711. C Me Dance (2009)

*The Warlock is standing next to his car just off the road of Hell’s Highway with Lucinda standing next to him*

L: So, how did you like Rock: Its Your Decision?

W: One of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. The whole message was you can’t be a Christian if you listen to rock music when they tried to make the kids out to be as normal as possible. Like there was nothing wrong with any of the characters, that’s not how you do a propaganda film. Make it edgy, make the devil show up, do something!

L: What if I tell you there’s another Christian movie where “the devil” really does show up?

W: Lou must have loved that.

L: Have you ever heard of….C Me Dance?

W: Why yes, the late Emer Prevost saw both Rock and C Me Dance and said C Me Dance was far more offensive.

L: You should watch that next. I guarantee you’ll hate it.

W: Rock made me want to pull my hair out, I can’t wait to see what this is like.

L: See you later.

*Warlock drives home to The Lair and Neyzor Blades is already in the recliner wearing standard attire*

N: Where have you been?

W: I got another Christian movie for us to laugh at.

N: Oh god, another one? Wasn’t the rock music one bad enough?

W: Yes, but this one is far worse according to Emer.

N: What is it?

*Warlock turns to the camera*

W: Welcome back to Warlock’s Movie Realm for a special occasion. Recently Neyzor Blades and I took a look at a Christian propaganda movie called Rock: Its Your Decision where a kid became a born again Christian and sent a message you couldn’t be Christian while listening to rock music.

N: Which is seriously stupid.

W: Agreed, but there’s another movie that’s even worse. Tonight’s movie is the 2009 Christian propaganda movie C ME DANCE.

N: What?

W: Now unlike a lot of movies on here where I go in blind, I know the entire plot to this movie thanks to the late, great Emer Prevost. I’m not going to spoil too much apart from the guy who wrote and directed this is also starring in it, the devil is played by noted 80’s stuntman and actor Peter Kent and the main character develops a superpower to brainwash people.

N: Into what?

W: That’s what I’m not going to spoil. But let’s just say this is going to be far more offensive than Rock: Its Your Decision. There’s not enough votes on IMDB to make it into the Bottom 100 but to show how bad it is, its rated just 1.4 on there. That’s REALLY bad. We may be heading into Dead Clowns territory with this one. This could possibly be the worst movie of all time. Let’s find out if it is. So grab your popcorn, grab your drink and grab your woman because its time for C ME DANCE.

Written and Directed by Greg Robbins


Christina DeMarcoSheri
Greg RobbinsVince
Laura RomeoDr. Beth Crowl
Hugh McLeanPastor Jeff
Lesley BowenMiss Tucker
Peter KentThe Devil
Samantha ShamAlly
Lauren BayerClaire
Joe PawlenkoJacob
Randy OlivaAlly’s Dad
Scott KerschbaumerPastor Tony
Katrina MillerRebecca
Arnold ZegarelliClient
Eddie MekkaLowell
Kelly ShamNora
Tracy ParisJacob’s Mom
Nikita KoloffBiker
Aline McAdamsSheri’s Mom
Gary CrainRalph
Richard KeithTV Executive #1
Betty RainierTV Receptionist
Michael BrennerTV Executive #2
B.J. TenchBully #1
Travis TrotterBully #2
David KosorDirector
Emilio CornacchioneHair Person
Terri BerceliFilm Person
Kim HosilykStage Hand
Ryan Davis LockeYoung Vince
Jordan KocottYoung Sheri
Carol ErtelTransient
Tamyka ArtistNews Reporter
Shauna RobbinsStage Manager
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Josh DeanExtra(Part of the Congregation
Spencer KaydenTelephone Operator

*Neyz reads the tag-line*

N: “A drama centered on a teenage girl who has trained her entire life to dance for the Pittsburgh Ballet.”

W: Love how they’re not going to reveal the monkey wrench in that plan.

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