito something is gong on and he pulls the chord out of the sand. The train is almost there. Shears tells Joyce t do it now. Joyce runs up and guts Saito. Nicholsen attacks Joyce and shouts to blow it. The soldiers attack and kill Yai as Shears and Joyce are both hit. Shears crawls toward Nicholsen and dies as Warden fires the mortars. Nicholsen “What have I done?” Joyce is dead too as the mortar shell nails Nicholsen. He collapses on top of the detonator and the bridge and train both blow. Clipton “Madness….” Warden “I had to do it to keep them from being captured”

Wi: My favorite line “Madness.”


*Clipton spots Saito, Nicholsen, Joyce and Shears all dead as the sign floats away. “Madness….Madness”

Wi: So what happens now. Yai knew the way, how is Warden gonna get back?

W: What about Clipton. how’s he gonna get back?


The Grand Wizard has no assessment

The Warlock’s Assessment: Way too long but I give it an 8 out of 10. It shows how people do anything and everything to get their way in war and the fact it had a rather sad ending shows how evil war is. The acting was amazing and it told a great story.

Final Grade: 8 out of 10 – Awesome


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: Well that was pretty damn good, only one problem. The movie isn’t historically accurate at all. Remember early in the movie with the British prisoners treated like crap? THAT’S what it was like the whole time. The commander that Nicholsen was based on said they were held at bayonet the whole time and were treated miserably. If you don’t know that though, its still a damn good movie. Once again the length and the pacing are an issue but everything else checks out Acting is good, writing is good and the payoff is realistic. The fact it shows the British standing up to adversity is probably how it won Best Picture over 12 Angry Men. Still, I can see why this one Best Picture even though I like 12 Angry Men better. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. We have one movie left to cap off this month and the last one is going to be another musical. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!


398. Around The World in 80 Days (1956)

-*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a mug of Barq’s Root Beer*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. As we wind down the month, we’re about to embark on yet another 3 hour marathon. In 1956 the geniuses at Hollywood decided to make a 3 hour movie adaptation of the Jules Verne book AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS. With some of the biggest names in Hollywood going back to the 1920’s, this was set to be an epic not seen since Grand Hotel in 1932.

*Warlock takes his seat*

W: For a movie this long it means two things. One, there’s going to be plenty of padding but that also means there’s going to at least be a plot. Now can the plot of this movie, the directing and acting be worth sitting through three hours for? Let’s find out and start AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS.


Written by James Poe, John Farrow, SJ Perelman, Jules Verne

Directed by Michael Anderson and John Farrow



Phileas Fogg (David Niven)

Passepartout (Cantinflas)

Princess Aouda (Shirley MacLaine)

Inspector Fix (Robert Newton)

Monsieur Gasse (Charles Boyer)

Fort Kearney Station Master (Joe E Brown)

Paris Railroad Girl (Martine Carol)

Colonel Proctor (John Carradine)

Steamship Company Hong Kong Clerk (Charles Coburn)

Great Indian Peninsular Railway Official (Ronald Colman)

Mr. Talley (Melville Cooper)

Roland Hesketh-Baggott (Noel Coward)

Andrew Stuart (Finlay Currie)

Bombay Police Inspector (Reginald Denny)

SS Henrietta First Mate (Andy Devine)

Barbary Coast Saloon Owner (Marlene Dietrich)

Bullfighter (Luis Dominguin)

French Coachman (Fernandel)

Foster (John Gielgud)

Sporting Lady (Hermoine Gingold)

Flamenco Dancer (Jose Greco)

Sir Francis Cromartie (Credric Hardwicke)

Denis Fallentin (Trevor Howard)

Sporting Lady’s Friend (Glynis Johns)

San Francisco Train Conductor (Buster Keaton)

Paris Tart (Evelyn Keyes)

London Revivalist Leader (Beatrice Lillie)

Japanese Steward (Peter Lorre)

SS Henrietta Engineer (Edmund Lowe)

SS Henrietta Helmsman (Victor McLaglen)

US Calvary Colonel (Tim McCoy)

Drunks (Mike Mazurki, Red Skelton)

London Carriage Driver (John Mills)

Ralph (Robert Morely)

Suez (Alan Mowbray)

Edward R Murrow (Himself)

SS Henrietta Captain (Jack Oakie)

Barbary Coast Saloon Bouncer (George Raft)

Achmed Abdullah (Gilbert Roland)

Abdullah’s Henchman (Cesar Romero)

Club Members (AE Matthews, Ronald Squire, Basil Sydney, Walter Fitzgerald)

Club Stew (Ronald Adam)

Hinshaw (Harcourt Williams)

Clergyman (Frank Royde)

Elephant Driver (Robert Cabal)

(There’s over 1300 extras, no sense listing them all)



*The Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “A Victorian Englishman bets that with the new steamships and railways he can circumnavigate the globe in eighty days.”

W: I’m guessing he does it.


*Movie opens with Edward R Murrow telling us Jules Verne’s book adaption is what we’re about to see*

W: That’s really Edward R Murrow.


*Murrow says no one has gone to the moon*

W: Wait 13 years.


*Murrow narrates the fantasy of space travel including a rocket to the moon. The first rocket is being built. “A do it yourself rocket”

W: Brought to you by A`cme.


*Piano player plays Jingle Bells*

W: 3 months late on that.


*We cut from old silent film footage to an actual rocket being launched*

W: Ah good ol color, makes everything better.


*Murrow narrates a world of unlimited power and limitless hope*

W: They got one right.


*Murrow says Verne predicted one day man would go around the world in just 80 hours. Now it can be done in 40*

W: Depending on how fast the plane is, probably could get it done even sooner in the 60 plus years since this movie came out.


*Murrow says a long time ago. people believed the Earth was flat. We go back to 1872 to start the story. Rule Britannia Plays*

W: British Bulldog in the house.


*Royal Guard marches with a full band. Newspaper vendor shows the Royal Bank has been robbed*

W: Danny Ocean’s great great great grandfather.


*Thorndyke greets Phileas Fogg. Hinshaw tells Fogg his newspaper has already been read. Fogg is upset


W: I think that’s Phileas Fogg, great great great great grandfather of Colorado Rockies pitcher Josh Fogg.


*The Club Members including Pilbeam say people talking to each other is the season of the witch*

W: The what now?


*Mr. Mockridge spots a cat running around and tells Hinshaw to get rid of it*

W: Its the smittens.


*A guy rides a bike down a concrete street*

W: That road looks too paved for 1872.


*Carriage Driver tells Fogg to move his bike*

W: Look at that stupid thing.


*Fogg rides in a circle around a woman pushing a baby carriage. He stops at the Roland Hesketh-Baggott Employment Office where there’s a dog waiting outside. He walks in*

W: The dog should be the bank manager.


*Mr Hesketh calls Fogg eccentric and Foster says he’s a tyrant and he’s mad. Foster says he’s tortured every valet he has had. Foster says he’s a whimpering, cringing slave. Hesketh says he’s under hysteria. Foster says Fogg puts him through unreasonable demands. Hesketh says they’ll have to pray to find a replacement valet. Passepartout volunteers and excites Foster. We cut to Passepartout interviewed by Fogg and he’s just as eccentric as Fogg*

W: Hahahaha


*Fogg wants everything done his way and we cut to the Club members playing cards. Ralph says newspapers exaggerate as they said 55,000 pounds were stolen. Ralph says the bank robber won’t get away and Fogg says he just may. Fogg says you can go around the world in 80 days and Ralph says that’s impossible. Fogg says someday it’ll take 80 hours. Stuart challenges Fogg to do it in 80 days and bets money on it. Fogg says he’s got 20,000 pounds and will wager it to complete a world tour in 80 days. The members of the Club all take that bet. Fogg says he’ll leave tonight at 8:45*

W: Good, let’s get this going.


*Ralph says Fogg needs to be back in the Club at 8:45 PM on September 21st. Meanwhile Passepartout bumbles around Fogg’s place*

W: He’s the comic relief I see.


*Fogg whistles for Passepartout and he jumps in the dumbwaiter*

W: Hahahahahaha!


*Fogg tells Passepartout to pack for a trip around the world and Passepartout only has one shirt to bring*

W: Better have clean underwear.


*Fogg pulls out huge stacks of money and tells Passepartout to watch over it. Passepartout says he’ll watch over it like a woman. Fogg “Don’t make love to it, just watch it.”

W: Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!


*Fogg and Pass get into the carriage but Pass sees a woman and goes to say hi, only to get slapped in the face. The carriage driver falls asleep and Fogg tells him Thomas Cook. The guy has no idea what he’s talking about until Pass says “Cooook.”

W: I assume he’s a known British comedian of the 1950’s?


*Pass and Fogg make it to Thomas Cook & Son but Fogg has to pull Pass away from chasing a girl*

W: Neyzor Blades would be saying “That’s you” right about now.


*Pass and Cook go over the itinerary but miss the Bali women. Pass gets excited when Cook brings up Geisha girls in Japan. Cook says its a crime they only have 80 days*

W: Pass will set a record of bastard kids.


*Fogg walks in and says it can’t be done, the trains and boat will take too long. Cook says they can travel by hot air balloon. Fogg pulls out the huge stack of money and says he’ll buy the Balloon*

W: Should have just taken Cook with him.


*A whole crowd of people are there to see Fogg and Pass off. Pass kisses the same woman twice*

W: Ha!


*Pass lifts the balloon off but forgets to jump inside. Fogg has to pull him inside by his pants*

W: Nice one. Do they have any idea how to fly it?


*Fogg reads the manual on how to operate the Balloon*

W: Cool, do they have enough gas to get home?


*Montage of the duo flying around*

W: Takes off the run-time.


*Pass grabs snow off of a mountain to chill a bottle of champagne*

W: Hahaha that’s using your head.


*Back at the club, Ralph says Fogg is drifting over the Alps in a hot air balloon.  They say they could be in the Swiss Alps or the French Alps, if its the French then he’s ahead of schedule. We cut to the duo and Fogg says they’re in France now*

W: Ahead of schedule.


*The gas valve is stuck and Pass has to climb up the balloon to fix it*

W: Nope, nope nope. I couldn’t do that.


*Fogg and Pass start ramming into buildings on their way down. Fogg doesn’t understand what they’re saying and Pass says they’re speaking Spanish because they’re in Spain*

W: They went the wrong way.


*Pass says the only way they can get to Marsielles is by boat owned by Abdul of Tangiers. Fogg and Pass hit up the Cave where Spanish dancers perform*

W: Gonna have to drag Pass out of there.


*Dancer does a whole routine when Abdul finally shows up*

W: This is going to be like The Great Ziegfeld with dance routines of different countries.


*Pass starts dancing with one of the girls and takes the tablecloth off of Abdul’s table to do a bullfighting routine with her*

W: Hahahaha he almost got stabbed.


*Fogg and Pass can use their boat for free if Pass can survive a real bullfight*

W: What a catch.


*Pass says he’ll do it. We get a huge, long introduction of Pass being introduced before the bull is let out*

W: How did the bull not win Best Supporting Actor?


*A real matador bullfights as Pass hides behind the bullpen*

W: I’m sure that’s a real matador.
*Pass is about to chicken out when he’s reluctantly thrown into the ring*

W: Try not to get killed.


*Pass does a whole routine*

W: They somewhat ripped off What’s The Matador a little bit.


*Pass continues to “fight” the bull*

W: This is taking WAY too long.


*Pass gets carried out as a hero by the other matadors and various fans as Fogg in Abdul’s box is told by Abdul the ship is his. We cut to the Lloyds of London where the odds of Fogg making is 30-1. People place various bets to change the odds. Club members says Fogg has no chance even if he has made it to Bombay. A late bulletin says Fogg has arrived at Suez*

W: Egypt? Look out for Imhotep!


*Inspector Fix greets Pass and follows him around. He is interested in all the money they have and Pass says he’s only known Fogg since they left. Fix is there because they think Fogg was the one who robbed the bank in London. Fix wants a warrant from Scotland Yard sent to Bombay so he can arrest Fogg there*

W: I knew he had something to do with it.


*Fogg enjoys tea time until the music turns ominous*

W: Watch out for thugees.


*The tea guy brings tea to Fogg in the rain*

W: Nice touch.


*On the boat, Fogg says he wants the same breakfast every day. Fix finds Pass and says how about lemon squashes*

W: You’ll have better luck with beer.


*Fix tells Pass he’s an agent for the steamship company. Pass wants to know about the women and Fix says they’re superb goddesses. Pass doesn’t want to talk about how Fogg got his money and we cut to Fogg paying off the ship captain for getting him to India ahead of schedule*

W: Makes sense he’d be the one who robbed it, but how?


*Fogg tells Pass what to bring for their trip to Calcutta*

W: Wasn’t this the 1870’s?


*Fix spots Fogg and tails him. Pass walks outside as beggars mill about*

W: Watch out, they’ll pick your pocket clean.


*Pass ruins a snake charming trick by exposing the man behind it. He then spots some Indian belly-dancers*

W: Won’t be hard to spot him now.


*Pass tries to get the crowd to laugh by bullfighting but one of the members says that’s a sacred animal and a whole mob chases Pass around town*

W: One jump…ahead of the slowpokes.


*Fix goes to the local police and the Captain should order Fogg’s arrest. He tries to bribe him with 2,000 pounds but the Captain says London will settle it. We cut to outside the train and Fogg has no idea where Pass is. The train starts leaving and Pass gets chased onto it. Fogg whacks people with his walking stick and tells Pass there will be no more fiddle-faddle*

W: No pattyfingers if you please!


*Pass checks out the scenery during a montage*

W: This is nice but its taking too long. Maybe this won the Oscar because it was basically showing the sights of the world to people who may have never heard of such places?


*The whistle sounds to wake up Pass in the morning. He checks out an elephant walking by the train. Then more scenery*

W: Gotta love padding.


*Fix plays cards with Fogg and explains what the Thuggees were*

W: Ha, I was waiting for them to mention this.


*Fix says Thuggees weren’t entirely eliminated and the train stops suddenly. Fix, Pass and Fogg get out to see what’s up. The conductor says nothing, its the end of the line. The line was never completed and Fix will take it up with the Viceroy. Fogg says they should take an elephant across the water and Fix yells at him for paying 1,000 pounds for it*

W: That’s one way to get across.


*A royal bengal tiger growls and freaks Fogg out*

W: A very large cat.


*Fix, Fogg and Fix enjoy tea with their driver. They hear commotion and Fix says it looks like a religious procession is nearby*

W: The Thuggees from Gunga Din.


*Fix says its indeed the Thuggees*

W: May want to get out of there.


*Fix says its a volunteer sacrifice. A woman is going to be burned on her husband’s ashes. The rider says she’s not there voluntarily, she’s there by force. Rider says her name is Princess Aouda and she was educated in England. Fogg, Fix and Pass must save her and Fix says to follow him*

W: Get Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Victor McLagen while you’re at it.


*Fix says they need to outflank the beggars. They go over a plan but Pass runs off*

W: He’s going rogue.


*Aouda is being prepared for the sacrifice*

W: Shirley Maclaine as an Indian.


*Pass sets the platform on fire to scare off the Thuggees and saves Auoda. We cut to the Club reading how Fogg was arrested for disturbing the temple. They gloat until one of them mentions Fogg posted bail and is halfway to Hong Kong*

W: Still a long way to go in this one.


*Fogg and Aouda watch a ship row by*

W: That’s cool.


*Fogg tells about a card game to Aouda and they share bonding moments. He extends his condolences but she says it was just a business relationship, she saw him once when she was 7.  Aouda later asks Pass about Fogg and Pass knows nothing about him except he loves whist*

W: No Texas Hold Em in 1870 London.


*Fogg plays cards with Aouda watching as Fix looks in on him with Pass watching Fix. Fix then tells Mr. Talley that Fogg is a slippery character. Talley gives Fix Fogg’s itinerary and Fix says he’ll get him in Calcutta. Talley says there’s a 20 hour layover so he should have plenty of time. Fogg speaks slowly to an Asian man and he says in perfect English that Mr. Cominjee is in Holland. Fogg apologizes for assuming and the man tells him what to do next. Fogg gives orders to Pass and he goes off with Aouda. Fix follows Pass*

W: He just doesn’t give up.


*Pass buys tickets to the next ship and the clerk says its leaving that night, not in the morning. Pass says that’s even better and Fix looks shocked*

W: There goes your 20 hours.


*Aouda and Fogg check into the hotel. Fogg says her company has been most welcome and she asks why he has to be so British*

W: Would you rather him be American? Speaking of which, she has no accent at all. She’s not even trying to pretend to be British or Indian.


*Fix wants to have a farewell drink with Pass. Fix tells the bartender to pick up the tickets for Pass. Pass wants lemon squash but Fix insists on Hong Kong Snickersnee*

W: Haha liquid gunpowder.


*Fix says he’s a professional detective and he’s in pursuit of Fogg. Fix wants Pass to delay Fogg for a day so the warrant for his arrest. Pass tells him off but Fix respects him for it. Pass takes a drink and goes to leave until the drink hits him*

W: Talk about a lightweight.


*Pass sees triple and then starts dancing around before passing out*

W: Well that was easy for Fix.


*Fox is dropped in Kowloon Alley*

W: Ha, Kowloon.


*Pass wakes up in the morning on a boat with a man looking over him*

W: Oh my god its Peter Lorre.


*The Steward says Fogg is not on board, Pass is there alone. Pass has no money either and Stew says Yokohama won’t like that. We cut to the mainland as Fix introduces himself to Aouda and Fogg. Fogg says he’ll get to Yokohama even if he has to swim. Fogg catches a ride on a steamship and says if he moves fast enough, he can catch the boat to San Francisco he intended to be on. We’re shown Japan*

W: Next stop, Japan.


*Pass wanders around Japan by himself then notices apples in front of a statue. He thinks about taking one*

W: Ha, that would be a riot.


*Pass spots a Geisha girl with an apple and takes one. He bows to the statue and eats it*

W: Nice touch.


*Pass bows to just about everyone he sees and several of them look at him funny. Pass follows some geisha girls before spotting various raw animal and fish meat*

W: Yeesh. Although he must be starving.


*Pass goes into a cirque show as we cut to Fogg, Fix and Auoda on the boat. Fix is seasick and Fogg says he says Fujiyama up ahead*

W: Well that’s great but what was Pass up to the whole time?


*Fogg and Aouda deter that Pass is penniless but still there. We cut to the cirque show where Pass is performing in it*

W: Hahahahaha love how the writer doesn’t have him lying in a ditch but has him fitting in well.


*Fogg and Aouda hit up the show when they get to Yokohama. They spot Pass and Fogg shouts for him. Pass abandons the show and the human pyramid he was holding up falls apart*

W: Hahahahahaha!


*Aouda and Pass on the General Grant talk. Pass says Fix is a British detective that’s going to arrest Fogg but Aouda says they’re out of British jurisdiction*

W: Yeah, I don’t think San Francisco is going to give a damn.



W: Yay we made it….more than halfway there.


*Intermission ends*

W: For everyone in theaters that needed a piss break, They should do that now.


*Changing of the guard in London goes on with the club members saying that Fogg is in America. The Queen reads the newspaper and we cut to two ladies gossip about Fogg*

W: I’ve seen her before, isn’t she from Mary Poppins?


*The older of the two says she’s been robbed*

W: Yup, looked it up, that was Winnifred. Damn I’m good.


*A parade marches through the streets of San Francisco*

W: Yay, vote for President….Grant? If this was the 1870’s.


*Fogg, Aouda and Pass are confused of what’s going on*

W: Hahahaha.


*Fogg says they need to get out of the way as Can-Can girls are led to a tavern*

W: Pass should like that.


*Pass stops to check them out then follows them inside*

W: Hahahaha I called it.


*Pass reads a book with some woman as some guy flicks a knife and throws it at the table. Pass picks it up and walks away with it*

W: Hahaha he took it.


*Pass cuts turkey and eats with some guy, feeding each other*

W: Hahahahahaha


*The angry guy from earlier throws out Pass’ friend. Fogg and Aouda walk in and ask the lady where Pass is. The guy flicks another knife and Fogg finds Pass. Fogg says this is a primitive culture and they’ll need weapons. He’s got 47 minutes to catch the train. The angry man threatens Fogg and Fogg says he’s leaving. The piano player turns around*

W: Old blue eyes, Frank Sinatra.


*Fix finds Fogg outside. Fix says he’ll be catching the next train with them as some local yokel harrasses Fogg. The yokel calls Aouda a hoochie dancer and Fogg says to unhand her. He hits the guy on the head with an umbrella then steps back as the guy punches Fix. He hits him in the head again to knock him down and Fogg says let’s go*

W: Ha!


*On the train Aouda and Fogg watch the wildlife run around as Pass shows up looking like a bandito*

W: He looks like Speedy Gonzalez with the bandoliers.


*The train stops as the conductor says they’re peaceful Indians. Everyone smokes the peace pipe outside as the conductor says down the line they’re not so friendly. The train continues as Aouda and Fogg watch the natives hang out then run with the cattle*

W: Great way to show culture in this movie,


*A herd of buffalo temporarily slow down the train*

W: Won’t see those no more.


*Fogg asks the conductor if the entire American population is in the way of the train*

W: Careful, you may get bandits and the Dutch Van Der Linde gang next.


*Fix, Aouda, Pass and Fogg play cards on the train*

W: Okay, can we progress the story now?


*The train stops again and Pass says he’ll check it out. The bridge is out and the local yokel is Colonel and he hands the conductor a bottle of hooch*

W: Liquid courage.


*The conductor backs the train up and prepares to ride over the broken tracks*

W: Wouldn’t be much of a movie if they plunged to their deaths.


*The train makes it across the bridge but it collapses behind them*

W: Hope no one else is in a hurry on the next train.


*The Colonel chastises Fogg and Fogg challenges him to a duel. The conductor says don’t miss or they’ll hit the woodwork, it’ll come out of his paycheck. They turn to shoot but unfriendly Natives show up and chuck a spear at Colonel. Everyone arms them selves as the Natives a ttack the train. Fogg and others shoot the Natives*

W: Any modern day liberal will be shitting themselves during this scene.


*Fogg wrestles with a native as the conductor gets hit in the back. He says he’s okay but the coat is ruined. There’s a fort nearby and they need to stop the train there. Pass runs up to the top of the train and starts firing*

W: He’s a sitting duck up there.


*Pass somehow dodges arrows as the train goes into a tunnel. Colonel wrestles with another native as shots are fired in the dark. Pass is thrown from the train as he spots a wagon approaching. He runs for the wagon and hails it down before hopping in. The natives are in hot pursuit, the cowboys say they need to get to Fort Kearney*

W: Of course they had to turn this into a Western.


*Pass takes one of the horses and rides off for Fort Kearney*

W: How the hell would he know where to go?


*The natives ride after Pass and eventually capture him. He’s tied up to a tree*

W: Knowing this movie, he’ll join the dance party in about 10 minutes in movie time.


*The Calvary Commander says the Sioux have him, he’s as good as gone. Fogg says they need a rescue party and just the Sioux Chief lights the stake on fire. The Calvary theme plays as the Calvary makes their way to the Sioux site*

W: Of course.


*The Calvary show up and the Natives all scatter. Pass is rescued but they miss the train they were supposed to be on. Fogg is dejected as the Train Clerk says they need to relax. Fogg spots some wheels nearby and rigs up a makeshift train cart to transport them to Omaha*

W: Watch out for Bone Tomahawk weirdos.


*Back in the Club, the members read a note that Fogg has made it to New York but missed the steamship to Liverpool. The members gloat that he’s got no chance to make it now and they’re about to be 20,000 pounds richer. The servants now bet against Fogg knowing he’s not gonna make it. Meanwhile the Constable shows up and says Fogg is the bank robber. The Henrietta ship is headed to Venezuela and the Constable says Fogg is running away because he knows he’s going to be arrested. On the ship, Fogg bribes the captain to sail to London instead*

W: Nice touch.


*Pass works with the ship’s crew to help sail to London. Pass then spots a problem with the boat, its running out of steam and coal. We cut to the Club and they say Fogg has 3 days to get there while back on the boat, the captain says even by sailing they’ll never make it in time*

W: Ready for the pulse pounding finish?


*Fogg then uses the last of his money to buy the boat outright and to burn everything they possibly can to use as fuel including cabins and lifeboats. Fix has to give up his lounge chair*

W: The strangest voyage yet.


*Fogg goes to check on progress and the engineer says they have one hour left and they’re completely finished. All of a sudden they get a call, land ho. They made it to shore and the Captain thanks him. Fogg says he can have the ship once they make it to shore*

W: A real humanitarian.


*Fogg says they have 8 hours and 42 minutes to get to the Club to collect their winnings when Fix shows up with the police to have Fogg arrested for stealing 55,000 pounds. Pass and Aouda sit outside the cell where Fogg plays cards with himself as it gets dark*

W: He’s not gonna make it on a technicality.


*Fix shows up and says there’s been a mistake and Fogg is innocent. The real crook was arrested in Brighton. Fix says it wasn’t personal but Fogg says he was lousy company all the this time. Fogg is released but its passed the time he was supposed to be at the Club. Fogg, Aouda and Pass return home and Aouda calls it a gloomy place*

W: Because he’s gloomy.


*Fogg tells Pass to change the clocks in the morning and make Aouda comfortable, he wants to spend the rest of the day alone. Later Aouda wants to bring breakfast to Fogg and Pass says he won’t eat, he lost the bet. Pass says he himself will be fine with all the new skills he acquired on the journey. Aouda brings the tray to Fogg and he’s still depressed*

W: He came THAT close.


*Aouda says he must be angry with her for delaying him and Fogg says the opposite, he shouldn’t have brought her on a fruitless journey. Fogg admits he has no friends or relatives as Pass listens in. Aouda asks HIM to marry her and Fogg hugs her as Pass listens in. Pass is ordered to bring the Reverend to have him married. As Pass knocks over a newspaper carrier, he figures out its only Saturday, not Sunday. Pass sprints back to Fogg and says there’s still time to make the club. Fogg doesn’t believe him until he realizes they went East around the world so they actually gained a day. They have 10 minutes to make the club. Fogg tells Aouda to stay home as he and Pass run for it*

W: The chase is on.


*Pass and Fogg take a carriage to the club but it stops halfway through. He tries to make it on foot but runs into a street preacher. She won’t let him go as the group sings, he then joins in then takes off on foot. At the club they say the wager is over but Ralph says there’s 14 seconds left. One second before the clock chimes, Fogg walks in and Aouda too. Fogg tells Aouda no woman has ever been in the club. Fogg says it could mean the end of the British Empire. A servant drops a tray as Fogg appears in the window. Ralph “This is the end.” End credits*

W: Wow, talk about an abrupt ending.



The Warlock’s Asssessment: Take away the length, that was a fun story and worth watching at least once. I give it a 7.5 out of 10…just too damn long with too much padding.

Final Grade: 7.5 out of 10 – Great


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: That was a marathon but it was very entertaining. It was like watching a National Geographic special showing all kinds of cultures, practices and characters. Every big name in Hollywood from Germany to the United States was in here and there were a ton of cameos. The actors did a great job and who would have thought Shirley Maclaine would go on to have the career she would? All in all its a very long movie but at least it didn’t get boring. Now for the million dollar question, did it deserve to win Best Picture? Unless you’re a big fan of The Ten Commandments, I’d say this deserved it. It had it all from action to suspense to dance choreography. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!








397. Marty (1955)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a long, glass mug of Pepsi*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Throughout this month we have seen war movies, broadway musicals, movies dealing with addiction, movies dealing with racism and more war movies. Tonight we have a very simple romantic comedy. The winner of Best Picture in 1955 was none other than MARTY.

*Warlock takes his seat*

W: Ernest Borgnine plays the friendly, fat Marty…a butcher living with his mother who’s losing faith in his ability to find love. Hopefully he’s less like his character he played in From Here To Eternity. Now what makes this movie a breath of fresh air before I even push play is its just over 90 minutes long. Compared to the marathons I’ve seen this month, this will be a lot easier to sit through. So can Marty find love? Let’s find out.


Written by Paddy Chayefsky

Directed by Delbert Mann



Marty Piletti (Ernest Borgnine)

Clara Snyder (Betsy Blair)

Mrs. Teresa Piletti (Esther Minciotti)

Aunt Catherine (Augusta Ciolli)

Angie (Joe Mantell)

Virginia (Karen Steele)

Tommy (Jerry Paris)

Mr. Snyder (James Bell)

Extras (Joe Bell, Marvin Bryan, Doris Kemper, John Milford)

Bar Patrons (John Beradino, Paul Hoffman, Jack Klugman, George Nardelli, Waclaw Rekwart, Clark Ross)

Bachelor (Nick Brkich)

Lou The Bartender (Charles Crane)

Leo (Paddy Chayefsky)

Andy (John Dennis)

Six Year Old Boy (Steven Hecht)

Ralph (Frank Sutton)

The Kid (Walter Kelley)

Butcher (Silvio Minciotti)

Joe (Robin Morse)

Hotel Clerk (Edwin Rochelle)

Churchgoer (Hal Taggart)

Church Step Man (Arthur Tovey)

Mrs. Rosari (Minerva Urecal)

Jerry (Alan Wells)


*The Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “A middle-aged butcher and a school teacher who have given up on the idea of love meet at a dance where they fall for each other”

W: Isn’t that sweet?


*Opening credits*

W: Back to black and white.


*Sam hauls in a pound of beef as Mrs Rosari praises Marty’s brother Nicky for getting married. Sam says his sister Margaret married Frank. His two other sisters are married too. He’s the only one not married and Mrs. Rosari yells at him for not getting married. “You should be ashamed, what’s the matter with you?” The woman after him says the exact same thing*

W: Hahahahaha.


*We cut to a crowded bar who says the Giants are going in the cellar*

W: The Giants finished third in the National League in 1955 behind Brooklyn.


*Marty asks Lou the bartender for a beer for him and Angie. The three guys at the bar are reading a dirty mag*

W: The whole movie is about everyone getting laid.


*Guy at the bar says the Yankees won a doubleheader*

W: The 55 Yanks won the AL pennant and lost to the Brooklyn Dodgers in the World Series. If Twitter was around in 1955, Sandy Amoros would have been a legend.


*Angie asks Marty what he wants to do. Angie says its Saturday night but he doesn’t want to go bowling. Angie wants to go out with the big girl Mary and her skinny friend. He’ll take the skinny one*

W: Hahahahahahaha


*Angie says he doesn’t want to sit around and watch Hit Parade. He says Mary likes Marty and he tells Ang to call her up. Ang says to come down to 72nd street and Marty doesn’t want to respond. Marty says he’s 34 and he’s tired of chasing women*

W: He was 38 at the time of the filming.


*Marty tells Ang to come over around 7:30 as he gets a call from his mother Mrs. Teresa Pileti. Cousin Tommy and his wife Virginia are there. After Marty says he’ll be there, we cut to Virginia venting about Teresa’s sister Catherine, her mother in law about how she hates Virginia Tommy and Virginia wants Teresa to take in Catherine so they can get some peace. Teresa says Catherine is an old goat*

W: There’s nobody more terrifying than an Italian mother in law.


*Teresa says if Catherine wants to move there, that’s fine but Marty has to sign off on it. Tommy asks how Marty is and Teresa asks if Tommy knows any girls for Marty. Marty comes in and washes up as Teresa asks if Catherine can move in, Marty says its fine with him. Tommy and Virginia thanks Marty and Teresa. Marty asks Tommy financial advice and Tommy says they’ll talk tomorrow at mass*

W: Sunday mass….gotta love it.


*Virginia nags Tommy to leave and Marty sits at the table alone. Marty calls Mary and says hi after a month and she doesn’t remember him. Marty asks her out but she refuses. Marty tries to be classy about it and hangs up*

W: God I hate that….totally hate that. Didn’t even give him a chance.


*Marty and Teresa eat dinner. She tells him to go to the Stardust Ballroom because its loaded with “tomatas”*

W: Good grief.


*Teresa doesn’t want him to hang around the house, she wants him to go out and have fun. Marty goes on a monologue about how he’s a fat, ugly man and he’s tired of getting hurt by women. He says if he puts on his blue suit and goes to the ball, all he’s going to get is heartache*

W: That’s legit sad.


*We cut to the Stardust and they’re playing The Bunny Hop*

W: Ha, nice soundtrack.


*Ang and Marty at the dance looking for women. Ang and Marty find a trio of women and Ang asks one to dance, she agrees. Marty asks a girl and she refuses*

W: Good god, this is painful to watch.


*Clara and Millie walk into the Stardust with their dates. Kirby and Abner say they’re not attractive while they say the guys look decent. Kirby tells Abner they need to cut their losses*

W: I see where this is going.\


*Kirby sees a girl he knows coming out and hits on her. Clara is a teacher and Millie says she may run into their students. Abner, Clara and Millie grab a table while Kirby runs off. Kirby goes and stands next to Marty and asks if he’s stag or with a girl. Kirby tells him he’ll pay him 5 bucks to take Clara home because he found someone better. Marty tells him to beat it and watches where he goes. Kirby pays some other guy to do it. Marty goes over to them*

W: This should be good.


*Marty watches Kirby introduce the other guy to Clara. Marty watches them walk off and Kirby wants his 5 dollars back. Clara runs out crying and Marty goes with her. He asks her to dance*

W: You idiot. She’s gonna scream at you.


*Clara cries on his shoulder*

W: Ok, I was wrong.


*Marty dances with Clara and they share small talk*

W: Good hearts always win.


*Clara says she’s used to being a wallflower and she’s cried a lot lately. Marty says he’s cried a lot too*

W: Wallflowers finding each other.


*Marty says she’s not as unattractive that she thinks she is and he says he’s having a good time. Clara says she’s having a good time too. Marty says he thinks he’s a dog too and Clara puts him over. Marty says there’s more to relationships than looks, his father was ugly but his mother adored him*

W: Wow, this movie came out damn near 70 years ago and people STILL don’t get that one simple line.


*Marty says Clara and him aren’t the dogs they think they are. Clara says she’s 29 and Marty says he’s 34*

W: Ernest was 38, Betsy was 32.


*Teresa visits Virginia and Tommy. Virginia says she hasn’t told Catherine yet because she wants Teresa to tell her because she doesn’t want to make it look like Virginia and Tommy are throwing them out. Teresa says she got a letter from Nicky saying he’s enjoying his honeymoon. Catherine says her husband got a postcard from a cousin in Abruzzi saying his mother died*

W: Wasn’t Bruno Sammartino’s mother was it?


*Teresa says Catherine always has cheerful news. When Tommy and Virginia leave, Catherine starts on Virginia. Teresa tells the truth and says Tommy and Virginia came to see her and wants Catherine to move in with her. Catherine “So I’m an old garbage bag to be put in the street huh?” Teresa says to be reasonable and her son will be fine. Catherine “These are the worst years I tell you.” Catherine says she’s 56 years old and feels like an old lady*

W: 56??? They make it sound like she’s elderly. My grandmother was 56 when I was 2 years old and was as spry as anyone. My dad was still hittin up bars at 56.


*Catherine rants and raves about how she wants to still be useful before saying she’ll be moving in with Teresa*

W: That was powerful.

*Marty speaks a mile a minute while telling his story to Clara. He says he graduated high school 17 years old and freaks out. He keeps talking and Clara doesn’t get a word in*

W: Hahaha won’t let her talk and she doesn’t know it.


*Marty was 18 years old when his father died of a heart attack. He makes sure she’s on the inside of the street before catching himself talking too much. He apologizes and says he can’t stop talking*

W: Hahahahaha.


*Marty calls himself stupid and says Clara has a real nice face*

W: This movie is fun in its simplicity.


*Ang can’t find Marty and walks outside. He says a bunch of dogs are inside and hits up the bathroom. The shoe shine guy is smoking and reading the paper*

W: Ha, the attendant.


*Ang walks outside as we cut to Marty and Clara in the coffee shop. He talks about his military training, they laugh. Later he’s serious and talks about his family is happy and he’s not. He got out of the army at 25 years old and didn’t know what to do. He tells Clara he used to contemplate suicide. He says he took the job at everyone’s request and needs an 8,000 dollar loan to buy the butcher shop. Clara says she’s known him just 3 hours and can tell he’s a decent, sensitive man*

W: Good thing you didn’t see him in From Here To Eternity.


*Clara and Marty are both Catholic and Marty says he only has 3 dollars on him. He can run home and get more money so the night can continue. She says its quarter to midnight and her father expects her back, but relents. She puts makeup on and we cut to them outside talking*

W: There’s too much time left not to have some kind of disagreement before the finish.


*Ang hits up the bar looking for Marty*

W: Ha, there’s Jack Klugman as an extra.


*Ang asks Lou if Marty is there, he’s not. Two women talk about having kids and Ang listens in*

W: Hahaha what does this have to do with anything.


*Clara doesn’t know if she wants to be department head or not. She says she has to go home but Marty says we’re afraid to go on our own. She says she doesn’t make friends easily and Marty says that’s nonsense, she found him. Ralph shouts for Marty from across the street. He greets Leo and Lonnie inside the car and Ralph introduces Marty to Louise. He wants Marty to hook up with her and Marty says he can’t, he’s with Clara. Marty thinks about it but goes back to Clara. They say goodbye and drive off*

W: 40 minutes left, there has to be SOME kind of conflict right?


*Marty brings Clara home and shows her around. She’s nervous and says she shouldn’t stay long. He talks about his brother’s wedding before realizing she’s not comfortable. He asks if he should take her home and she says yes. He then tries to kiss her, forcing himself on her*

W: Oh no no no no not like this.


*Clara resists and Marty shouts “alright, I just wanted a little kiss.” He says he wasn’t going to try anything too outrageous with his mother coming home any minute. She says she wasn’t ready for it and he slumps in a chair*

W: There’s the conflict I ordered.


*Clara sits with the brooding Marty. He says he’s old enough to know better and he’s the guy they have to dig up a date for. Clara says she’d like to see him again and she got scared when he tried to kiss her*

W: If he had more dating experience, he would know that if he waited to put the moves on, she’d come around eventually.


*Marty asks what Clara will be doing tomorrow night*

W: Running away.


*Marty asks her out to see a movie and she says she’d like that. Marty says he has to help Catherine and Clara says she’ll wait for him to call. Marty says he’ll take her home now and goes to get a pack of smokes. He looks down and asks what she’s doing for New Year’s Eve, she says nothing. He leans in for a kiss but pecks her for a millisecond before Teresa walk in*



*Marty introduces Clara to Teresa and Teresa makes them sit down. She talks about how Catherine is coming to stay with them. Teresa says its a sad thing when the children are all gone. Clara says its silly to argue but she doesn’t think a parent should depend on their kids, Teresa says they should after providing for so many years*

W: That’s a pretty interesting debate. I can see both sides.


*Ang finally spots Marty and Clara and runs over*

W: Almost forgot about him.


*Ang screams that he looked all over for him. Marty says he’s gonna take Clara home after introducing themselves but Ang blows her off. Ang wants to hang out after he takes her home but Marty says it’ll be 1:30 AM by the time he gets back and they have 10 AM mass. Ang walks off angry and we cut to Marty taking Clara home and saying he’ll call her after mass is over and see her tomorrow night. She leaves and he walks off*

W: 27 minutes left, far from over.


*Clara goes home smiling. She walks in on her parents and her father asks how it was. Clara says Kirby wasn’t interested in her and she had fun with Marty instead. She says she’s taking the job as well. She goes on a monologue about how much of a time she had and she looks forward to tomorrow*

W: No conflict from the parents.


*Mr. Snyder tells Alice (Mrs. Snyder) he wants to see Clara happy and hopes Marty calls at 2:30 the next day. Marty is happy as a clam waiting for the bus*

W: I thought they stopped running after 1.


*Marty runs into the middle of the street an calls for a taxi*

W: Don’t get run over, jesus.


*Back home Marty whistles while getting ready*

W: Hard to tell if this is the morning or that night because the movie is in black and white.


*Marty is ecstatic about his date but Teresa is cold to him. We cut to a pissed off Tommy and Virginia. They only slept about an hour and Tommy is mad that his mother needs to go. Tommy screams at Virginia for not getting along with Catherine and the baby wakes up. We cut to Tommy and Virginia bringing Catherine to Teresa’s. Marty greets everyone before walking outside with Tommy who’s still mad. Marty tries to talk business but Tommy blows him off to yell at Virginia*

W: Good grief.


*Tommy explodes at Marty and Marty doesn’t take it personal. Tommy calms down just enough to say take care of Catherine. Inside Teresa tells Catherine that Marty met a girl, a college graduate. Catherine says college girls are the worst, one step from the streets*

W: Good god almighty what is with these people?


*Catherine says sooner or later Marty is going to marry Clara and sell the house. Marty runs in and says they should sell the house and get an apartment*

W: Wow, she called that one.


*Marty, Teresa, Tommy, Virginia and the baby head to church. Teresa says Clara was a nice girl, not pretty. Teresa says Clara looked 35 and wasn’t Italian, she then repeats everything Catherine says. Teresa says don’t bring her to the house anymore and Marty asks what’s her problem*

W: This is ridiculous.


*Marty hits the bar after mass and Lou says Ang told him Marty was with a dog. Marty says she wasn’t so bad and sits with Ralph. He asks how Ralph made out and the girl Marty was supposed to get with got drunk and left her shoes there. Ralph says he had a great night and he didn’t try anything*

W: 9 minutes left, how are we gonna end this?


*Marty tells Ralph to tell Ang that he went home. Marty returns home and blows off Teresa*

W: He needs to tell everyone “You’ve been after me for years to find a girl, I finally found one and y’all are complaining. Shaddup!”


*Marty is with his friends and slaps Ang’s hand away when he reaches for Marty’s food*

W: Hahahaha we don’t share.


*Marty scolds Ang for blowing off Clara. Marty wants to take Clara to a movie and Ang says she was ugly. Ang was mad that Marty blew him off the night before. Ang calls Clara “a real nothin.” We cut to Marty in a suit smoking outside with Catherine and Teresa there too. Marty is sad and says he’s gonna hit the bar with hid fiends. Meanwhile Clara is watching TV with her parents sad*

W: Get over yourself and call her.


*Its 8 PM and Marty is sad even though his friends want to see a movie. George, Ang and the others don’t know what they want to do and Marty explodes. He says he’s got something good going and if Ang doesn’t like it too bad*

W: About time Marty.


*Marty scolds Ang for not being married at 33 and calls Clara. THE END*

W: Kind of an abrupt ending but the point is the same.


*End credits has the ending theme song*

W: Hahaha what? Movie ends with a barbershop quartet? That’s original.



The Warlock’s Assessment: I give that an 8. Like I said, this movie is awesome in its simplicity. A man in his 30’s looking for love finally finds it and has no idea what to do about it. You get sucked into the story and cheer hard for Marty to do the right thing. Even when he forces himself on Clara, it shows that he’s not the perfect knight in shining armor. This is a must watch if you want an underdog story.

Final Grade: 8 out of 10 – Brilliant


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: That was a nice, simple underdog story that was as good as advertised. Ernest Borgnine made the character loveable and Betsy Blair did well as the love interest. The stereotypical Italian mothers were annoying but unfortunately they were accurate. The acting was decent and the fact it was only 90 minutes was a godsend compared to some of the marathons I’ve done lately. Now did it deserve to win Best Picture? Unless you’re a Mr. Roberts fan, I guess it was just as good as anything else that came out that year. Ernest Borgnine took home Best Actor honors as well. Can I recommend this movie on its own? Absolutely. Its a rom com that’s easy to sit through and has characters you can get behind. That wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!



396. On The Waterfront (1954)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a Wendy’s cup of Dr. Pepper*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. For the first time since Casablanca, I’m going into a movie I already know is going to be awesome. Even though I haven’t seen it, I’ve heard nothing but good things about this movie. Its one of Marlon Brando’s iconic roles and my father will be joining us for it.

*The Grand Wizard is on the throne*

W: The winner of Best Picture in 1954, ON THE WATERFRONT.

*Warlock takes his seat*

W: That’s right, this movie has a cast of thousands including a young Fred “Herman Munster” Gwynne, pro boxers Abe Simon and Tony Galento and a young Pat Hingle as well. Its based off the very real racket that the Longshoreman Union ran in the late 40’s and let’s see if its worthy of Best Picture.


Written by Budd Schulberg, Malcolm Johnson and Robert Siodmak

Directed by Elia Kazan



Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando)

Father Barry (Karl Malden)

Johnny Friendly (Lee J Cobb)

Charles Malloy (Rod Steiger)

Kayo Dugan (Pat Henning)

Glover (Leif Erickson)

Big Mac (James Westerfield)

Truck (Tony Galento)

Tillio (Tami Mauriello)

Pop Doyle (John F Hamilton)

Mott (John Heldabrand)

Moose (Rudy Bond)

Luke (Don Blackman)

Jimmy (Arthur Keegan)

Barney (Abe Simon)

Edie Doyle (Eva Marie Saint)

Gillette (Martin Balsam)

Sidney (Dan Bergin)

Dues Collector (Zachary Charles)

Extras (Jere Delaney, Robert Downing, Michael V Gazzo, Edward McNally)

Slim (Fred Gwynne)

Tommy Collins (Thomas Handley)

Mrs. Collins (Anne Hegira)

Jocko (Pat Hingle)

Girlfriend (Katherine MacGregor)

Johnny’s Banker (Barry Macollum)

Longshoremen (Johnny Seven, Tiger Joe Marsh)

Specs (Mike O’Dowd)

Cab Driver (Nehemiah Persoff)



*Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “An ex-prize fighter turned longshoreman struggles to stand up to his corrupt union bosses.”

Wi: My father was a longshoreman.


*Opening credits*

Wi: Two Ton Tony Galento. My mother used to watch him fight.


*Movie begins on a pier with mobsters aplenty*

Wi: On the waterfront. Here comes the mob.


*Terry Malloy calls out Joe Doyle. He returns a pigeon he found*

Wi: Look at the clothes hanging, look how they bundle them on ropes.


*Johnny Friendly’s bar is shown*

W: The juror from 12 Angry Men?

Wi: Yes.


*Joe Doyle is thrown off the roof and the mobsters laugh*

W: Was that Tony Galento?

Wi: The big one.


*Terry is taken aback, he thought they were just going to talk to him*

Wi: He’s got a conscience.


*Father Barry consoles the neighborhood but they all know about corruption. Edie Doyle is pissed her brother was murdered. She wants to know who did it*

W: Like A Bronx Tale.


*Johnny Driendly goes over the odds with some of the boys*

W: That’s Fred Gwynne, Herman Munster in the back.

Wi: A lot of actors got their start as bit parts.


*Slim counts the cash for Johnny, Terry dos it as ell. Charley counts the money as Johnny tells Terry’s fighting past. Johnny tells how he was one of ten kids that barely scraped by and he had to beg for work at 16. Now he runs the Longshoremen’s Union, 72 grand a year*

W: Lot of money in those days.


*Johnny didn’t want Joe Doyle squealing to the crime commission. Terry just wanted to be told what was up. Skins is 50 shorts and Johnny cleans him out, slaps him around and throws him out*

Wi: He was skimming.


*Johnny tells Mac to put Terry in the loft. Charley tells Terry he’s got a real friend, don’t forget it*

W: His own brother selling him out.


*Some kid runs around the rooftops and finds Terry moping. They talk about birds before Terry goes to work. Everyone’s talking about Joe getting whacked. Pops is told to go home as Truck taunts the men. Father Barry shows up but so does does the Crime Commission*

W: The other guy from 12 Angry Men.

Wi: Oh yeah.


*Terry tells the cops he don’t know nothing. JP says when he’s dead and gone they’ll miss him. Another guy says he should drop dead now and test that theory*

Wi: Hahahaha.


*Edie tells Barry she was out of line last night as the Foreman puts everyone to work. Terry is up in the loft*

W: What were those coins?

Wi: ID.


*Kayo Dugan wants to run Irish Whiskey instead of bananas. The Foreman throws the coins and people wrestle for them. Terry wrestles with Edie an she slaps him. She hands the coin to Pops. Pops yells at Barry for letting her see all this*

W: Is that how it went?

Wi: Hell no, not in my father’s day.


*The guys who didn’t get a job are scoffing amongst themselves. Barry says this isn’t right, no real union would stand for that. Dugan says this all started when Johnny took over. Barry says to complain in church for a meeting. Meanwhile Terry is in the loft reading Playboy. Charley comes by and tells him to go to the church meeting and rat out everyone there*

W: His own brother.


*Barry starts the meeting with Edie and a handful of people there. Barry asks who killed Joey but no one knows. Jimmy Collins says he doesn’t know nothing. Terry in the back looks smug and Kayo Dugan says he’s there on Charley’s behalf to rat. Barry says they need to band together to get rid of corruption. Dugan says everyone is D & D, deaf and dumb. The only thing they fear more than torpedoes are people ratting out others. Just as the meeting is about to end, mobsters throw a brick through the window*

W: Through a brick through a church window. That’s low even in those days.


*Mobsters attack all the meeting patrons*

Wi: The blacks think they had it bad, anyone who opposed corrupt unions or the mob ended up at the bottom of the river, doesn’t matter what you were.


*Barry catches a bloody Dugan and tells him to smarten up. Dugan says if he rats, Barry is in trouble too. Barry says he’ll go down with him. Meanwhile a bum on the street tells Edie that her brother was the only one that tried to get him a job, he wants justice too. Edie doesn’t like Terry much*

W: He’s on the fence, no wonder she doesn’t trust him.


*Terry and Edie share bonding moments*

W: Character development.


*Terry says Charley spent a couple of years in college. Terry wants to bring Edie home. She gets in the door and Pops wants her to go back to St. Anne’s. Pops is pissed she was with Terry. Terry is the younger brother of Charley The Gent, Johnny’s right hand man. She picks up a cat*

W: Awww der smittens.


*Pops calls the cat a little bum*

Wi: Haha.


*Pops says one arm is longer than the other due to years of work*

W: What did a longshoreman actually do

Wi: They empty ships manually. They would lift things and carry them off. Before they had forklifts, they used hooks.


*Edie says she’s not going until she finds Joey’s killer. She heads to Joey’s Coop and looks around*

W: Looking for clues.


*The kid from earlier, another kid and Terry are on the roof when Edie walks over. They are the Golden Warriors. Terry shows all the birds to Edie to bond some more*

W: This is starting to drag, let’s get the mob back in here.


*Terry and Edie hit the bar, the bartender says one of the fights had a guy with two hands*

W: A switch hitter?

Wi: Yeah, like Marvin Hagler.


*Terry says his father was murdered and he and Charley were dumped into foster care. He became a boxer and Johnny bought a piece of him. He’s been working for him ever since. He calls Edie a fruitcake*

W: Hahahaha what?


*They down shots of whiskey*

Wi: That’ll shake your braces.


*Terry’s life advice, “Do it to him before he does it to you.”

W and Wi: Hahahaha.


*Terry says he’d rather live like he is than end up like Joey and Edie gets sad. Edie says to help her and he can’t do it. She wants to leave and he apologizes for not being able to help her. She walks into a barfight and Terry walks over and says they’ll go another way. Edie is still sobbing*

Wi: Some idiots got married at a bar?

W: Could be the reception.


*Terry and Edie dance at the reception*

W: Not the last time Marlon Brando will be dancing at a wedding.

Wi: Heh.


*A few of the mob guys spot Terry and say the boss wants to see him. Then the Crime Commission shows up and hands him a subpoena. They say to show up Friday at 9 AM and he says no. She presses him on if he was involved in Joey’s death but Terry tries to talk his way out of it. Edie calls him a bum and Terry says he’s trying to save her from being hurt. He asks what more does she want from him and she says much more*

W: Yeah this isn’t going to end well.


*Terry is confronted by Johnny, Charley and his men. Dugan talked and there’s 39 pages of intel he fed to the cops. Charley says Edie is poisoning his brain and they’re all in trouble. Johnny says Terry is back to sweating with the others for letting Dugan talk. Charley tells him to wise up*

W: He stood there and said nothing.


*Next day on the ship Terry, Dugan and others are off-loading Irish whiskey much to Dugan’s delight. The mobsters are at the top and they drop the entire shipment on Dugan, killing him. Pops says he needs a priest*

Wi: They whacked him.


*Barry shows up and cuts a promo saying this has to got to stop. He calls the whackings a crucifixion and anyone who lets it happen is as guilty as a roman soldier. Slim shows up and throws shit at him. Tillio throws shit at him too but Terry tells him to cut it out. Johnny and Barney look on and Barney throws a beer can at him. Pops says the next one that throws something deals with him. Charley looks on as Terry starts beating the piss out of Tillio. Barry continues to cut a promo saying Johnny is stealing their kickbacks but Christ sees it all. He says all of them with God’s help can knock out the mob for good*

W: He’s right, its really all of them against like 7 guys.


*Edie is handed Joey’s jacket as Terry looks sad. Pops hands Barry a cigarette as he’s raised to the top with Johnny looking on*

W: If he whacks a Priest, he’s really in trouble.


*Edie looks for Terry on the rooftops. He kisses her*

Wi: Oh he’s getting kissed.


*Terry finally has a change of heart and goes to talk to Barry but Barry blows him off. Terry admits he set Joey up and Barry tells him to give it to him straight. Terry says he really didn’t know they were going to whack him. Barry wants him to testify against his brother and Terry says Johnny used to take him to ballgames. Barry scoffs and says lives are more important than games. Barry says Edie is on her way and tell her what he told him. Terry spots Edie coming and runs off to talk with her with Barry watching from a distance*

W: Careful for sniper fire.


*A giant whistle blows to mute the dialogue when Terry spills his guts to Edie. She runs off and Barry lights a crooked cigarette*

Wi: Empire State Building in the background.


*Glover talks to the kids on the rooftops until Terry shows up. Glover talks about the fixed fight Terry dumped. Terry says if he knocked him out, he would have gotten a future title shot but he was paid to lose. He goes over how he had the fight won but threw it. We cut to Johnny and his crew. Charley says there’s no evidence Terry will talk. Johnny says what do they do now. Big Mac says Terry is a bum and Charley tells him to shut up. Charley says let him talk to Terry before he does something drastic. Johnny says talk him out of it or he’ll make sure Terry won’t talk. Truck and Johnny go over horse racing bets as Charley leaves*

Wi: Most mobsters were degenerate gamblers.


*Charley meets with Terry on the way to the Garden. Charley says the boys are talking about his subpoena and wants to buy Terry off by giving him a boss’ job. Terry says he wants to testify a Charley calls him an ex-tanker. Terry says he used to be a lot better and Charley leaks that they’re going to 437 River Street. Charley pulls a gun on Terry and begs him to take the job. Terry slumps back and Charley asks how much he weighs. Charley says when he was 168 pounds he was the next Billy Conn. Terry “Remember the night in the Garden when you came into the dressing room and said “Kid, this aint your night.*

W: Conn fought Joe Louis too like Tony Galento.


*Terry “I could have had class. I coulda been a contender, I could have been somebody”

W: The classic line.

Wi: See the hand gestures, that’s what he was doing in The Godfather.


*Charley hands Terry a gun and lets him out. After, the cab driver leads Charley into an ambush. Terry bangs on Edie’s door but she won’t let him in. Terry runs in and screams at her. She tells her to stay away from her and he forcefully kisses her to calm her down. He says she loves him and they kiss more*

W: Bet the social justice cowards would have a field day with this.


*The mobsters taunt Terry and say his brother wants to see him. Terry runs out as Edie opens the window and shouts for him*

Wi: Close the window.

W: Yeah really, its snowing.


*A neighbor tells Edie this is how her husband died. Terry runs down the alley and a truck guns it. Terry grabs Edie and runs for it, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the truck. Terry finds Charley hung up on a hook*

Wi: Theres his brother.


*Charley has 5 slugs in his chest, he’s dead*

W: Now he’s not gonna testify, he’s gonna kill each and every one of them.


*Terry brings Charley down and Edie tries to talk sense into him. Terry tells her to get Barry and get out of there, he’s going after the mob. Terry barges into the bar with a gun*

W: 25 minutes left, this isn’t the end.

Wi: They have to get to the dock.


*Terry kicks the door into Johnny’s office, only one guy is in there. The bartender grabs a bat and Terry says to give him a shot. Tillio shows up and Terry has him at gunpoint. He tells the bookeeper to get out of the phone booth. Terry’s arm is cut from punching through the glass. Barry walks in and tells him to give up the gun. He tells Barry to go to hell and Barry punches him down. The mobsters scatter and Barry says this isn’t the way. He wants Terry to fight in court, not the streets. His testimony could put Johnny away for life if he has the guts NOT to fight back*

W: That’s powerful.


*Terry and Barry pound beer and Terry throws a gun at a picture of Johnny. Next day in court, Big Mac admits they have no financial records. The interrogator says they were stolen and Mac says they was robbed. Truck, Tillio, Slim, Johnny are the board members of the Union. Terry is called to testify and he gives up Johnny’s whole crew. Johnny looks pissed*

W: He’s gonna snap.


*Johnny taunts Terry that he’ll never work the docks again and is a dead man. Chickie blows off Terry and even the cops taunt him for ratting. Terry returns to Edie with his boots hanging up*

W: No worse thing than to be a rat.


*Terry goes to the rooftops and the kids killed all the pigeons out of spite for him ratting. Terry slumps and Edie tells him that they’re not his friends. Everyone is D & D for a reason. Terry “They always said I was a bum. I’m not a bum, I’m gonna go down there and get my rights.”

W: Or 5 slugs to the chest.


*Terry goes to the docks and everyone stares at him. Big Mac blows the whistle and says everyone works today. Johnny in his office is mad and the crew says they should whack him now. Johnny says wait till the heat dies down and then he’s mine. Mac tells Spec to find a bum to work so Terry can’t. The bum from earlier is chosen and he waves at Terry. Pops looks at him*

W: He stood up for them and they scoffed him.


*Johnny’s crew all has guns and Johnny takes them all away and says they’re a law abiding union, no funny stuff until the heat dies down. The workers follow Terry to the office*

W: They’re all just standing around.


*Terry calls out Johnny and Johnny says when the time is right, he’ll get him later. Terry says take the guns away and hes nothing. He says he killed everyone and he’s a cheap, dirty, lousy bum and he’s glad for what he did. Johnny baits him into fighting and they brawl on the dock*

W: The final showdown.


*Johnny calls for backup and the thugs beat Terry down. Truck and Slim stand guard as the longshoremen do nothing. Barry and Edie show up and Truck shoves her away. Johnny and the boys stagger back and he screams you can have Terry. Terry is lying face down on the pier but he’s alive. The boss shows up and tells Johnny they’re losing money. Johnny tells the boys to get to work but they resist. He shoves Pop and Pops punches him into the water. Jimmy says they won’t work unless Terry works. Edie and Barry tend to Terry and says he lost the battle but can win the war if he walks to work*

W: Why should he?


*The boys say they’ll walk with Terry and Johnny will be finished if Terry can make it. Terry makes it to his feet and and asks for his hook. Terry gets up and staggers to work, everyone clears a path for him. Terry staggers to The Boss with everyone watching him. Boss says “Let’s go to work” and Terry leads the charge. Johnny screams and shouts that he’ll remember this and he’ll be back. The gate closes with Barry and Edie smiling. The End*

Wi: Alright!


The Grand Wizard has no assessment:

The Warlock’s Assessment: That was AWESOME. It had action, suspense, great characters, great acting and an easy to follow story. I give it a 9 out of 10, definitely one of the all-time greats.

Final Grade: 9 out of 10 – One of the best


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: That was better than advertised. Legitimately one of the best movies I’ve seen this month and I put it right up there with Casablanca, The Lost Weekend, All Quiet On The Western Front and Gone With The Wind. I enjoyed every second of it, it wasn’t too long, the acting was great and the story was easy to follow. Was this worthy of being Best Picture? You bet your ass it is. I definitely recommend it to anyone. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm, now get outta here before I give ya a slap!

395. From Here To Eternity (1953)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a McDonald’s cup of Barq’s Root Beer*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. As the Korean War was coming to an end, the Academy decided to have yet another World War 2 based movie take home Best Picture honors. Defeating such movies as Julius Caesar and Roman Holiday, FROM HERE TO ETERNITY was the victor in the 1953 Best Picture race.

*Warlock takes his seat*

W: What’s this one about? A cast of thousands are training at an army base in Hawaii just around the time of December 7, 1941. You know what that means, right?

*Neyzor Blades is in the recliner*

N: That sounds familiar.

W: Yessire bob, this movie was Pearl Harbor before Pearl Harbor. As we all know, the Pearl Harbor that came out in this century sucked and missed the point…let’s see how this one does as we begin FROM HERE TO ETERNITY.




Written by Daniel Taradash and James Jones

Directed by Fred Zinnemann



Sgt Milton Warden (Burt Lancaster)

Robert E Lee Prewitt (Montgomery Clift)

Karen Holmes (Deborah Kerr)

Alma/Lorene (Donna Reed)

Angelo Maggio (Frank Sinatra)

Captain Dana Holmes (Philip Ober)

Sgt. Leva (Mickey Shaughnessy)

Mazzioli (Harry Bellaver)

Sgt. Fatso Judson (Ernest Borgnine)

Corporal Buckley (Jack Warden)

Sgt. Ike Galovitch (John Dennis)

Sal Anderson (Merle Travis)

Sgt Pete Karelsen (Tim Ryan)

Treadwell (Arthur Keegan)

Mrs. Kipfer (Barbara Morrison)

Sgt. Baldy Dhom (Claude Akins)

Suzanne (Vicki Bakken)

Roxanne (Margaret Barstow)

Extras (Henry Beau, Elaine Dupont, James Jones, Allen Pinson, Joe Roach, Louise Saraydar, Norman Wright)

Lieutenant Colonel (Willis Bouchey)

Captain GR Ross (John Bryant)

Nancy (Mary Carver)

Corporal Paluso (John Cason)

Soldiers (Mack Chandler, John Davis, Robert Healy, Lars Hensen, Edward Laguna, Carey Leverette, Patrick Miller, Joseph Sargent, John Veitch, Guy Way, Norman Wayne)

Private Friday Clark (Don Dubbins)

Rose (Moana Gleason)

Corporal Champ Wilson (Douglas Henderson)

Dance Hall Girl (June Horne)

Sgt Turp Thornhill (Robert Karnes)

Trumpet Player (Manny Klein)

Bartender (Weaver Levy)

Bill (William Lundmark)

Colonel Wood (Freeman Lusk)

Major Stern (Tyler McVey)

Georgette (Kristine Miller)

Major Bonds (Robert Pike)

Sgt Maylon Stark (George reeves)

General Slater (Fay Roope)

Billie (Delia Salvi)\

Nair (Alvin Sargent)

Sandra (Joan Shawlee)

Cutman (Al Silvani)

Jean (Angela Stevens)

Military Guard (Brick Sullivan)

Sgt Henderson (Robert J Wilke)

Annette (Jean Willes)

Colonel Ayres (Carleton Young)



*Warlock reads the tagline*

W: “In Hawaii in 1941, a private is cruelly punished for not boxing on his team’s unit, while his captain’s wife and second in command are falling in love.”

N: More cheating.


*Opening credits*

W: Just before the Pearl Harbor attack.


*Soldiers march*

W: Lefttttt, leffttttt, left right left.


*Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, 1941*

W: I was right.


*Robert Prewitt runs into Angelo Maggio the gardener*

W: That’s Frank Sinatra.


W: Yeah, the gardener is Frank Sinatra.


*Prewitt is playing pool when Sgt Warden walks in. “Whataya think you’re doing?”

W: Movie jerks.


*Mazzioli is supposed to put someone in the book. Robert sits outside the office as Maggio tells him he feels sorry for him. Captain Dana Holmes walks in and Robert reports in. Holmes says if he likes a soldier, he can be promoted quickly. Dana asks why he transferred here and Robert says its personal. Warden says he was a corporal in the bugle corps and asks why he bucked to private to come here. Robert reluctantly says he was replaced and he was better. Holmes says the reason he was transferred here is Robert is a great boxer and needed a ringer for the upcoming championships. Robert says he quit fighting a year ago when he seriously hurt someone. Holmes says the fighting program is the best morale builder they have*

W: That’s right.


*Holmes says he’ll be top bugler if he fights and Robert declines. Holmes tells him not to make any trouble before he leaves. Warden says he’d be in trouble without himself him alone. All by himself, Warden tells him after 5 years in the army, Robert needs to smarten up. By turning down “Dynamite” Holmes, he put his head in a noose. Robert says he can soldier as well as any man when a lovely woman pulls up. Its Karen Holmes and Warden tells Robert says to fight to keep everyone happy. Warden says he has to play ball and goes to the supply clerk Sgt Leva to get Robert his supplies. Warden says he’s a hard head as he watches Karen walk out. Sgt Leva thinks she’s hot and he’s heard plenty about her. Warden asks what he can do for her and she declines before saying Captain Holmes tells her Warden is efficient. Leva “She sure is one, isn’t she?”

W: Is one.

N: The hell does that mean?


*Dana apologizes for being late but Karen is smoking and doing her hair. Karen says Dana needs to stop catering to generals and pay more attention to his own men. Karen says she’s not as stupid as he thinks women are. They reveal he cheated on her once and she throws him out of her bedroom*

W: Ouch.

N: That’s the worst feeling.


*The soldiers all surround Robert while he plays pool. They’re the company boxers. Angelo whistles when Robert sinks a shot. Friday and Baldy say they’d be a cinch if Robert fights. Ike says he’s not a tough guy and Angelo tells him to quit bullying Robert. Robert says he ain’t fighting and quit. They can put the screws on and he’d still not fight. Warden plays cards in the corner and smiles. Angelo says he hates to see that and Corporal Buckley says to get used to it*

W: Ha, its Jack Warden.


*Buckley introduces himself and says they’re all non-com. He warns him that hell is coming as Warden walks by. Robert asks what is with Warden and Buckley says he has a line he doesn’t cross and is the best soldier he’s ever seen. Taps plays*

W: Who died?


*Soldiers march and Baldy sticks it to Robert for every little infraction. He makes him drill by himself with Warden walking from the balcony. Sgt Henderson tells everyone to assemble their weapons. Robert finishes first and says Henderson says his target is off by a milimeter, his punishment is 50 laps with his rifle up. Robert does it as Warden watches. Friday trips Robert while drilling and makes him run, Angelo calls him on it and runs with Robert. Meanwhile Warden checks out Karen and Leva tells him to knock it off. Warden back inside greets Dana who says he needs to get out more*

W: He leaves a lot.


*We cut to Warden in the rain visiting a smoking Karen in short shorts*

W: Edgy for 1941.


*Karen tells him to step inside and Warden says he’s not there for Holmes but asks where he is. Dana says he’s out of town and Warden says he has papers for him to sign. Warden says don’t bother calling him and he could use a drink himself. Karen lets him in and tells him the liquor is in the cabinet. Karen says Warden is taking a big chance and Warden says Thursday’s is his secretary’s day off and Karen goes he thinks of everything. Karen rips up the papers and says she likes and dislikes his confidence. He says he hates to see a beautiful woman like her go to waste. She says a waste is a house without a child, another waste is she’s a washout. Karen starts crying*

W: Make your move.

N: Shut up.


*Warden goes to leave and says that’s what she wants. She doesn’t know what she wants. Warden kisses her*

N: That bitch.

W: She owed Dana one though.

N: True, I forgot.


*Next day the bugler plays revelie*

W: Its on key.


*Everyone gathers for pay day. Buckley wants Angelo to play cards but Angelo refuses. He wants to celebrate with Robert but Robert is on his bed sad. Angelo says to snap out of it*

N: Now I’m hearing Sinatra’s voice.


*Angelo says they should head to the Congress Club where girls are. Robert smiles and joins in. Meanwhile Mazzioli in a Hawaiian shirt warns Warden about the women around town. We cut to Warden meeting Karen by the beach and she didn’t think he’d come. He says he’s not late and Karen says 3 men tried to pick her up first. Karen accuses Warden of thinking she’s a tramp and Warden is asking what her problem is. Warden says he’s looking at 20 years at Leavenworth if he gets caught and she’s acting like a horse. Karen lightens up and says she’s got a bathing suit on*

W: That’s more like it.


*Angelo and Robert hit up the town and head to the club. Mrs. Kipfer lets the duo in and Annette is the receptionist. Robert and Angelo are both wasted and Kipfer says to control themselves. Robert slovenly says they have his word. Annette says 4 dollars for admission fee and union dues. Robert doles out the cash and walks in. Corporal Fatso Judson is playing the piano*

W: Ha, its Ernest Borgnine. 2 years later he’d win Best Picture for Marty.


*Billie and Nancy are introduced to Robert. Susanne and Roxanne as well, Annette says she’s of no use to him now after Robert spots a woman across the room. He goes and says hi, she says her name is Lorene*

W: By the way you know the line in Living Dead Girl where Rob Zombie says Donna Reed eats dollar bills? That’s Donna Reed.

N: Wonderful.


*Lorene didn’t think he was a soldier and Robert says he’s in for 30 years. Angelo and Judson get into it and Judson calls him a Wop. Robert pulls him away and another guy tells him that Judson runs the stockade. Robert goes back to Lorene but Bill is with her. They go back and forth at each other and Lorene leads Bill away*

W: So much for her.


*Back at the beach, Karen and Warden kiss. Back at the club Lorene walks out and scolds Robert’s behavior. Robert apologizes and Lorene says they can go to a private room*

W: That’s the famous scene that’s been parodied many times.


*Karen says she was pregnant and married for 2 years when she found out Dana was cheating. Karen was in pain and Dana was off banging a hat check girl rather than tending to her. He came home and passed out while she was in labor, the baby died in birth and Karen was saved at the hospital. Warden says that’s not gonna happen with him and they kiss again*

W: Isn’t that sweet.

N: Makes me feel better that this is her revenge.


*Back to Robert and Lorene. Lorene says she came there from Oregon and a boyfriend she had to get away from. Lorene says she moved to Seattle and a friend of hers told her to head to Hawaii and she’s been there for a year and change now. Angelo knocks on the door and walks in. He says Sandra drinks like a fish*

W: Hey, three’s a crowd.


*Lorene says she doesn’t drink because its a weakness. Angelo says she’s right. Angelo spots Lorene macking on Robert and Angelo playfully scoffs. Robert says to get out and Angelo laughs and says sure. Angelo leaves the bottle and says he’ll need it more than him since they go back tomorrow. Robert tells Lorene about the guys are bullying him about him refusing to be their middleweight fighter*

W: If he fought, what’s the worst that could happen?


*He explains to Lorene that his friend Dixie was his sparring partner. He caught him with a right cross and knocked him into a coma. When he came out of it, he was blind. Robert says he was sad to see him like that*

N: That’s so sad.


*Buckley warns Robert that Holmes told his boxers to turn up the heat on Robert. He says he’ll do what he can but won’t risk his own stripes. Robert understands. We cut to the men working Robert hard. He digs the world’s largest hole then they tell him to bury it. We cut to the men singing in the barracks but Robert is exhausted in his bunk. We cut to the gym where Ike beats someone around. Robert is forced to wash the floor and Ike intentionally knocks a bucket of water over. He orders Robert to clean it up then knocks another bucket directly on him. Robert looks at Holmes who looks at Ike. Ike says to clean it up and Robert says to clean it up himself. Holmes tells Robert he owes Ike an apology and Robert refuses. Holmes tells one of his Corporals to run Robert ragged then come see him. We cut to a sweaty Robert offered a cigarette by the Corporal who tells him he doesn’t like this either*

W: I hope there’s a revenge to this.


*An exhausted Robert is brought before Ike, Warden and Holmes. Holmes asks if Robert is ready to apologize and Robert says no. Holmes orders Robert to run again and Corporal Paluso tells him to get going. After they leave Warden looks at Holmes and Warden says to draw up court marshal papers for Robert. Warden says its a shame to lose a man like that and Holmes wants to know what he can do. Warden says to double up on punishment. Mazzioli tells Warden “Nice going” and Warden yells at him*

W: Now I’m just waiting for the revenge.


*Robert has kitchen duty and Angelo tries to cheer him up when Warden walks in. Warden says he looks awful tired but Robert doesn’t really answer. Warden asks what else he can put him through and Robert says you can’t bribe him into boxing no matter what they put him through. We cut to Warden getting scolded by Sgt Pete Karelsen for being a stooge for Holmes. Warden says he’s sick of it himself and can’t wait to get out of them. Pete says he’s going to take a shower and Warden says to go for beer. Pete says he wouldn’t go drinking with him ever until Warden says he’s buying, Pete “That’s different”

W: Hahahaha


*Rose the waitress sways her hips*

W: Hey now.

N: Don’t you start.


*Everybody checks her out as she serves Pete and Warden. Warden openly admits he watches her when she walks away*

W: Why would you tell her that?


*Robert tells Mazzioli he’ll take whatever they can dish out. The trumpet player sits with them and plays, Robert tells him to buzz off and grabs his trumpet. He plays like Boots Randolph and the whole bar watches him*

W: Now play Night Train.


*Everyone applauds Robert until Judson walks in, grabs Angelo’s picture and says something derogatory about his sister. Angelo picks up a stool and clubs Judson in the head with it. Judson pulls a switchblade and says he’s gonna cut “the wop’s” heart out and anyone that steps in is going to get it. Warden jumps in and says knock it off. Warden says he doesn’t need two weeks of paperwork and tells Angelo to drop the stool. Then tells Judson to get lost and Judson goes to cut him. Warden smashes a bottle and says bring it. Judson drops the knife and Warden goes and sits down. Judson says guys like Angelo end up in the stockade one day, he’ll show him a few things on that day. Everything calms down*

W: That ended well.


*Robert calls Warden a good man then walks outside with the knife. Warden says to keep it and he’ll give him a weekend pass. Robert says he could use it. Warden says he knows about Lorene and we cut to Angelo singing in the dressing room*

W and N: Hahahahahaha


*Robert says he’ll meet Angelo later and Angelo gets put on guard duty. We cut to Robert asking Lorene out but she scolds him saying she works at the Club, she can’t run off. Lorene says Robert isn’t her husband as Kipfer shows up and says Robert has good taste but Lorene has to work*

W: That went pleasantly.


*Lorene says her name isn’t Lorene, its Alma Burke. Mrs Kipfer says Lorene is her stage name*

W: Stripper name.


*Later Alma meets Robert drinking at the bar. Alma told Robert she called in sick to Kipfer and Robert gets excited. Alma says he must hate the army and Robert says he loves it. Robert says if he loves something, he has to be grateful. He left home at 17 with both parents dead and joined the army, learned how to play the bugle. He played for the president on armistice day. Later Angelo walks in*

W: Now what?


*Angelo is drunk and he walks over in uniform. Angelo pretends to play dice with olives. Angelo reveals he’s on guard duty but walked off the post. Robert tells him to go back but Angelo stumbles out. Robert finds Angelo passed out in the bushes and tries to get him up. Angelo goes on a drunken rant and Robert says he’ll get them a cab. 2 MP’s walk up and Angelo attacks them. They knock him down and we cut to the office. Buckley, Robert, Ike, Mazzioli are sitting down. Judson walks in excited saying Angelo will get the stockade. Warden tells Robert to go play pool, he’ll let him know what happens. Warden gets a phone call and Angelo’s been sent to the stockade for 6 months*

W: Aww come on, don’t let the fat guy win.


*Angelo is brought before Judson who grabs a club and calls him a tough monkey*

W: Good grief.


*Robert and Alma are an item and she gives him the spare key to her place. Georgette is her roomate and she introduces her to Robert. Alma says she’d make a great companion for Angelo when he gets out of the stockade. We cut to Karen and Warden hugging when Warden spots Holmes coming*

W: Oh shit.


*Karen and Warden hide until they can sneak off. Warden drives Karen home and she says this can’t go on much longer. Karen says the only way Warden can get out from under Holmes is to become and officer and get transferred stateside. Warden says he hates officers. Warden and Karen have been miserable since they met each other and don’t regret anything. Karen says he’d make a fine officer as we cut to Robert holding Alma close. He wants to marry her and her face changes*

W: Slow it down cowboy.


*Karen says she’s two steps up from prostitution and he counters by staying he’s two steps up from nothing. Robert says if he makes sergeant, he’ll get shipped stateside. He says he’ll fight to get the stripes. Alma says she doesn’t want to be the wife of a soldier. Alma says she wants to be proper, in a year she’s going to save enough money to go back home and marry some proper man so she can be safe. Robert says he hopes she can pull it off*

W: That’s ridiculous.


*Holmes grills Karen about who she’s seeing. She scoffs at him and says she’s going for a walk. We cut to Private Nair and Robert, Robert asks Nair how Maggio is. Nair says Maggio is getting his brains beat in by Judson. Maggio says he’s going to escape one of these days as Ike walks over. Ike asks if Robert is proud of the company and Robert ignores him. Ike says he needs to be taught a lesson and steps on Robert’s hand. Robert shoves him off and Sgt Thornhill says to break it up. Ike gets a sucker punch in and we get a fight. Ike beats him around as Thornhill runs to get Warden. Holmes is telling Warden that he’d make a great officer. Thornhill runs in and tells Holmes that Ike is killing him and Holmes says he’ll take care of it. We cut back to the fight and now Robert is in control, pounding the body. The others are saying Robert is afraid to hit him in the face. Ike knees him in the face and Robert goes apeshit, beating Ike’s brains in. Warden walks out and and asks Thornhill why Holmes isn’t stopping it. Robert knocks Ike down and Holmes finally stops it. Ike tells Holmes that Robert is at fault. Nair steps in and says Ike is at fault. Thornhill and Buckley both vouch for Robert. Holmes says forget it ever happened and break it up*

W: Saved by a technicality.


*Robert tells Mazzioli this doesn’t mean he’s fighting. We cut to Robert, Friday and Mazzioli drunkenly singing. Warden stumbles out drunk and sings along*

N: He’s wasted.


*Robert leaves to go get another beer and finds Warren on the ground. Warren pretends to give him orders before saying to have a drink with him. Warren says it was cool he beat up Ike but they’re going to get him sooner or later. Robert and Warren say life is crummy and it would be better off if a truck ran them over. They argue over who sits in the road*

N: This is like watching MASH when they’re all loaded.


*Warren doesn’t want to turn out like Holmes. They discuss love before a jeep nearly runs them over. The driver yells at them before Angelo shows up out of nowhere, he says he finally escaped. He hitched a ride in a truck before he fell out of it. Angelo says Judson worked him over and watch out for him. He says when he’s in Solitary to not make a sound. He then dies in Robert’s arms*

W: Well this went south real fast.


*Taps plays and all the soldiers in the barracks are sad that Angelo died. Robert is playing Taps on the bugle with tears in his eyes*

N: I can’t handle it.


*Warden smokes as the entire barracks empties to watch Robert play. Robert hands the bugle back to the soldier and walks by Warden. We cut to the New Congress Club where Robert looks sad. He spots Judson and says to step around the corner so they can talk. Judson asks what his problem is and Robert says he killed Angelo. Robert says the army is going to get him but he wants him first. They both draw switchblades and grapple*

W: Oh shit.


*Robert drops his knife but punches Judson in the face. They grapple more and both end up behind crates. Judson gets up, staggers and falls over, Robert gutted him with the knife. Judson is still breathing as Robert staggers back to Alma’s house. Robert’s been stabbed too and he collapses. Robert tells Alma he’s not gonna die and we cut to the barracks. Warden reads in the newspaper that Judson was killed and the killer is still at large*

W: Both him and Warden would hang if their secrets got out.


*Baldy tells Warden that Robert has been gone for 3 days and asks how long Warden will cover for him by saying he’s present and Warden tells him to get lost. We cut to Holmes getting court martialed for his treatment of Robert. General Slater wants an explanation and Holmes has none. Slater says the only way he can avoid a court martial is to sign a letter of resignation and go home. We cut to Captain Ross, Holmes’ replacement and he tells everyone that nobody will be treated unfairly and boxing is over. He tells Sergeant Reeves to bust Ike down to private and make him dig latrines*

W: Word.


*Ross asks why Reeves is smiling and Reeves says he made a great decision. Walden gets a call from Karen and she says she needs to see him immediately. Walden says he’ll be there in an hour. We cut to Karen saying Holmes resigned and is being sent stateside. Warren says he couldn’t sign his commission to be an officer. Karen scolds him and Warden explains Robert is AWOL and its his fault. He can’t be an officer because he’d kidding himself. Karen says its not because Holmes is gone, its because he’s married to the army*

W: That’s the end of a lot of relationship.


*Karen says if Warden doesn’t want her then she’d reluctantly go back to Holmes. Warden says its not goodbye, they’ll see each other again. Karen walks off and we cut to Robert drunk and Alma reading the paper saying Judson’s killer is still at large. Robert is slovenly and we cut to the clocktower ringing. Everyone eats breakfast when they hear planes coming their way*

W: Pearl Harbor attack?


*The barracks begins to shake*

W: Yup.


*Warden runs out and a soldier says its the Japs before he’s gunned down*

N: What’s happening?

W: December 7, 1941…..Pearl Harbor.


*Robert hears the Pearl Harbor attack on the radio as Warden rallies the troops to get on the roof and start shooting. Everyone wants to fight but Warden says to be safe and not stupid. We cut to actual Pearl Harbor bombing footage. Leva won’t let the men arm themselves under orders from Ross and Warden throws him out of the way. They arm themselves and Warden leads the charge to the roof. Warden is nearly hit by gunfire*

W: Woahhhh that was close.


*Two planes turn to attack and everyone starts shooting at them. Friday bugles “Charge” as Warden’s men shoot back. They hit one of the planes and it crashes. Warden celebrates*

W: My dad would have jumped out of his chair screaming at that.

N: Why?

W: You know why.


*Robert hears the radio telling everyone to stay inside and stay safe. Robert gets pissed and says they’re picking trouble with the best army in the world*

W: England and Russia disagree.


*Alma says if he goes to fight, he’ll be thrown in the stockade. He says they’ll be pulling men out of there to fight. Alma says his wound will open up and they’ll know he killed Judson. Robert says he has to and Alma says she’ll do whatever he wants, just don’t go. Robert says sorry and Alma “What did the army ever do to you besides hurt you and kill your friend?” Robert says he’s a solider, turns out the lights and leaves with Alma crying*

N: I’d cry too.


*Robert sneaks around but is discovered by an American soldier. He runs around and is gunned down by MP’s*

W: What kind of ending is that???


*Warden stands over Robert’s body and the Lt Colonel asks if he’s one of Warden’s men. Warden says he was one of his and he was running to fight with them. The LT Colonel apologizes*

W: Are you fucking joking?


*Warden says “All you had to do was box and this wouldn’t have happened. The men are sad and Warden says to get the body out of there. We cut to the boat back to the states with Karen and Alma on it. They both talk and Karen says its the most beautiful place she’s ever been. Karen says they may come back some day, Alma says they won’t. Alma says Robert was killed in a bombing attack and earned the silver star*

W: Wow.

N: What?


*Alma says Robert’s name and Karen recognizes the name as the guy Warden was talking about. She says the name is silly. THE END*

W: Great movie, terrible ending.


Neyzor Blades Assessment: I give it a 5, it was good I guess.

The Warlock’s Assessment: I give a 7. Damn good movie but a lousy payoff. The story was good, the characters were fleshed out, the acting was great but holy moly that ending.

Final Grade: 6 out of 10 – Good


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: What in Gods name was that ending? You had a movie that had a great story to suck everyone in and the payoff is the main character gets wiped out by his own MP’s. Apart from that, the movie itself was fantastic. It didn’t seem too long and the acting was amazing. Even the minor roles were filled by some of the greats like Jack Warden and Ernest Borgnine. All in all I highly recommend FROM HERE TO ETERNITY and it definitely deserved to win Best Picture in 1953. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm, now get outta here before I give ya a slap!


394. The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)

*The Warlock appears on screen in a black tuxedo. He’s holding a Burger King cup of Dr. Pepper*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. As I squawked about last movie, Singin In The Rain was arguably the best musical of all time but it wasn’t even nominated for Best Picture in 1952, mostly due to the fact An American In Paris won it in 1951. So what DID win Best Picture in 1952? A 2 1/2 hour tribute to the circus called THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.

*Warlock takes his seat*

W: So what makes this special? Its basically a feature length commercial to go see the circus wrapped around what goes on in the production, travel and personal lives of everyone involved. If it won Best Picture because the United States was clamoring to see the inside view of the circus, may as well throw the damn Oscar trophy in the trash. Now will this movie be good? Let’s find out and start THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.


Written by Fredric M Frank, Barre Lyndon, Theodore St John, Frank Cavett and Jack Gariss

Directed by Cecil B DeMille



Holly (Betty Hutton)

The Great Sebastian (Cornel Wilde)

Brad Braden (Charlton Heston)

Phyllis (Dorothy Lamour)

Buttons (Jimmy Stewart)

Angel (Gloria Grahame)

FBI Agent Gregory (Henry Wilcoxon)

Klaus (Lyle Bettger)

Mr. Henderson (Lawrence Tierney)

Emmett Kelly (Himself)

Cucciola (Himself)

Antoinette Concello (Herself)

John Ringling North (Himself)

Tuffy Genders (Himself)

Harry (John Kellogg)

Assistant Manager (John Ridgely)

Circus Doctor (Frank Wilcox)

Ringmaster (Bob Carson)

Buttons’ Mother (Lillian Albertson)

Birdie (Julia Faye)


(There’s over 230 extras and performing artists, no sense listing them all)




*The Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “The dramatic lives of trapeze artists, a clown, an an elephant trainer are told against a background of circus spectacle”

W: De de delalala de de da


*Opening credits*

W: Holy shit that’s a lot of acts featured in this movie.


*Narrator shows a montage of the circus. Various acts perform as the narrator says death is one mistake away*

W: This turned south real fast.


*Narrator says this is the greatest show on earth*

W: Nice name drop.


*Brad Braden makes his appearance and tells Jimmy not to ring a bell. He plays with two monkeys and 2 women. The women says its gonna be a short season. The elephants are drinking water*

W: The elephants are more tolerable than the crowd.


*Giraffe has a sore throat*

W: Call Dr. Dolittle.


*Clowns pester Brad as Buttons says he needs a mallet. He almost hits Emmett Kelly with it*

W: Jimmy’s first Best Picture appearance in 14 years.


*Brad talks to the big wigs and tells them not to put 1,400 people out of work. Johnny is bringing in The Great Sebastian and the board meeting freaks out. They say his act is fine but he’s an asshole. Brad “YOU CAN’T GET GOOD ACTS FOR A TEN WEEK SEASON!” Johnny tells Brad to worry about Sebastian. Brad has to tell Holly she’s out and Sebastian is in*

W: Give me time to duck first.


*Tuffy has Holly in the air with the ropes*

W: Thats the real Tuffy.


*Brad tells various people hat to do as he drives around*

W: These are all the legitimate circus acts at the time.


*Holly kisses up on Brad as Buttons watches*

W: Do I detect jealousy?


*Holly tells the whole circus Brad bargained for a full season. Everyone crowds around and a midget jumps in his arms&

W: Look at the midgets.


*Brad tells everyone Sebastian is on his way and Holly is sad. Holly freaks out on Brad and Brad says Sebastian is a bigger draw than she is. She storms off and Brad is mad*

W: What did you expect guy?


*Mr. Henderson asks Harry if things are going to plan. Harry tells Mr. Henderson he can handle Brad and Henderson says Brad would break him in two*

W: Have some peanuts.


*Buttons tries to cheer up Holly but also tells her Brad will do anything to keep the circus doing. Holly pulls Buttons’ nose off and he tells her not to act like an idiot. Holly says his staff looks like a bandage she wore. Buttons drops hints that he likes Holly but she doesn’t pick up on it*

W: Take a hint lady.


*Narrator says the circus was preparing for full season with 1,400 souls working hard. Sebastian makes his grand entrance with a fancy car and a police escort*

W: Talk about making an entrance.


*French women fawn over Sebastian*

W: Tu es tres mignonne, madamoiselle.


*Sebastian greets Brad and the cops weren’t an escort, they were pulling him over for reckless driving. Its a $160 fine or 60 days in jail and Sebastian doesn’t have the money. Brad says he’ll pay the fine, just get out of there. Sebastian hits on a woman and she asks why a husband hasn’t shot him yet. Angel is her name and she says watch out for Klaus. Phyllis runs up and greets Sebastian. Klaus is jealous but Angel says that’s the one guy he DOESN’T have to worry about*

W: Ni on.


*The giant and the fat boy flank Holly and Sebastian wants to meet her. Phyllis says not to greet her, he took her job. Sebastian makes a bee-line for her*

W: He’s just asking for it.


*Sebastian apologizes to Holly and they share bonding moments before introducing him to Buttons. Sebastian asks why Buttons is in makeup and he counters by asking why he’s The Great Sebastian*

W: How dense can you be?


*Tiny the hippo can’t fit in the truck and Sebastian says Holly can have Center Ring*

W: Wouldn’t be much of a movie if he fell.


*Brad says no, Sebastian stays in Center Ring. Holly says if Sebastian won’t give her Center Ring, she’ll take it. Sebastian says he can give it away but she can’t take it. Holly promises to make her ring the best one and outperform him before storming off. Brad says no trouble or he’ll ground them both. A priest wants to bless the circus before it gets underway*

W: Don’t pull out a gun and shoot at the altar boys.


*Various acts perform including the sword swallowing lady. John Ringling North welcomes everyone to The Greatest Show on Earth*

W: The real John North.


*The kids love the animals performing*

W: Monkey see, monkey doo. No seriously there’s monkey doo all over the ground.


*Sebastian and Holly are about to perform, Sebastian takes his shirt off*

W: He’s jacked. Btw the actor would have fenced in the 1936 Olympics but he quit to take up acting.


*Sebastian and Holly swing around with no net underneath. They try to outdo each other and North asks Brad if he should call off the act. Brad says no, let them go. The crowd gives them a standing ovation*

W: Friendly competition is the best.


*Sebastian and Holly balance using just their heads and Buttons asks Brad how long this can go for*

W: Until one of them falls.


*Buttons holds a dog and tells Brad he’s too nervous. “That’s not a bass drum I hear, that’s your heart.”

W: Hahaha


*Sebastian and Holly trade death defying stunts*

W: Geeeez, that even had me for a second.


*Buttons walks off as John tells Brad that was a close one*

W: No shit.


*Holly and Sebastian congratulate each other after the performance. Brad tells them to knock it off and Holly says don’t be a killjoy*

W: That’s Trent Haaga’s job.


*The girls taunt Holly about how Brad likes her and she’s smitten with Sebastian. Brad cares more about the circus than anything. Angel has Klaus screaming for her and she says that’s not Sabu calling*

W: Rob Van Dam and Sabu weren’t even born yet.


*Phyllis says she feels like a turret gunner and wants a hot dog*

W: Hahahahaha


*Some guy gets in a giant duck costume. The midgets get ready as a song is played*

W: My god I thought it was the Dummybears theme song.


*Various Disney characters walk around*

W: Watch out for copyright infringement.


*Father loves the characters but the son doesn’t*

W: Ha, the kid is not impressed.


*Everyone is on parade. Buttons makes the kids laugh*

W: I wonder if Jimmy was ever a clown before making it famous.


*Buttons Mother doesn’t want anyone finding out its him under the makeup*

W: I don’t think his real name is ever mentioned.


*Holly, Phyllis and Angel sing*

W: A Stephen Foster album. Swanee River haha.


*South American woman pass through*

W: Twerking wasn’t invented yet in 1952.


*Baby elephants walk by*

W: Ha, mini dumbo.


*Hopalong Cassidy is introduced*

W: Him I don’t know.


*The next act sings Jingle Bells*

W: 3 months later on that one.


*Emmett Kelly pretends to be a homeless*

W: I wonder if that was his act.


*Klaus insults Angel but she scoffs at him. Adeste Fideles is played*

W: Sounds like My Country Reeks of Thee


*Narrator narrates the circus on the move and how they travel*

W: This movie is one big tribute to the circus. How the fuck did this beat Singin In The Rain for Best Picture?


*The eagle eyed crew spot a tear in the tents and have to patch it up*

W: That’s why they call it the Big Top.


*Holly does 100 swings on the trapeze*

W: I’d puke after like 2.


*Brad is alerted as Holly keeps going well past 110. She gets to 125 before Brad lowers the rope himself. The clowns gather to catch her and the crowd laughs. She goes off on Brad and Sebastian says he was better off spanking her over his knee if he wanted the crowd to laugh. Angel scoffs at Brad but Brad shows the rope was about to break and Angel figures out Brad was trying to save her. She says he better tell Holly*

W: Yeah really.


*Various acts continue to perform*

W: This is all fine but can we progress the story now?


*Holly cuddles with Sebastian*

W: 91 minutes remaining.


*Sebastian puts the moves on her but Holly says she’ scared of herself. He says he falls in love with her and the elephant picks her up out of nowhere. Angel tells Sebastian not to mess with the elephant and Holly says to do something. Sebastian says he’ll fight a tiger but not Angel with an elephant*

W: Ha!


*Angel scoffs at Holly saying Sebastian used the same lines on her and Holly says to mind her own business. Angel leads the elephant to Brad and it drops Holly off. Brad tells Holly he wants to show her something and shows the busted rope. Brad says to knock off the competition with Sebastian and she says he cares more about the circus than her. He says he cares about her. He says he wants to put a safety net under them until they tone the act down.*

W: His hat won Best Supporting Actor.


*Sebastian walks over and hands Holly her scoff and wants to take her aside. She says she’s waiting for Brad and Sebastian counters by saying “Next time.” Brad says there won’t be a next time. Sebastian leaves*

W: Make up your mind.


*Klaus makes a hat for Angel. It says “Angel, you are mine.” Angel says they’re not together and puts the hat on his head. She says the only thing she likes about him are the elephants. The carnies have a racket going with Harry having his goons rob people*

W: Why do I have the feeling he’s going to be back later?


*Buttons clowns around as another clown piles out of the mini car*

W: Oh ha ha ha. I’m starting to realize there’s about 90 minutes of movie and an hour of circus acts.


*Sebastian pays off the trapeze guys to take his place so he can hit on Holly in midair. He demands a kiss and she refuses. She demands he let her go and he kisses her before dropping her into the net. She crawls to Brad and say he won’t leave her alone and Brad better marry her or she’s a gone pigeon. He says get back to work or she’ll be a dead pigeon. A security guard tells Brad that Harry is causing trouble*

W: Saw that coming.


*Brad shuts Harry down and Harry says he doesn’t run him. Brad punches him down and they brawl. Harry beats him up and throws him in the mud. Harry says he’s protected by Mr. Henderson and Brad doesn’t care*

W: That can’t be the end of him.


*Phyllis leads a song and dance number*

W: Takes off the runtime.


*More trapeze performing*

W: Can we progress now?


*Henderson demands Harry comeback and Brad refuses. Henderson says he can’t beat his outfit and Brad says he doesn’t back down from fights. Henderson counters he’s never lost one*

W: Didn’t they get through saying there’s 1,400 men, women and animals involved? What’s a few stooges against 1,000?


*Brad says he’ll throw Henderson out too as Buttons clowns around with Phyllis and Emmett as she continues to sing*

W: Ah well, if you’re gonna pad a movie, at least they’re making it interesting.


*Sebastian continues to hit on Holly and tells North he’ll be swinging a double. Sebastian cuts the net before he goes up with Holly*

W: Something’s gotta go wrong this time. Then again we have 72 minutes left.


*Sebastian does dangerous stunts but hits all his targets. Now he goes for the double sommersault over the bar and through a hoop. Holly tells him not to do it as Brad shows up to talk him down. Sure enough, Sebastian misses completely and plummets 40 feet below into the ground. Sebastian tells Brad and Buttons to walk him off to make it look like he’s okay to keep the crowd intact. Holly does her act*

W: Knew something would happen.


*Sebastian is hauled off on a stretcher as the doctor praises Buttons for having Navy bandage training. Holly runs up and tells Sebastian she’s there for him. After the ambulance takes off, Holly cries in Brad’s arms as Emmett looks sad*

W: Least he’s not dead.


*Narrator says under the big top only two days count, today and tomorrow*

W: Good point.


*Montage of various acts doing stunts. A woman juggles*

W: That was cool.


*Phylllis rides a unicycle across a tightrope*

W: Oh hell no….nope nope nope.


*Dogs jump around as Holly jumps on a trampoline*

W: Neyzor Blades would love the dogs.


*Holly sings a song and Buttons joins in*

W: Impromptu show for the boys.


*Sebastian walks in feeling better. Klaus forbids Angel to say hi and she burns his hand with an iron*

W: You fool.


*The midgets tell Brad that Sebastian is back and various people greets him. Phyllis is getting her hair washed. Holly and Buttons spot Sebastian as he goes to Brad’s station. Holly is happy to see him. Sebastian says the hospital nurses were great. Sebastian tells Brad he’s quitting to join the rival show. Brad doesn’t buy it and pulls Sebastian’s jacket off revealing his hand is all messed up. Brad realizes he can’t work anymore and Holly cries saying its her fault. Sebastian says its not her fault and he knew the risks. He leaves and Holly continues to blame herself. Holly says if Sebastian leaves, she’s going with him. Brad says don’t be a fool*

W: Well that sucks.


*Holly proclaims her love to Sebastian but he’s cold to her because he doesn’t want to be treated like a cripple. Sebastian says in the air she loves him but on the ground she loves Brad. Sebastian tries to tell her he doesn’t love her but she doesn’t buy it. Sebastian says its not her fault he got hurt and Holly says he’s tied to her. She says she didn’t fall in love with his arm, but him totally*

W: Get over yourself buddy.


*Sebastian hugs Holly and we cut to outside during the day. Next is the ladies performing Picnic In The Park*

W: Gay court at the royal horse show.


*Holly and Angel give each other the evil eye*

W: 48 minutes left.


*Holly and Angel argue. Angel is mad Holly busted him up by going for Sebastian. Angel says she’ll do better with Brad than Holly ever did*

W: Drama, drama, drama.


*Horses do tricks for the cheering crowd*

W: Too much circus shit, not enough story. This really would have been a 90 minute movie without it. Its like The Great Ziegfeld really.


*Narrator says when the show is over, its a race against time to clean and pack up to get to the next town. Ruth picks up a newspaper and reads about a surgeon who killed his wife and disappeared. Holly recognizes the quote “he killed the thing he loved” as something Buttons once said. Buttons shows up, reads it and says don’t believe everything you say*

W: Oh I see where this is going.


*Holly spots Angel and Brad together and gets mad. She goes off with Sebastian as Buttons looks for something to do. Brad calls Johnny and says Sebastian is back. and everything is fine. Brad asks what Angel is doing with the housekeeping and she says he’s a sourpuss. Brad “What do you think you’re doing?” Angel “Packing your pipe”

W: He wants you to smoke his pipe.


*Klaus is pissed that Angel is with Brad and Harry taunts him for it. Harry says Klaus can win her with dough and he knows where to get it*

W: Something…is afoot!


*Holly warns Brad that Angel is in trouble. Klaus has his act up next with Angel riding an elephant*

W: Going to elaborate the trouble or are we going to get more circus shit?


*Brad watches Angel like a hawk as Klaus puts Angel’s head under Minyak the elephant’s foot. Angel tries to push the foot off but Klaus taunts her and says she’ll never be with another man. Klaus threatens to have Minyak crush her head when Brad runs up and tells Minyak to lift its foot. Angel is free and Brad fires Klaus. He tells Auggie to take over for Klaus. Brad says he’s fired for being a jealous fool and to get out before he has him arrested for attempted murder*

W: Him and Harry will be back. 34 minutes remaining in this one.


*Elephants do their own conga line*

W: Ha, that was cool.


*Sebastian is now a concession seller and he watches Holly perform. Buttons comes over and says life made him a clown. North tells Sebastian not to block the entrance and for Buttons to get to work. Outside Harry and his stooges roll dice when Klaus comes over and tells Harry he’ll do it. Harry robs the guys and drives off with Klaus*

W: Heading to a pulse pounding finish.


*Brad checks out all the gear when Agent Gregory shows up asking if the circus doctor looks like the man in the picture he’s holding. The picture is of Buttons without his makeup but Brad doesn’t recognize him*

W: Ha, Jimmy Stewart’s publicity photo.


*Gregory says he’s been on the run for murder for ten years. He mercifully killed his dying wife and Brad asks what’ll happen to him. Gregory doesn’t know and asks to fingerprint some of his staff. Brad says that’s fine and to get himself a berth on the train*

W: He doesn’t know what Buttons looks like without the makeup?


*Klaus lights a stick of dynamite and throws it on the train tracks before driving off with Harry*

W: Wonderful, blow the train….Henderson will love that.


*Buttons jokes that Brad is always around when there’s trouble but never when the news is good. Brad tells him Gregory is there looking for a murderer. Buttons says Sebastian may recover and Brad starts to suspect Buttons. Buttons tells Brad to rile him up, it may get feeling back. Brad tells Buttons they’ll be taking fingerprints before walking over to Sebastian. Buttons smiles and leaves as Brad intentionally gets Sebastian pissed. Sebastian’s dead hand moves and everyone notices it. The Doc says Sebastian may recover after all*

W: There’s a nice feel good story there.


*Sebastian says he and Holly will name their first born Boss Man*

W: Big Bossman. 26 minutes left to go.


*Klaus and Harry jump the train when it stops to check out the flare. They steal the money and spot the second car coming. Sebastian walks through the girls car to propose to Holly. Klaus and Harry argue because the other train is about to plow into the first one. The second car demolishes Klaus and Harry before plowing into the first car causing a massive train wreck*

W: Holy fucking shit did not see that one coming.


*The lions and tigers escape their cages*

W: “We’re freeeee”


*Everyone tries to figure out who’s okay an who’s not. Brad is okay, Blackie is okay, Bob is okay. Various animals scatter as some are put back in their cages. Brad is trapped underneath debris and he asks Jack how many are dead. The Doc is injured but he’s alive. Angel says a lot of girls are hurt but alive and Brad is still trapped. Minnie is hurt as Angel runs and leads Minyak over to Brad. Holly wonders where Buttons is as she realizes Brad is hurt*

W: Had to end this somehow.


*Holly tells Birdie to hurry with the first aid kit as Minyak frees Brad. Brad tells her to forget about him and make sure the costumes are ok. Doc tells Holly that Brad is screwed unless they get a real doctor. Buttons grabs a suitcase and leaves as the trainers try to corral a tiger*

W: Yeesh.


*Holly finds Buttons and begs him to help Brad. She knows he’s the killer but he can redeem himself by saving her love. Gregory holds the dog as Buttons works on Brad. Brad continues to rant about keeping the show going and tells Buttons to run for it. Buttons ignores him and says he needs a transfusion. Sebastian has the blood needed and Brad says he doesn’t want his blood. Buttons says he doesn’t have enough blood in him to quibble about it*

W: Haha nice choice of words.


*Brad shouts invectives at Sebastian who smiles and taunts him for it. Gregory runs up with a lantern and tells Buttons to keep working. Brad passes out as Holly rallies everyone to keep the show going and Emmett is without his makeup*

W: Wow, first time I’ve seen his real face.


*Sebastian says he can beat a drum with one hand. Buttons tells Angel and Holly to stop arguing. Holly kisses Buttons cheek and thank him. Gregory helps Buttons and says he’s doing just fine. Meanwhile a monkey plays with the money by the corpses of Harry and Klaus*

W: Least Klaus tried to stop the proceedings before he died.


*Narrator says the circus continued despite the injuries and destruction. Angel and Sebastian are together again. Holly tells Merle to hit the circus song, she sings The Greatest Show on Earth as Emmett clowns around*

W: He’s back.


*The giant rides a donkey*

W: Ha.


Brad on a gurney is being checked by Doc and Buttons. Henderson walks up and heckles Brad. Brad says he can hear the Pied Piper. Holly and the rest of the crew have brought the townspeople with them for the show*

W: In your face Henderson.


*Buttons is reluctantly arrested and Gregory shakes his hand while saying he’s alright. Henderson wants Brad to get back on his feet so he can knock him off for good. Brad lost his hat and Buttons hands his hat to Brad. He gives up Squeaker the dog to some girl as Gregory leads him away*

W: Bye Buttons.


*Holly continues to shout orders to get the show going before she runs up to Brad. Brad tries to tell Holly he loves her but she ignores him to keep the show going. Brad says she has sawdust in her veins but realizes that’s just like him. Sebastian wants to keep Angel watch as Holly sings the circus song again*

W: This should do it.


*Brad kisses the hat as Holly finishes her song. The narrator says this was the greatest show on earth and to come again. THE END*

W: I made it…hooray hooray.



*The Warlock’s Assessment: This was a pretty good movie but unfortunately the circus elements went on for way too long. I understand why, to showcase just how great the actual show is, but literally it was a 90 minute movie with an hour long circus act included. It reminds me of the uncut version of Caligula with the Bob Guccione footage in it. Doesn’t mean its a bad movie, just means its too long. I still give it a 7.5 out of 10 because the story was easy to follow, the characters had depth, the acting was good and it had some shocking elements to it.

Final Grade: 7.5 out of 10 – Jolly good show


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: That was a marathon but at least it was good. The story was easy to follow, the acts were very real and it really did capture the essence of the circus. The characters were fleshed out, the acting was great and there were a few moments that you really didn’t see coming. Imagine if Dr. Kevorkian went on the run as a circus clown, well Jimmy Stewart pulled it off greatly. Now for the question of if this was deserving of Best Picture, its either this or The Quiet Man and I’m sure Neyzor Blades would have preferred that. Hell I prefer that too. I still recommend this movie even if its not the best movie of 1952. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!

393. An American in Paris (1951)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a champagne glass of Pepsi*

W: Welcome back to Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. After All About Eve was one of the best of the month, we’re going to have a bit of a let-down. For whatever reason Hollywood decided to honor the great actor, singer, dancer Gene Kelly a year too soon. In 1952, Singin in The Rain was arguably one of the greatest musicals to hit the screen. Its to this day my favorite movie of all time and the crime was it wasn’t even nominated for Best Picture. Come to find out, one year earlier a Gene Kelly musical actually won Best Picture….the 1951 musical AN AMERICAN IN PARIS.

*Neyzor Blades is in the recliner*

N: Maybe its even better than Singin in the Rain.

W: That’s what I’m hoping so, but it doesn’t look good. IMDB.com rates Singin at 8.3 and this movie is 7.2. Not only that I don’t really know any of the other actors in the movie. Now this doesn’t mean the movie won’t be good, it just wouldn’t be as good as Singin.

*Warlock takes his seat*

W: The only way to find out is if AN AMERICAN IN PARIS holds up to Singin or even deserves to win Best Picture this year is to shut up and push play. So without further adieu its time to kick back, relax and check out AN AMERICAN IN PARIS.


Written by Alan Jay Lerner

Directed by Vincente Minnelli



Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly)

Lise Bouvier (Leslie Caron)

Adam Cook (Oscar Levant)

Henri Baurel (Georges Guetary)

Milo Roberts (Nina Foch)

Balet Dancers (Robert Ames, Felice Basso, Joan Bayley, Rodney Bieber)

Child Balet Dancers (Joan Anderson)

News Vendor (Marie Antoinette Andrews)

Frenchman (Larry Arnold)

Mathilde Mattieu (Martha Bamattre)

Smiling Young Man (Charles Bastin)

Girl (Janine Bergez)

Edna Mae Bestram (Madge Blake)

Flodair Cafe Patron (Ralph Blum)

Maid (Nan Boardman)

Bartender (Dino Bolognese)



*Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “Three friends struggle to find work in Paris. Things become more complicated when two of them fall in love with the same woman.”

N: Morons.


*Opening credits*

W: Hey, color.

N: What about it?

W: First time I’ve seen color since Gone With The Wind.


*Various shots of Paris*

W: I want to go there.


*Jerry Mulligan is an ex-GI and he narrates that he’s a painter and wanted to do it his whole life*

W: Paul Cezanne was long dead.


*Jerry narrates that he lives above a kissing couple*

W: Ha!


*Jerry gets a knock on the door*

W: Nice pajamas.

N: This won Best Picture?

W: Yeah.


*Painting of Jerry in the background*

W: He’s painting himself.


*Jerry sets the table and Etienne, Maurice and Jacques say hi to him. He says they like him because he gives them gum. We cut to Adam Cook narrating while he plays piano*

W: Ha “Not him, he’s too happy.”


*Adam says underneath his flabby face is an enormous lack of character. His friend is Henri Baurel and he takes over narrating as the whole neighborhood knows him*

W: Is this supposed to be a musical?


*Henri sings “Nice Work If You Can Get It” while Adam plays the piano*

W: This guy was a legit French singer.


*Henri’s show is a big hit and he’s seeing a woman named Lise. She’s Jacques Bouvier’s daughter, 19 and Henri likes her. We cut to Lise dancing*

N: That’s supposed to be her?


*Various dances and stretches*

W: Owww, owwww

N: Do you know how hard that is?

W: She’s doing a split while reading.


*Henri “She’s the gayest girl in the world”

N: Gayest??

W: Gay just meant happy in those days.


*Therese is washing the floor and Jerry says he’s broke. Jerry walks into the cafe and Adam introduces him to Henri*

W: So we have our four main characters, great. Can we do something now? Singin in The Rain was already more interesting in its first 10 minutes than this.

N: Are you going to do this the whole movie?

W: You damn betcha man.


*Adam plays the piano as they speak in German before Henri starts singing “By Strauss”

W: Are we getting our first number?

N: I don’t know.


*Henri, Adam and Jerry perform “By Strauss”

W: This sucks.

N: Make it stop.


*Jerry starts dancing with some old lady*

W: What the hellllll.


*Performance continues*

W: He sings like he’s underwater.


*Jerry walks down the street*

W: Thank fucking god its over.

N: Until the next one.


*Jerry tries to sell paintings*

W: Reminds me of “Gotta dance”


*Woman speaks in bad French and Jerry says he’s from New Jersey. He blows her off when Milo walks over. He says she’s okay but the other girl is just a college kid. He asks Milo for a cigarette*

W: That’s Ducky’s mother on NCIS.

N: No way.

W: Yes way, this was her when she was younger.


*Milo doesn’t have enough money to buy a painting with her and he says to come back tomorrow, they’ll still be there. She says come back to her hotel and her private car shows up, its revealed she’s rich. Jerry “I should have charged you more.”

W: Ha.


*Jerry checks out Milo’s place after she hands him money. Her father is a rich oil tycoon. Jerry goes to leave and Milo invites him to her party later. Jerry drives home and is greeted by every neighborhood kid. They all want gum*

W: Kids going this insane for bubblegum.


*Jerry teaches the kids English*

W: I feel a song coming on.


*Jerry goes into “I Got Rhythm”

W: This is where its from? I know this song.


*Jerry tapdances and performs*

W: Are those tap dance shoes or dubbed in tap sounds?

N: Probably both.


*Jerry dances away from the kids*

W: That’s one way to end it.


*We cut to Jerry smoking while at Milo’s*

W: For someone who had to be in shape as he was, you’d think he wouldn’t be a smoker.

N: Maybe its just for the movie.

W: True that.


*Jerry thinks he’s being used as an escort, grabs the paintings and says she can have the money back. She laughs and says he’s not an escort and he has a great deal of talent. He calms down and gives her back the paintings. He asks how the food is downstairs*

W: You’ll be on the toilet in minutes.

N: Pfft.


*Milo’s last boyfriend cheated on her during the war. Milo wants to be his sponsor when Tommy Baldwin walks in and says he needs their help. Tommy says they need radar to get through the smoke*

W: They’re all smoking.


*Jerry locks eyes with Lise when he’s introduced to Jack Jansen. Jerry asks who Lise is because he’s listening to her conversation*

W: Dude, she’s like 20.


*Tommy says Milo’s gonna have trouble with Jerry. With painters they either suck or they get too famous*

W: He’s right.


*Jerry pretends to be an old friend of Lise to pull her away from her trouble. He says he’s had his eyes on her the whole time. He sings “Love Is Here To Stay”

W: This is so creepy.


*Tommy spots Jerry and Lise and he tells Milo “I give him two months.” Lise wants to go back to her table*

W: Hahahaha

N: You’re right, that’s creep factor.


*Jerry returns Lise to her table and goes back to his own table where everyone stares at him. Milo leaves and Jerry goes with her, saying goodbye to the angry Lise. In the car Milo yells at him for going after Lise when he was with her and gets out. He tells her goodbye. We cut to the next day Jerry calling Lise at her house and her telling him to leave her alone and don’t call again*

W: No means no.


*Jerry sits dejected when Milo sits with him*

N: Uh oh.


*Milo says she’s got him booked at an art exhibition. She tells him to meet her at 1 to talk business. They apologize to each other and Jerry says he has something to do. Jerry goes to the perfume store that Lise works at*

W: He’s gonna be arrested for stalking.


*Some fat lady wants to buy perfume but doesn’t know which one*

W: Isn’t that the MC from the beginning of Singin in the Rain?

N: Why ask me?


*Jerry helps her buy perfume before she leaves. Jerry continues to try to get Lise to go out with him. Lise has a date that night but Jerry wants to see her after*

W: If she’s not getting some.


*Jerry struts outside and calls the fat lady “Delicious”

W: Hahahaha


*Adam plays piano when Jerry runs in. They go into “Tra-La-La”

N: I thought he lived in one room.

W: He does, he’s the roomate.


*Jerry sings and dances*

N: Awful. Thank god its over.


*Henri is on the date with Lise when Adam calls. Henri tells him to get lost. After Lise leaves, she goes to see Jerry*

W: Ohhhh, they’re after the same girl.


*Jerry tells his story to Lise that he’s going to famous one day. They sit by the water as Jerry says in America, Saturday night is the fun night. Everyone catches cold on Sunday*

W: How true that is.


*Lise hums Love Is Here To Stay*

N: I feel a dance coming on.


*Jerry says she’s very pretty and starts singing “Love Is Here To Stay”

W: Good call.


*Jerry and Lise dance*

W: He’s 19 years older than her in real life. He likes them young, Debbie Reynolds was 20 in Singin in The Rain.

N: I told you there was dancing going on.


*Jerry and Lise do a routine*

W: In those days this kind of thing was exciting, the choreography was top notch.


*Jerry and Lise smooch*

N: There was a little peck.


*Lise figures out its 11 PM and has to go. He says to see him Saturday at the Exhibition. We cut to Henri performing “I’ll Build a Stairway To Paradise”

W: I feel another song comin on.


*Henri performs the song and dance number*

W: At least this song has some kick to it.


*Stairway dancers are shown*

W: I’ve seen a parody of this.

N: This looks like the opening of Family Guy.


*Lise runs to the theater where Henri is performing and John McDowd introduces himself to Lise. Henri had been ranting and raving about her. Henri wants to go on an American tour, he wants to marry her before they go. Henri is excited about going to the States with her*

W: That throws a monkey wrench in the plan.


*Adam plays the piano as Jerry smokes on the couch*

W: This guy is in front of the piano almost the whole movie.


*Adam jokes that if Jerry gets married to Milo would he keep his maiden name*

W: Ohhhhhh!!

N: What?

W: That was a huge insult back in the day. One of the biggest jokes was the man taking the wife’s name.


*Adam imagines himself playing a concert all by himself*

W: 1950’s special effects, playing all sorts of instruments. If that’s really him playing, that’s impressive.

N: Sounds like a boogie woogie.


*Adam plays the xylophone in his day dream*

W: Frank Zappa loved the xylophone.


*Adam smokes in bed*

N: Smoking in bed is the worst. If you fall asleep, you burn up the bed.


*Adam has a bottle of Coke on ice*

W: Ha, instead of champagne its Coke.


*Milo shows a brand new studio to Jerry for him to work in. He says he can’t afford it and Milo says he’ll pay her back in three months. She signed him up for the biggest convention of the year and he says he’s not that good. She gives him a pep talk and we get a montage of him painting all sorts of stuff*

W: Is this a 3 month montage?


*Jerry paints Lise and they kiss deeply*

W: Is he imagining this?

N: No, but she’s supposed to go away.


*Jerry hides the painting of Lise from Milo. He smokes and looks at all the paintings he’s supposed to sell. Lise and Jerry ride off in a cab*

W: I want that car. 38 minutes to go.


*Lise wants to tell Jerry about Henri but can’t. She kisses Jerry and Jerry stops at his place. Lise figures out that Henri lives there and tells the cabbie to drive off when Jerry says hi to Adam. Adam “Well you have plenty of time now.” One of Jerry’s kid friends hands him a note from Luce saying she’ll meet him later*

W: She spotted Adam and freaked out.


*Jerry tells Adam he loves Lise and Adam drops his coffee*

W: Hahahahahaha.


*Henri walks in and tells Adam he’s getting married. Adam orders Brandy*

W: Hahahahaha.


*Henri asks Jerry what’s wrong. He says Milo is stuck on him but he’s stuck on another girl. Henri and Jerry dance around the subject as Adam nervously smokes and drinks in the back*

W: Hahahaha look at Adam putting the scene over in facial expressions, Larry Fine was a master of that.


*Henri tells Jerry to tell the girl he likes that he likes her. Henri says you only find the right woman once. Jerry says he’ll do it. They go into “S’Wonderful”

W: My mom knows this song.


*Jerry and Henri sing and dance “S’Wonderful” together*

W: Guess all Adam can do is play piano.

N: The townspeople are all in on it.

W: Yeah, nobody telling them to shut up or they look dumb.


*Jerry meets Lise at their spot and he runs up saying he loves her. Lise tells Jerry she can’t see him anymore, she’s getting married. Lise says it doesn’t matter if she loves Jerry, she loves Henri*

W: Ohhhh, he just figured it out.


*Lise says he’s been the best thing that happened to her for 5 years now. He brought her out of a deep hole and Jerry is sad. Jerry says he’s in a similar situation and tells her good luck*

W: Guess he’s gonna go fall for Milo now.


*Lise says if it means anything, she loves him*

W: Don’t mean shit.


*Jerry goes to Milo and asks her out, calling her pretty*

W: 28 minutes left, this can’t be the end.


*Jerry kisses Milo*

W: She’s gonna have lipstick all over his face.


*Milo and Jerry hit up a party. Adam is playing piano when Milo falls on him and asks to get a drink. Adam and Milo hit the bar and Adam says Jerry has a sponsor that has more nerve than cash. Milo says she’s the sponsor and Adam says he knows. Henri runs up with Lise and Jerry pretends he doesn’t know her. Henri says they’re getting married and moving to America. Jerry wishes them well and Lise says she wants to dance. Milo alone with Jerry says she looks familiar*

W: Uh oh.


*Jerry tells Milo he’s in love with Lise an Milo runs off*

W: Well at least he told the truth.


*Jerry walks onto the balcony*

W: Don’t jump, its a long way down.


*Lise finds Jerry doodling on the balcony. He shows her the fully finished drawing*

N: Yeah right, it took him more than 30 seconds to do that.


*Jerry and Lise tell the truth about each other. Jerry came there to paint and didn’t expect to fall in love with her. He rips up his drawing and says it won’t be the same without her and she says don’t leave her this way. He hugs her and she runs off*

W: Take the high road.


*Its revealed Henri heard the whole thing, he was hiding behind a wall*

W: Oh shit, he heard it all.

N: He was there.


*Lise leaves in her car and looks at Jerry*

W: These days with these polyamorous open relationships, this wouldn’t be a problem.

N: Is he gonna sing something now?


*Henri looks at Lise who looks sad. His drawing puts itself together and we get a dance number with random people*

W: What the hell is the point of this?

N: Just to fill time.

W: 17 minutes left, we don’t have time for this.

N: At least now I know the movie has a point.


*A man runs into the dance number*

W: Who’s that, the sultan of Dubai?

N: Its Princess Jasmine’s father.


*Lise shows up in this fake daydream. They dance together*

W: I get the point, this is all a daydream. What a way to end the movie.


*Lise leaves the number and Jerry drops the flowers. 4 servicemen join the number an cheer him up. They run out of the shot and run back in barbershop quartet uniforms*

N: Oh that’s significant.

W: This number is all about symbolism. Gene Kelly choreographed all this.


*Lise leads a group of lady dancers*

N: There she is, in the front row.


*Lise and Jerry tapdance together*

W: Wish I learned that.

N: Jesus tapdancing Christ.


*Lise and Jerry end the number with him picking her up*

N: Right out of Gone With The Wind.


*Lise and Jerry ballet dance together*

W: This fucking thing is still going?


*A new number has Jerry dancing*

N: Ok this is just stupid.

W: I know I’m biased because I grew up with Singin in The Rain, but at least that movie had a purpose. Every song and dance was connected as part of a movie or from the main story. This final number has no rhyme or reason.

N: This sucks so bad.


*Various costume changes but Jerry and Lise still dance with an entourage*

W: Literally there’s no point to any of this other than to show choreography.


*Jerry picks up a red rose*

W: Finally its over.

N: Thank christ.


*Jerry goes back to the party*

W: Literally that whole ten minute segment was him daydreaming.


*In real time Lise comes back, kisses Henri and runs into Jerry’s arms. They kiss deeply*

W: Henri gave her up that easy?

N: Well she was only staying with him because he saved her life.



N: That was horrible.


Neyzor Blades Assessment: That was pitiful. I give it a 3.

The Warlock’s Assessment: I liked it but how the hell did this win Best Picture. It had great choreography, great singing and dancing….but a lot of it had no point or purpose. I give it a 6.5. Its very good but this was so inferior to Singin In The Rain its not even funny.

Final Grade: 5.5 out of 10 – Above Average


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: I don’t know what to say at this point. How the hell did this win Best Picture? This was better than Streetcar Named Desire? Seriously? Well like I’ve mentioned already, its good but its not great. Hindsight is 20/20 but people saw the choreography in this and thought it was deserving of Best Picture. A year later a VASTLY superior movie came out but they couldn’t give Gene Kelly his due two years in a row apparently. Still, this movie is still pretty damn good and its worth taking a look, but Best Picture? Pfft. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!



392. All About Eve (1950)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a wine glass of Barq’s Root Beer*

W: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of Oscar’ Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. As we turn the page to the 1950’s and start the final decade of the month, its interesting to see on how there was little difference presentation wise between 1929 and 1950. Movies were shot in black and white, people still wore coat and ties, the actor and actresses changed but a lot of the verbiage didn’t. Obviously society had changed dramatically after surviving the Great Depression and World War 2. As the calendar turned to 1950, an interesting concept popped up to win Best Picture in 1950. That was ALL ABOUT EVE.

*Warlock takes his seat in the middle of the couch*

W: Most Best Picture winners were either led by male actors or featured an ensemble like Grand Hotel, this one looked to have put the lead as a woman much like Mrs. Miniver. Bette Davis is Margo Channing, an aging (42 at the time of filming) stage actress and fresh on her heels is Eve, played by Anne Baxter, who wants everything Margo has. It sounds like the classic pro wrestling style as the hungry challenger wants to topple the champion. Its funny how Bette Davis played the “aging” actress in 1950 yet was highly active in film roles up until her death in 1989, nearly 40 years later. We have George Sanders returning to the Best Picture scene 10 years after Rebecca and we got Celeste Holm who won Best Supporting Actress in 1947 for Gentleman’s Agreement. Also featured in her only Best Picture appearance, the 24 year old Marilyn Monroe who many believe to be the hottest woman of the 1950’s. Now the million dollar question at this point is will the movie be good? Well that remains to be seen but I can tell you one thing bothering me already. It clocks in at 2 hours and 18 minutes….ugh. Its a good thing I only have 9 of these marathons left. So let’s shut up and start ALL ABOUT EVE.


Written by Joseph L Mankiewicz and Mary Orr

Directed by Joseph L Mankiewicz



Margo Channing (Bette Davis)

Eve Harrington (Anne Baxter)

Addison DeWitt (George Sanders)

Karen Richards (Celeste Holm)

Bill Simpson (George Merrill)

Lloyd Richards (Hugh Marlowe)

Max Fabian (Gregory Ratoff)

Phoebe (Barbara Bates)

Miss Casswell (Marilyn Monroe)

Birdie Coonan (Thelma Ritter)

Aged Actor (Walter Hampden)

Girl (Randy Stuart)

Leading Man (Craig Hill)

Doorman (Leland Harris)

Autograph Seeker (Barbara White)

Stage Manager (Eddie Fisher)

Clerk (William Pullen)

Pianist (Claude Stroud)

Frenchman (Eugene Borden)

Reporter (Helen Mowery)

Captain of Waiters (Steven Geray)

Sarah Siddons Award Guests (Gertrude Astor, Jack Chefe, Sayre Dearing, Franklyn Farnum, Bess Flowers, Collin Kenny, Ethelreda Leopold, Carl M Leviness, Leota Lorraine, Harold Miller, Stanley Orr, Marion Pierce, Paul Power, Suzanne Ridgway, Larry Steers)

Waiters (Frank Baker, Thomas Martin, Matthew McCue, Cosmo Sardo)

Waiter at Margo’s Party (William H O’Brien)

Actor (Robert Whitney)



*Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “Its all about women…and their men.”

W: Guess we’re going to find out what Eve is all about.


*Opening credits*

W: I think this is one of the last ones to be in black & white. I’m 90% sure An American In Paris is in color.

N: Useless information from Warlock.

W: Alfred E Newman on the soundtrack.

N: Is that where they got the name?

W: Could be.


*Narrator says the Sarah Siddons award is prestigious. Its not important to what the MC says but what we hear*

W: All I hear is your voice, guy.


*The minor awards have been presented*

W: To show them all would take too long.


*Narrator “All about Eve in fact”*

W: Title name drop.


*Addison DeWitt is the Narrator and he is a critic and commentator*

N: He’s you.

W: And you.


*Addison is with Karen Richards, the wife of the playwright Lloyd Richards*

W: Celeste Holm from Gentleman’s Agreement.


*Max Fabian is just out to make a buck. Eve Harrington won the Sarah Siddons award and Margo Channing has been an actress since she was four and is the current star*

W: Bette Davis was supposed to be washed up at age 42.

N: Hardly.

W: This is basically the Oscar’s for theater productions.


*MC has been the head of the society for 40 years. He says he’s earned his place out of the sun. MC says the actress who won the award is the youngest to ever win the award. He puts her over as living her dream and hands the award to Eve Harrington. She gets a standing O from everyone except Margo and Karen*

W: Bravo, bravo.


*Addison narrates Eve’s background before we cut to Karen’s voice. We cut to the previous June where Karen goes to see a play that Margo is in. Karen is met in the alley where Eve runs up and introduces herself. She asks what Bill Simpson is like and Karen grills her on what she’s doing there. Eve went to every showing of Margo’s play and Karen says that must have been expensive. Karen wants Eve to meet Margo and Eve is too shy*

W: I see where the story is going, this actually may be interesting.
*Karen brings Eve inside and she’s enthralled by everything backstage. Karen tells her not to run away as she walks into the dressing room. Margo trash talks Southern women as Karen kisses Lloyd. Margo wants Lloyd to write a play about a normal woman who shoots her husband*

N: Hahahahaha


*Margo calls everyone kid and Karen says Margo has fans. Margo says they’re autograph fiends, not people. Margo says they’re not fans, they’re rats. Karen says Eve is waiting to see her and Margo tells Birdie Coonan to get rid of her. Karen says you can’t, she promised. Margo calls her mousy with a funny hat and Karen brings her in anyway. She’s awestruck and is shy, but greets everyone. Birdie tells Margo to be nice and leaves. Lloyd asks if she likes the play and Eve does. Eve says even The Hairy Ape was good because Margo made it. Margo goes to tell everyone her tale when Birdie walks back in. She says she saw Remembrance and it changed her. She grew up as an only child in Wisconsin and acting made her feel special. Lloyd and Karen encourage her to continue*

W: Good, character development.


*Eve quit school and joined a Brewery in Milwaukee to pay for theater group. She met Eddie and Lilliom that guided her along. She and Eddie got married during the war and said with Eddie gone, she went back to work. Eddie was supposed to be in San Francisco on leave but he wasn’t there. He was killed in combat just before he was to go on leave. Karen, Lloyd and Margo look sad. She stayed in Frisco and tried to live there when Remembrance came to town. Here she is, Margo pretends to cry. Birdie “That story had everything but bloodhounds chomping at her rear end”

W: Hahahaha I knew someone would shit on it, thought it would be Margo.


*Margo tells Birdie to respect the story. Birdie apologizes to Eve and Eve says don’t worry about it. Birdie says she’s not a 5th rate vaudvillian. Bill walks in barking orders and is mad that Margo isn’t ready. Karen introduces Eve but Bill blows her off*

W: Wow, what an asshole.


*Eve wants to go but Margo says to stick around. Eve says she’ll put Stanislavski on a plane and they’ll talk alone*

W: Hahahahaha Stanislavski flop!

N: What?

W: You know when Tom Heinsohn says “Stanislavski flop” on Boston Celtics telecasts? He means the Russian method actor who overacted everything. That’s the reference she just made.


*Margo tells Eve to wait for her as Karen and Lloyd go to leave. Karen wishes she sees Eve again soon. Eve thanks Karen and Lloyd for their generosity and we cut to Karen narrating how she doesn’t remember where she and Lloyd went. Back in the dressing room Eve talks to Bill and asks about Hollywood. He wants to move on from the theater because its a flea circus opera. He goes on a monologue putting down theater and saying Hollywood is where he wants to direct*

W: This is like the opposite of Birdman.


*Bill calls her “junior” but apologizes for going on the monologue. He’s only directing one movie anyway and she says she may not make it back. Eve walks out with Birdie and Bill tells her not to mess the seams on her legs. At the train station Eve says she’ll pack the bags so Eve and Bill can be alone. They walk off and they call her an innocent lamb in their big stone jungle. Margo says he’s a bad guy and he says not everyone can be Gregory Peck*

W: Ironic that Peck worked with Celeste Holm 3 years earlier.


*Eve, Bill and Margo walk into the station and Eve kisses Bill goodbye. Bill tells Eve to keep an eye on Margo while he’s gone. Eve and Margo leave, walking by a huge “no smoking” sign*

W: Hahaha, good luck enforcing that in 1950.


*Margo’s voice narrates how Eve moved in with them. Eve and Birdie became her superteam. We cut to the end of a Margo performance with Eve watching intently*

W: Remember Rocky 5?

N: Sort of.

W: This seems like the exact same storyline.


*Eve cries over Margo’s performance and its been a month since Bill left. Margo says she has to fit in a girdle for 2 and a half hours and Birdie says it would take herself 2 1/2 hours to get one on*

W: Bahahahaha


*Eve takes Margo’s costume away and Birdie whines about Eve stealing her thunder. Margo walks out and sees Eve pretending to take bows in the costume. Margo tells Eve to let Mr. Brown handle it before we fade to black*

W: Half hour in.


*Margo gets a phone call in the middle of the night saying she was supposed to call Bill. Bill is delighted to hear form her and he’s coming back in a week. Bill wants Margo to sing happy birthday to him just the way he wants it*

N: This is you telling me to say something cute.


*Bill hangs up and Margo lights up a cigarette*

W: Hey you, no smokin.


*Birdie brings Margo breakfast in bed and Margo is still smoking*

W: Jesus, how did she not drop dead of lung cancer at age 50?

N: Maybe she quit later in life.


*Birdie says Eve works hard night and day. Birdie says something’s off with Eve, it seems like she’s studying Margo like a play. Eve is in a former outfit Margo used to wear and asks what she wants her to do. Eve reveals she placed to call to Bill in Hollywood but forgot to tell Margo. She says she sent a telegram to Bill as well before leaving. Margo and Birdie lock eyes*

W: Ahhhh, wait a minute. This isn’t Rocky 5, this is Trish Stratus vs Mickie James only less stalking.


*Birdie helps Margo with a dress for a party. Bill is at the party but hasn’t come up yet. Birdie gives her a look*

W: Eve.


*Margo runs downstairs and sure enough, Bill is with Eve telling a story. Margo tells Eve to beat it and Bill gives Margo a look. Bill says they were just talking about Hollywood. Bill detects Margo’s jealousy and she says there’s an age difference, Bill says stop that. Margo goes on a rant about Eve studying her and possibly losing her to Bill. Bill says without a cliche that she doesn’t have to worry about that. Bill says if Margo is going to sharpen her fangs, don’t sharpen them on him or Eve. Margo says what about her fangs and Bill says she doesn’t have any. He calls her a lunatic and Eve walks in calmly asking for further orders. Eve walks out and greets Karen, Lloyd and Max. Eve subtlely gets in a dig at Eve as she smokes and brings everyone in*

W: She’s giving Constantine a run for his money.


*Fifi arrives as Lloyd asks what’s with the vibe in the room. Margo chugs a drink and Bill gives her dirty looks. Margo “Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy night”

W: I’ve seen that scene before.


*Addison’s date is Miss Caswell*

W: That’s Marilyn Monroe.


W: Yup, ironically how this was a movie about a young actress upstaging the veteran. Marilyn later upstaged both Bette Davis and Anne Baxter by becoming the biggest sex symbol of the 1950’s.


*Caswell is an actress as Eve walks down and greets Addison. Eve and Caswell greet each other and Margo brings up Eve’s interest in the theater. Caswell’s first name is Claudia and she says Max look like an unhappy rabbit*

N: Heh.


*Addison goes off with Eve and Claudia leaving Margo by herself chugging drinks Birdie brings. Later an intoxicated Margo sits at the piano and tells the piano man to play the same song 5 times in a row. Bill tells her to go greet the guests and Margo is too drunk and depressed to get up. Max asks her for a bicarbonate soda and Margo says Claudia is giving Addison heartburn. Margo says she’s got a box just for Max and Max brags he has friends. Margo slovenly says she loves him and Max tells Bill she’s loaded. They go to the pantry and Max wants Eve to be a replacement in one of his productions. Margo says she’ll read a part with her for Max. Margo says to give Eve a job in his office and he says she’s her help. Margo says that’ll be fine*

W: Get rid of the problem.


*Lloyd walks in and says Karen wants to go. Max says he’ll go check on Claudia. Lloyd says a Hollywood actor is there and Margo scoffs. Margo scoffs at Lloyd for saying she’s ageless and says she’s 40 now. Margo slurs she feels like she took her clothes off. Lloyd says this isn’t about Bill and Margo says Bill is 32 and will look it for 20 years. Meanwhile Karen is doing her hair when Eve walks in. She’s got the actor’s coat and Karen asks if Eve is happy. Eve says there’s a new word for happiness. Before Karen leaves Eve asks for a favor, she wants to be Margo’s understudy since the current one is going to be out on maternity leave. Karen says Margo must go on and she will. Eve is worried about Lloyd, Bill and Max and Karen says don’t worry about them*

W: Sucked into the story yet?

N: Shhhh, let them speak.


*Eve leaves and Birdie walks in. The party guests all assemble on the staircase. Addison, Claudia, Karen, Eve, Max and Bill. Addison goes on a monologue and Bill tells Eve you just heard his next article. Claudia “I can’t yell out ‘oh Butler, maybe someone is named Butler.”

W: Good lord.

N: Was that her gimmick?

W: Slightly more intelligent than that.


*Eve says the applause is a euphoric state to be in*

W: 80 minutes left.

N: Stop the countdown shit.


*Margo and Lloyd walk in and Margo is a belligerent, Bill tells her to knock it off. Margo mouths off and Lloyd says to call it a night. Bill says good idea, Margo says no. Karen says time to go and Margo yells at her. Karen yells back and Margo stumbles up the stairs. She tells Bill to play host now. Bill asks if she needs help and she goes on a speech scoffing at him and Eve. Claudia takes a drink as Bill follows Margo. Addison says they’re going to miss the third act. Eve sits down dejected and Karen tells her not to take it personal. “Einstein couldn’t figure her out”

N: Pfft.


*Eve says she’d rather Margo pick on herself than anyone else. Karen and Lloyd leave as Karen promises to get Eve booked. We fade to black*

W: Now what.


*Margo is supposed to be in a play called Aged In Wood and she walks in with Addison waiting. Claudia isn’t there, she’s sick. Margo is late and the audition is already over. Margo asks who read in her place and Addison says Eve, her new understudy. Addison says Claudia sucked but Eve nailed it. Lloyd was most excited with Eve’s performance and Margo says what about her. Lloyd says Margo wasn’t even mentioned as Claudia walks out. Addison says she’s better off in television and Claudia asks if they have auditions*

N: Derrrr.


*Margo walks in as Bill and Lloyd with Eve. Max is in the front row and Margo pretends she has no idea what’s going on. Lloyd, Bill and Max give her the stink eye and say the audition is over and Eve is the understudy. Eve tells her she was terrible but Lloyd says she did amazing. Margo goes on a rant saying a much younger actress revitalizes him and Eve slowly backs away. Bill says “Addison” and Lloyd calls him a venomous snake. Lloyd and Margo yell at each other as Bill shakes his head, sits down and lights up a cigarette*

N: That’s me right now.


*Max tries to butt in from the crowd but Lloyd cuts him off and tells Margo to stick to dead playwrights. Lloyd “The stars never die nor change.” Max says this is for lawyers and Max says he’s a dying man. Lloyd and Margo continue to argue before Lloyd storms off. Bill lays down and wants nothing to do with this. Margo asks where Eve went and Bill doesn’t know. Margo says she must have scared her away and Bill says she scares him too*

W: Yeah really.


*Bill tells her to calm down but she refuses. She doesn’t want to be plotted against and Bill calls it nonsense. Bill tells her not to get carried away and hops up when she attacks him. Bill throws her on the mattress and says he loves her and she needs to stop being ridiculous. Bill finally gets Margo to calm down and tells her to stop being jealous of Eve. Bill wants to get married but Margo stones him. Bill says that’s the last time he acts and he leaves. Margo insinuates he’s going to find Eve and Bill says that would be believable. We fade to black and cut to Karen painting. Lloyd walks in and says he’s had it up to here with Margo*


N: Hahahaha


*Lloyd vents about Addison, Eve and Margo. Lloyd says Margo needs a boot in the ear. Karen says she, Lloyd, Bill and Margo are going on a trip and Lloyd says lock up the blunt objects. Karen narrates saying Margo had a boot to the rear coming. Karen goes to paint but gets an idea of a joke. Karen calls Eve but we cut to the getaway that Bill no-showed. Margo, Lloyd and Karen are in the car*

W: This is just waiting for something to happen.


*Lloyd swerves and Eve says they’re wearing long underwear when the engine dies*

W: Ah lovely, don’t you love when you break down in the dead winter.


*Lloyd figures out they’re out of gas and Karen claims she took the car this morning. Lloyd walks off to look for gas as Margo turns the radio on, then off. Margo lights up a cigarette and claims she’s sorry for being unpleasant for weeks. Karen says they know her well enough and Margo says she wishes she knew herself. Margo says she gets drunk when she doesn’t get what she wants, is insecure and scared. Margo says she loves Bill and wants him. She says she doesn’t want to be Margo Channing, she wants to be herself and wants Bill to love her that way. Karen says Bill’s eight years younger than she is*

W: He’s a milfhunter like me.

N: Oh stop it.


*Margo says she’s been oversensitive to Eve and says she dropped at lot of things on the way up the proverbial ladder. Margo rants and raves and Karen says she’s sorry about this. Margo says she didn’t drain the gas herself and Karen says nothing*

W: Hahahaha. Karen


*Addison narrates how Eve was awesome at the play in Margo’s place. Addison walks outside the dressing room as Bill tells Eve she did great. Bill says her one scene was good and she gives credit to him. Addison stays outside and listens as Eve walks closer to him*

W: Uh oh.


*Bill says he’s in love with Margo but Eve slyly tells him to branch out. Bill stones her cold and she leaves, Bill says don’t cry just say its an incomplete forward pass*

W: More like a personal foul, unsportsmanlike conduct.


*Eve throws a tantrum before Addison walks in. Eve tries to be modest but Addison sees right through it. He tells her he knows what her plans are and he’ll help her. Addison says he’ll do a column about her. He catches her in a lie when he suggests he caught Remembrance at the Shubert and she doesn’t answer what her husband’s last name was*

W: Oh ho hoooooooo, I see where this is going.


*Karen narrates that she was ashamed of herself. Karen walks into a party and greets Eve where Addison is there too. Eve and Addison are meeting a talent scout for film. Karen is there waiting for Margo and Addison hands Karen a newspaper with Addison praising Eve. Karen is horrified of what she reads and leaves*

N: Uh oh.


*Karen brings the paper to Margo who praises Eve and calls Margo every name in the book and saying she’s holding younger actresses back. Margo asks how every media outlet around were there at that particular performance. Margo says she’s gonna get Eve and Addison for this when Bill walks in. Bill calls it a piece of filth and Margo cries*

W: She’s human for the first time the whole movie. Now the roles have been reversed, love the writing and acting in this movie.


*Lloyd and Karen read the paper and Lloyd is furious about it. Karen asks how he knows what he knows and he says Eve told him. Lloyd says he needs to do Footsteps To The Ceiling now with Eve on tour with Aged. Lloyd thinks about casting Eve for the lead role and Karen is pissed, calling her a worm. Lloyd calls her just an impulsive kid but Karen calls Eve ingratious and deceitful. Margo calls Lloyd and wants a meeting later with her and Bill. Karen says Bill and Margo would die without each other. Lloyd says he hasn’t cast Eve yet and Karen says run everything she wants by her first. We cut to the four having dinner and Lloyd mentions Eve gave her notice. Margo and Bill mock disappointment*

W: 38 minutes left.


*Margo and Bill are getting married the next day and they make wedding plans. Lloyd toasts the four of them when Karen is handed a note from the waiter. Karen says its from Eve wanting to speak with Karen in the Ladies room. Margo grabs an empty bottle and spots Addison by himself. Karen says she’ll handle it and Margo says come back and say everything. She blows off Addison on the way to the bathroom and Addison toasts the table and Margo toasts back by eating a breadstick*

W: Ha.


*Karen finds Eve in the ladies room*

W: Do women’s bathroom have a couch, table and chairs?

N: Hell no.


*Eve in a harsh tone says to listen to what she has to say. She rambles on about how she’s a good person and when she had a tooth pulled, she has no recollection of what she said. When she talks with Addison, she felt the same way. Eve says she didn’t say anything derogatory toward Margo and her karma is that theaters all over town blackballed her. Eve says the Hollywood meeting didn’t go well either but Karen says Addison is a powerful friend. Eve says he’s not her friend and Karen was her friend. Karen “Nothing is forever in the theater” Eve says she doesn’t believe it*

W: A sob story, and not a very convincing one.


*Eve says there’s something Karen can do, she wants to play Cora. Eve’s voice changes to haunting and says Addison will tell the whole town Karen purposely cost Margo the role in Aged in Wood to ruin their friendship unless she gets the part of Cora*

W: Wowww, good ol blackmail.


*Eve goes back to Addison and tells him she’s not hungry. She slyly tells Addison she didn’t eat humble pie and Karen will speak to Lloyd about casting Eve. Addison starts to think not everything is on the level and Eve says she needs him more than ever. Addison says he’ll hold her to that as Karen comes back to the table. Lloyd is shocked Eve apologized and Margo says everyone should shut up about Eve. Margo says she’s forgiving tonight as Eve and Addison leave. Margo calls her Evil*

W: Hahaha I’m starting to believe it.


*Margo forgives everyone’s behavior for all of what Eve’s done and declares she’s going to continue in Aged in Wood*

W: Wow, problem solved itself.


*Karen is shocked as Margo says getting married will help her accept her role and letting Eve have Cora will make everyone happy. Karen laughs hysterically and can’t tell anyone why. Margo takes Karen’s wine glass away*

W: Ha.


*Karen narrates that Bill, Lloyd and Max fought bitterly over the play and over Eve. Eve kept catering to Lloyd and Karen said she felt helpless in it all. Karen gets a call from some woman saying Eve’s been crying all night and wanted Lloyd. Lloyd says he’ll be right over as Karen looks shocked as Eve and the woman grin evilly*

W: Wowwwwwww


*Addison and Eve walk down the street as billboards show Eve will be in Lloyd’s play. Eve says this will launch her into stardom and the street will be paved with stars. She wants to take a nap and Addison calls her a killer. She wants him to come in with her and he does. Eve says Max paid for it after Lloyd insisted. Eve says she and Lloyd are having everyone over after her performance. Addison asks what about Karen and Eve reveals she’s going to steal Lloyd from Karen*

N: Fuck this bitch.

W: Hahahaha wowwwwwwwwwwww.


*Eve says she’s in love with Lloyd but Addison knows better. He knows she only wants him because he’s the most famous writer. Eve tells him they came up with this plan themselves and Addison scoffs. Eve gives a story on how Lloyd came to him in love and never went home. Addison says there never was or will be anyone like her again. Addison stands up and says he’s no fool. Addison says to give up the act and she denies it. Addison says its time they talk, killer to killer. Addison says Lloyd won’t be leaving Karen for her because he won’t allow it. Addison says after tonight, she belongs to him. Eve laughs and Addison slaps her. Addison says never laugh at him and Eve tells him to get out. Addison scoffs and says he went out with Mrs. Fiske. Addison reveals she’s not Eve Harrington but Gertrude Slescynski. Her parents are poor but she ran away 3 years ago. She did work for the Brewery but she lost her job because she was banging the boss. She was paid $500 to get out of town and Eve runs away. Addison confronts her about accepting a bribe and reveals she was never married nor was there an Eddie. Also, Eve has never been to San Francisco ever. She says he had to lie to get Margo to like her. Addison says yeah, to get close to Bill. Addison knows all about it and says he knows what she did to Karen. He also reveals he had lunch with Karen 3 hours earlier and she knows everything too. Addison says he doesn’t want her now and they’re both improbable. They’re the same in a lot of ways and they deserve each other*

W: He’s just a big of snake as she is but at least he admits it.


*Addison says enjoy the nap and goes to leave. She claims she won’t do the play now. Addison says she’ll give the performance of her life before we cut to the beginning of the movie where Eve accepts the Sarah Siddons Award. She gives a speech saying she has much to learn from everyone and this is only the beginning. Eve thanks Max for giving her a shot, Karen for being her first friend and Margo for being her mentor. Karen and Margo give her the stink eye as Eve thanks Bill who ignores her completely. Eve thanks Lloyd and he looks down. Eve looks at a smirking Addison and says this is the happiest night of her life. She reveals she’s going to Hollywood and her heart is in the theater*

W: Uh huh….


*Eve says she’ll be back soon if they want her back and the room gives her a standing O. Lloyd hands his little trophy to Karen and kisses her. Karen coldly congratulates her and Margo says she can put the trophy where her heart is*

W: Ha.


*Addison wants to go to Max’s party but Eve doesn’t want to. She hands over her trophy and says take that with him. He says he’ll drop her home because he doesn’t want to miss the party. We cut to a taxi cab with Addison walking Eve home before he leaves. Eve goes into her apartment and there’s a woman asleep in a chair. Her name is Phoebe and she’s a big fan. She gives almost the exact same story Eve gave when she met Margo. Eve lights up a cigarette and Phoebe says she’ll clean up the mess for her. She got there from the Brooklyn subway in an hour. Eve says she’ll never make it home and Phoebe says it doesn’t matter. Phoebe says she’ll get the door and Addison is there. Addison hands the trophy to Phoebe and says to give it to Eve but wonders how the woman knew his name. She slyly says its a famous name and says he name is Phoebe…she calls herself that. Addison smirks and asks if she wants an award like that herself, Phoebe coldly says she’d do anything to get one. Addison says to ask Eve how to do that and he leaves. Eve tells Phoebe to pack the trophy in one of the trunks and Phoebe idolizes it*

W: The cycle continues.


*Phoebe picks up Eve’s elegant gown and puts it on. She holds up the trophy and looks in the mirror with it. She nods her head at all the mirrors*

N: What a lunatic.



W: Bravo…bravo…bravo


Neyzor Blades Assessment: I give it a 6….good story I guess.

The Warlock’s Assessment: Wow…I fuckin loved that movie. I give it a 9 out of 10 for the writing, the acting and the direction the movie went in. I got completely sucked into the story and how the roles changed on a dime. Eve went from the shy, soft spoken woman to a manipulative evil bitch and the only one who figured it out was Addison. That’s incredible acting by everyone involved.

Final Grade: 8 out of 10 – Excellent


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: Holy shit I thought the movie would be at least watchable but I did not expect it to be one of the best I’ve seen this month. Literally this is right up there with Western Front, Casablanca and Gone With The Wind. I loved this movie and everything involved. The acting was amazing, the story was amazing and the payoff was great. You could really see the character transformation in not only Eve but Margo as well. The movie ended up setting a record with 14 different Academy Award nominations, winning 6 of them including Best Picture. It was the first time in history four women in the same movie were nominated for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress. Anne Baxter and Bette Davis got beat out by June Holliday for Best Actress and Celeste Holm and Thelma Ritter got beat out for Best Supporting Actress by Josephine Hull. George Sanders won Best Supporting Actor, Joe Mankiewicz won Best Director as well as a testament to how good the movie was. When all is said and done did All About Eve deserve to win Best Picture? You goddamn right it did. That was absolutely amazing and I recommend it to everyone. It wasn’t a “chick flick” a rom com or that kind of bullshit. This was dirty, it was messy, it was deceitful. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!

391. All The King’s Men (1949)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo. He’s holding a silver steen of Dr. Pepper*

W: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. After sitting through 2 1/2 hours of Hamlet, I’m happy to report tonight’s movie is just a shade under an hour and 50 minutes. With me tonight is my father as we close out the 1940’s with the winner of Best Picture of 1949….ALL THE KING’S MEN.

*The Grand Wizard chimes in*

Wi: Not only was this considered the best movie of the year, the book it was based off won the Pulitzer.

W: Exactly, so at least the source material is critically acclaimed. The story is a politician seizes power and his own crew begins to see how ruthless and treacherous he really is. The million dollar question is will this be worthy of Best Picture? Let’s find out and begin ALL THE KING’S MEN.

Written by Robert Penn Warren and Robert Rossen

Directed by Robert Rossen



Willie Stark (Broderick Crawford)

Jack Burden (John Ireland)

Anne Stanton (Joanne Dru)

Tom Stark (John Derek)

Sadie Burke (Mercedes McCambridge)

Adam Stanton (Shepperd Strudwick)

Tiny Duffy (Ralph Dumke)

Mrs. Lucy Stark (Anne Seymour)

Mrs. Burden (Katherine Warren)

Judge Monte Stanton (Raymond Greenleaf)

Sugar Boy (Walter Burke)

Dolph Pillsbury (Will Wright)

Floyd McEvoy (Grandon Rhodes)

Extras (Beau Anderson, Sam Ash, Helena Benda, Stanley Blystone, Jack Evans, Jack Gargan, Jack Gordon, Tom Kingston, Mike Lally, Bob Milton, George Morrell, Charles Perry, Leslie Sketchley, Rhoda Williams)

State Legislators (Richard Bartell, Robert Karnes, Kenner G Kemp)

Spectator (Donald Kerr)

File Clerk (Mary Bear)

Senators (Marshall Bradford, Wheaton Chambers, Avery Graves, William E Green, Nolan Leary)

Speech Listeners (Chet Brandenburg, Slim Gaut, Jimmie Horan, Charles Sullivan)

Commissioner (William Bruce)

Radio Announcer (Edwin Chandler)

Puckett (Stephen Chase)

Mean Tearing Poster (Tom Coleman)

Party Guests (James Conaty, Frank O’Connor, Jeffrey Sayre)

Reporters (William Cottrell, King Donovan)

Politicians (Roy Darmour, Tom Ferandini, Dick Gordon, Sam Harris, Judd Holdren, James Linn, Pat O’Malley, George Taylor)

Young Boy (John Giles)

Impeachment Hearing Fans (Jack Deery, Larry Steers)

Joe Harrison (Earle S Dewey)

Bus Man (George Farmer)

Newspaper Office Worker (Charles Ferguson)

Editor (Robert Filmer, Bert Hanlon)

Impeachment Spokesman (Paul Ford)

Dance Caller (Ted French)

Cheap Barflies (Charles Haefeli, Al Thompson)

Stark Strong-Arm Man (Frank Hagney)

Richard Hale (Himself)

Governor Stanton (Wilbur Mack)

Ministers (Louis Mason, Truett Myers)

Local Chairman (Paul Maxey)

Doctor (Frank McLure)

City Barflies (Walter Merrill, William Tannen)

Pa Stark (HC Miller)

Speaker of the House (Harold Miller)

Drunk (John “Skins” Miller)

Duffy Associate (Sammy Shack)

Harrison Politician (Charles Sherlock)

Butler (Irving Smith)

Farmers (Ray Spiker, Bill Wolfe)

Helene Hale (Helene Stanley)

Madison (Houseley Stevenson)

State Trooper (Glen Thompson)

Sheriff (AC Tillman)

Football Coach (Phil Tully)

Woman (Glen Walters)

Receptionist (Reba Waterson)

Public Relations Man (Frank Wilcox)

Duffy’s Goon (Harry Wilson)

State Trooper (Al Wyatt Sr)


*Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “The rise and fall of a corrupt politician, who makes his friends richer and retains power by dint of a populist appeal.”

WI: What??


*Opening credits*

W: This was based off a book?

Wi: Oh yes, won a Pulitzer.


*Willie Stark is cheered*

W: The main character.


*Jack Burden is tasked to follow Willie Stark. He’s running for country Treasurer. Jack wants to go on vacation to hook up with Ann Stanton*

W: Let the guy get some love.


*Jack’s voiceover says he found Willie in Kanoma County. He’s giving a speech outside the courthouse*

Wi: Look at that hat.


*Local Sheriff shuts Willie down for an ordinance violation and he shoves the guy. Willie is arrested*

W: That didn’t take long.


*Jack walks up to Tiny Duffy and wants his camera back. Jack works for the Chronicle and Tiny’s friends surround him. Dolph Pillsbury is the Commissioner and Duffy tells them to say nothing. Sheriff brings in Willie and Duffy tells the Sheriff to give Willie his stuff and Jack his camera. Willie thanks him and he’ll be on the street corner again tomorrow. Tiny introduces Willie to Jack who wants to talk. The pictures Jack took are gone. Sugar Boy is ordered to get everyone beer except Willie who gets Orange pop. Tiny laughs that it’s sold out. Willie and Jack leave*

W: So who’s in charge of who?

Wi: Tiny must be the local gangster.


*Willie goes home and introduces Jack to his wife Lucy and his father Pa. Lucy is worried about young Tom who’s 15. Willie and Lucy have been married 9 years and Tom was adopted from the poor neighbors who died. Lucy met Willie when she was a teacher and she got fired a few weeks earlier. Willie doesn’t want to be Treasurer but he’s running anyway. Jack doesn’t think he’d win as Tom walked in all beat up. Tom was beat up for campaigning for his father. Someone throws a brick through the window and Willie runs out screaming he’s gonna run*

W: He was born to.


*Jack finishes his excerpt and hands it to his boss about Honest Willie*

Wi: Look at that old typewriter.


*Jack is 130 miles from Kanoma. He goes home to see his mother and his step-father Floyd McEvoy. Jack and Floyd don’t like each other*

W: I see where this is going.


*Mrs. Burden toasts to everyone and Jack leaves. He goes to meet his friend Dr. Adam Stanton and his father Judge Monte Stanton. They hop off the boat and Judge Stanton goes to tell a story when Anne Stanton runs up and Jack kisses her. He asks Judge permission to kiss his niece*

W: What’s he gonna say, no?


*Montage of Jack and Anne in love*

Wi: Everyone’s smoking.


*Burdens and Stantons have dinner together. Floyd says his articles never should have been published. Floyd says politicians can be bought and Stanton says the state could use a change. Mrs. Burden calms everyone down and has Judge make a toast to Anne, Adam and Jack. Floyd protests and says Willie can be bought with his money. Jack throws his drink on him*



*Jack tells Mrs. Burden she doesn’t love Floyd, she loves the rich lifestyle. He says he doesn’t need it and won’t apologize. He talks with Anne one on one and says Burden’s Landing isn’t real and its just a fantasy.  Jack wants Anne to run away with him, live in a shack and eat red beans*

Wi: You don’t want the farts.


*Jack and Anne talk in front of a giant portrait of Governor Stanton. They kiss in front of it*

W: Love to see the picture come alive and scoff at them.

Wi: Ha!


*Jack’s Editor tells him that Stark lost the election. Willie graduates from Law School and we get a montage of him representing various people. We cut to the local Kanoma elementary school where there’s a fire drill*



*The staircase gives way and children are killed*


Wi: No need to shout.


*Various people at a funeral shake Willie’s hand and says he was right all along. Willie represents the town suing the city. Montage of him fighting the city and gaining power. Various politicians wonder how they’re going to get to Willie when Tiny Duffy again*

W: Him again?


*Willie tells Tom, Lucy, Pa and Jack that he wants to remain a lawyer, politics isn’t his bag. Some car honks outside and its the politicians who say Willie will be the next governor. Willie runs against Joe Harrison and McMurphy. Willie starts campaigning but people don’t want to listen*

W: That’s me right now.

Wi: These guys are all gas bags.


*Willie says what the state needs is a balanced tax program. Sadie storms out and Jack asks what she’s doing there. She’s being paid to take notes. She’s there to frame Willie and he hands her a cigarette*

W: Excuse me while I schmoke.


*Sadie says Willie is going to get a beating. She asks if he’d quit if someone calls him a sucker, he doesn’t know. Willie in the hotel room continues to rehease and Sadie throws a shoe at the door and says she’s trying to sleep. Jack tells her to shut up*

W and Wi: Ha!


*Sadie walks in and says if they won’t let her drink, at least give her a drink*

Wi: I like her style.


*Jack makes Sadie tell Willie that he’s been framed. He’s just a decoy and he got played. She rants that he’s just a puppet and Willie is distraught. She baits him into drinking and Jack leaves. When he returns Willie is passed out. Sadie says he ranted about being president and killing people. Sadie leaves and Jack wakes him up for the BBQ he’s supposed to speak at*

Wi: BBQ, that’s a carnival.


*Willie is completely hung over and Jack drags him to a swingset where he sits down*

W: That’s one way to appeal to kids.


*Willie blows off two girls*

W: That’s not the way to appeal to them.


*Jack makes him an Irish coffee*

Wi: Ha, the old Irish coffee.


*Willie gets on stage and nearly falls off it. The politicians ask if he’s drunk and Willie says Lucy forbids drinking*

W: One thing I don’t like about black and white movies is when scenes are shot indoors you can’t tell if its day or night.

Wi: Yeah I thought he was hungover too.

W: I should have read the book.


*Sadie says Willie swallowed the dog. Willie gets on the mic and goes off the script. He says the state knows exactly what it needs. He insults the crowd but says they can all do better. Willie talks about his own poor background to win the crowd over*

W: That’s sticking it to Sadie.


*Willie says he originally didn’t do it because he wanted to help people, he wanted to help himself. Then after the school disaster he decide to help everyone. He gives away that he was being used as a puppet which delights Jack and Sadie*

W: Why is she happy?

Wi: Because she didn’t want him to be a patsy.


*The politicians riot but Willie stops them. He cuts a promo saying they’re all hicks and they need to help themselves. Jack is his personal press man as he rallies the hicks*

W: Jesus that’s a lynch mob.


*As Willie gains power, someone wants his throat cut from ear to ear. Harrison’s crew fights back and Jack’s Editor tells him he’s been cut off, Harrison bought off the owner. Jack quits and Harrison wins the election. Tom, Sadie and Willie walk away dejected*

W: He loses every time.

Wi: The movie just started, it’ll get better.


*Jack is at the bar when Willie, Tom and Sadie walk in. Willie says when he’s done, the mob is going to be broke. Willie says he learned how to win through this*

W: Wow.


*4 years later Jack drifted from job to job but Willie was gaining steam for the next election. Willie was spending money like it was going out of style and Jack was suspicious of where it came from. When the next election came around, Willie won in a landslide. When Jack came by, Willie tells his press agent Jack is with him now and give him anything he wants. Tiny is now working security for Willie*

W: He knew how to win, by greasing palms with bad men.


*Sugar is working for Willie too and Willie tells everyone to get 100 men and hand out bills. Tom is starting college in the fall and Lucy is fine. Sadie is Willie’s secretary now*

W: 4 years later huh?


*Willie wants to talk to Jack and Sadie, he offers him a job. He made $300 a month with the Chronicle and Willie will give him $400 a month and travel expenses. Willie says he doesn’t need money, people give him things because they believe in him. Jack went back home with Willie with him and talks with Jack’s friends and family. Floyd and Judge have no questions but Adam calls him out for greasing palms. Willie admits to it and says he does it for the good of the people. He praises Adam’s work as a doctor and Adam asks what determines what’s good and bad*

W: Good question.


*Willie asks for everyone’s help and praises the late Governor Stanton. Willie names Judge Stanton as the next Attorney General and a mob chants “We Want Willie.”

W: This is bordering on zig heil.


*At Willie’s inauguration he promises to build a hospital to heal sickness and to ease pain. Montage of Willie changing things, passing bills, building roads, schools, etc. Willie kept a black book of all the dirty deeds he did to keep power and Jack was in charge of it. Montage of Willie building and living the life. His son became an All-American in football. Apparently Sadie is jealous of the women Willie is being with*

W: So he left Lucy for her?

Wi: He’s two timing.


*Sadie calls Lucy a fool. Sadie says Lucy will be ditched soon and Jack scoffs at her. Sadie slaps Jack and Jack says he’s not the villain here. Some woman with a sultry voice says she’ll call Willie later to discuss charity*

Wi: Sure you will.


*Willie makes fun of Pillsbury and Sugar laughs at him. Willie says Pillsbury is done for and Duffy will take care of him. Judge Stanton walks in as Willie forces Pillsbury to resign. Stanton warns Willie an impeachment hearing is on the way. Jeff Hopkins calls and Willie says if he doesn’t take care of the Pillsbury situation, Willie will screw with his mortgage. Stanton says Pillsbury is guilty and Willie says he fixed it. Willie says this is bigger than Pillsbury and Stanton says he’s right about that. He tells Jack to get away from Willie while he still can and immediately resigns as Attorney General. Willie asks what took him so long and Judge says he’s not sure. Willie says Judge is too scared of getting his hands dirty and Willie asks if he’s going to McMurphy. Judge says no, he’s done with politics and Willie says no hard feelings. He tells Jack he made a mistake and leaves. Jack is sad that he’s known Judge his whole life*

W: This got interesting.


*Willie tells Sugar to drive Anne home. Anne doesn’t understand herself and Willie reveals he and Anne have been having an affair*

W: Oh shit, snaked Jack’s girl.


*Sadie says Judge kept his promise and gave his story to every paper in town. The House doesn’t even get to meet because the crowd outvoted him. Jack tells Willie they beat the rap but Willie wants Jack to put Judge Stanton in the black book. Jack refuses to find dirt on him and Willie asks if he’s afraid to find anything*

W: This went dark real quick.


*Jack goes home and asks Anne if Judge was ever broke. Jack doesn’t want to know but has to. Before she says anything, Adam walks in and wants to have a party. Adam sits at the piano and starts playing*

Wi: Heads are gonna roll soon.


*The trio drinks to Adam, the director of the new medical center. Adam gets pissed and says he’s not going to take it because he doesn’t like Willie. Jack says he learned that he can’t make an omelette without cracking eggs. Jack tells Adam that Stark wants to do good, they just have different opinions on methods. Adam says Stark took over the media to hide the truth and Stark is not for him. Anne goes berserk on how Willie gave him anything and he’s still not happy. She smashes a drinking glass and runs upstairs*

W: If only Jack knew.


*Jack’s voiceover said he did find something on Stanton. He grabs a file and wants the secretary to make copies. Sadie visits Jack and says there’s a lot of smoke and whiskey. She empties the ashtray and she’ll binge with him. She sees a picture of Anne and says she has better skin than her own and she had small pox when she was a child. Sadie tells Jack that Willie will marry Anne, ditch her, ditch Jack and ditch anyone else*

Wi: Tell him.


*Sadie asks why Jack ever brought Anne around and she keeps shouting to ask Willie. Jack slaps her and she laughs at him*

W: Damn she’s tough.


*Tom looks like garbage during football practice and Willie says he’ll be okay. He asks Jack if he found anything and Jack lies saying no. He gets enraged at Willie and Willie says Adam turning down the job is bad. Jack asks how he knew that and Willie says he heard it around. Meanwhile the coach pulls Tom aside and Willie asks what’s going on. Tom has been loafing in practice and the coach says he doesn’t care who’s son he is, he better follow the rules. Tom mopes that he’ll play drunk or sober, it makes no difference as long as hes showcased for Willie*

W: Oh I get it, he feels he’s being used for publicity.

Wi: Nothing worse than exploiting your own kids.


*Willie runs off after Tom and we cut to the “Willie Stark highway” with Tom drunk driving*

W: Oh this is gonna end well….


*2 motorcycle cops chase Tom through town and Tommy plows through a fence and rolls over. The date is in a coma and Tommy is at fault. Next frame is Mr. Hale talking to Willie in front of Lucy, Jack, Tiny, etc. Hale says his daughter may die and Willie says no expense will be spared to save her life. Lucy goes to get Tom and Willie tries to hush up everything by saying Tom wasn’t drunk. Tom walks up to Mr. Hale and admits to drunk driving and whatever he wants to do to him, he understands and he’ll do anything in return*

W: He’s being a man about it.


*Tom tells Willie not to take care of anything and sends Sugar to look after him. Willie tells Tiny to get lost and asks Hale what business he’s in. Hale says trucking business and Willie wants to bribe Hale with a big state contract. Hale says he remembers him from Upton and was a follower since then. He says the words are still good but Willie is not and never was. Hale gets up and leaves and Willie has Sugar tail him*

W: Why’d he kick Tiny out but not Jack?

Wi: So he could tell the story.


*Lucy runs upstairs and Willie falls down drunk. Jack says he wishes Anne could see him now. We get a newspaper montage of the girl dying and the father disappearing*

Wi: Covered that up too.


*Willie says its a frame job and the reporters grill him. Willie says Tom will play in front of 70,000 fans. The whole crowd boos as Tom is injured and can’t play. Willie tries to get him to play by saying to get tough. Tom complains that he can’t see straight and Jack says maybe he is hurt. Willie says show them what a Stark can do and Tom says he wouldn’t know. Willie slaps him and Tom shoves him backwards, Jack has to get between them. Tom says he’ll play and to get Willie out of there*

Wi: Nothing worse.


*Stark suits up and gets a standing O from the crowd*

W: He’d never get away with this now. He’d be expelled, locked up and shamed on social media. Or if he did play they’d boo him off the field for causing the girl’s death.


*Montage of Tommy playing with a concussion. He’s knocked goofy and is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital Sugar says Willie has to eat and Willie is mad at himself for sending him in. Adam walks out and sends even if Tom survives the operation, he’d be paralyzed for life. Adam refuses to operate himself because there are things Willie can’t buy. Lucy begs him to and they leave together. Willie asks Jack if Adam knows about Anne and Willie’s relationship. Jack says he knows nothing*

Wi and W: Bullshit.


*Anne asks how Tom is and Jack says he’ll live. She goes to talk to him but he storms off*

W: Getting your girl snaked by a friend is awful.


*Jack asks Anne why she cheated on him with Willie, she says he’s nothing like she’s ever known. Willie wants to marry her and she says divorce will hurt his career. Jack wants to get out while he can and Anne says Willie needs him. Jack hands Anne the proof that Judge Stanton was dirty and says a Stanton is all the same. An officer walks up and Jack says they both work for Willie*

W: That’s sad.


*Willie intimidates Adam and Jack’s voiceover says Stark owned them all now. A newsreel shows Stark taking over the state with his name on everything. Willie Stark “Messiah or dictator” and Willie doesn’t lie it*

Wi: A crooked crook.


*Willie begin his re-election campaign as we go back to Stark’s house. Tom, Pa and Lucy are there as a convoy is with Willie. Tom is paralyzed from the waist down. Jack and everyone else are taking publicity pictures*

W: 25 minutes left, still got a ways to go.


*Willie bought Pa a new radio with a police scanner. Sugar laughs until Richard Hale’s body was found beaten to death. Judge Stanton is spearheaded the campaign to impeach Willie over the cover up. Willie tells everyone to stay put except Sadie who has to fetch Duffy. Tom yells at him that he doesn’t care about them and Willie goes to hit him but Lucy stops him. Willie asks how much it’ll cost him and Lucy says look what it cost Tom*

W: How awkward is it for Jack and Sugar, they’re caught in the middle.


*Willie take a swig of Bushwick Bill*

Wi: That stuff tastes like shit.


*Willie drags his whole family except Pa to the state capital. Montage of Willie being impeached and tried by the senator. Willie wonders how they’re going to beat this. Willie says he needs Jack’s dirt on Stanton but Jack refuses to lie. He’s only going to say what the facts are. He leaves and Sadie warns Willie he’s going to need them. Willie “You sure of that?”

W: Lovely….


*Willie uses his dirty tactics to get his way. Sugar swerves while driving, Jack “You’ll  never live to be impeached.” Willie “I’ll live to be president.”

W: Yeah okay.


*Jack heads to see Judge Stanton with Willie and Sugar outside. Stanton says he shouldn’t have resigned and he has nothing more to lose. Willie and Sugar walk in and Jack says to get lost. Stanton says he’s in charge of the impeachment and Willie pours himself a drink. Jack tells Willie he’ll get his answer tomorrow. Willie tells Stanton the dirt he has on him while Jack asks how he found out. Stanton admits he forgot about Little Paw and it was 25 years ago. Willie says he’s the only one alive from then and worried about his own image. Jack tells Stanton to release his votes and Stanton calls him a hatchet man. Stanton tells Willie he’ll have his answer in the morning and tells everyone to get out*

W: Now what?

Wi: You’ll see.


*Jack asks Willie how he found out. Jack says he’s through and Willie says he doesn’t mean that. Anne and Adam walk in and Adam goes upstairs. Jack goes to grill Anne about ratting on her father and a gun shot is heard. Everybody runs into the study and Stanton is dead by suicide*

W: There’s his answer. By the way recognize the gunshot sound?

Wi: Yeah, sounded like a 3 Stooges sound effect.

W: Look who made this movie.

Wi: Columbia Pictures…good ear.


*Anne and Adam walk out with Jack standing by himself. Adam grills Jack for ratting on Judge and Jack says he didn’t, she did. Adam goes to grill Anne but we cut to the radio. Willie thinks he’s won and has a parade. Jack shuts off the radio and packs his stuff when Anne comes in. Jack stones her*

W: What is with her acting?

Wi: It sucks.


*Anne tells Jack that Adam knows about her and Willie. Adam hit her and Jack says good. Willie broke up with Anne and Jack says convenient now that Judge Stanton is gone. Anne wants his help now that Adam is all she has left*

W: Ooh, slap in the face.


*Jack says he’ll go find Adam*

W: Could be a vigilante ending.


*Jack can’t find Adam so he goes to the cops and says to be on the lookout for Adam. A voice begins a We Want Willie chant s the impeachment hearing begins. The voice later says the mob is not to leave. Later that night, the announcer says Willie has won. Willie walks out with Duffy, Sugar and Sadie behind him. Jack stares a hole in him and Anne is in the crowd watching. Willie says its not him who won, but the people. Willie says if anyone tries to stop him, he’ll break them with his bare hand. Willie shakes Jack’s hand as Adam appears and shoots Willie. Sugar goes apeshit and shoots Adam with all 6 shots, he’s dead. Willie is still alive and Sugar asks if he’s okay. Jack pulls Anne aside and says they have to move on and not let Adams death mean nothing. A cop shows up and says Willie isn’t going to make it*

Wi: You called it.


*Willie says he could have had the whole world. He keels over, THE END*

W: I hate politics.

Wi: Exactly.


The Grand Wizard has no assessment

The Warlock’s Assessment: I liked it, it told the story of how money and power changes even the best of us. Think of New Jack City just without the crack and that’s pretty much All The King’s Men. The acting was great, except for one, the story was easy to follow and the characters had depth enough to care about them. I give it an 8 out of 10 and recommend it.

Final Grade: 8 out of 10 – Fantastic


*Warlock rises*

W: That was ALL THE KING’S MEN and that was pretty damn good. It had a little of everything and I’m sure the book its based on has a lot more detail, but this was good enough. Not only did this win Best Picture but Broderick Crawford won Best Actor and Mercedes McCambridge won Best Supporting Actress as Sadie. Here’s another fun fact, the role of Willie was originally offered to John Wayne who turned it down because he didn’t want to play a heel. Broderick Crawford ending up beating him out for Best Actor that year. The movie was originally going to be 4 hours and 10 minutes long but thankfully the studio got together to montage a lot of it to save time thanks to the efforts of Robert Parrish…no not the basketball player. When all is said and done did it deserve to win Best Picture? I don’t have a clue. I admittedly never saw the other nominated movies so I’ll just go with it. I highly recommend checking this out. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month hear at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!