392. All About Eve (1950)

*The Warlock appears on screen wearing a black tuxedo and holding a wine glass of Barq’s Root Beer*

W: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of Oscar’ Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. As we turn the page to the 1950’s and start the final decade of the month, its interesting to see on how there was little difference presentation wise between 1929 and 1950. Movies were shot in black and white, people still wore coat and ties, the actor and actresses changed but a lot of the verbiage didn’t. Obviously society had changed dramatically after surviving the Great Depression and World War 2. As the calendar turned to 1950, an interesting concept popped up to win Best Picture in 1950. That was ALL ABOUT EVE.

*Warlock takes his seat in the middle of the couch*

W: Most Best Picture winners were either led by male actors or featured an ensemble like Grand Hotel, this one looked to have put the lead as a woman much like Mrs. Miniver. Bette Davis is Margo Channing, an aging (42 at the time of filming) stage actress and fresh on her heels is Eve, played by Anne Baxter, who wants everything Margo has. It sounds like the classic pro wrestling style as the hungry challenger wants to topple the champion. Its funny how Bette Davis played the “aging” actress in 1950 yet was highly active in film roles up until her death in 1989, nearly 40 years later. We have George Sanders returning to the Best Picture scene 10 years after Rebecca and we got Celeste Holm who won Best Supporting Actress in 1947 for Gentleman’s Agreement. Also featured in her only Best Picture appearance, the 24 year old Marilyn Monroe who many believe to be the hottest woman of the 1950’s. Now the million dollar question at this point is will the movie be good? Well that remains to be seen but I can tell you one thing bothering me already. It clocks in at 2 hours and 18 minutes….ugh. Its a good thing I only have 9 of these marathons left. So let’s shut up and start ALL ABOUT EVE.


Written by Joseph L Mankiewicz and Mary Orr

Directed by Joseph L Mankiewicz



Margo Channing (Bette Davis)

Eve Harrington (Anne Baxter)

Addison DeWitt (George Sanders)

Karen Richards (Celeste Holm)

Bill Simpson (George Merrill)

Lloyd Richards (Hugh Marlowe)

Max Fabian (Gregory Ratoff)

Phoebe (Barbara Bates)

Miss Casswell (Marilyn Monroe)

Birdie Coonan (Thelma Ritter)

Aged Actor (Walter Hampden)

Girl (Randy Stuart)

Leading Man (Craig Hill)

Doorman (Leland Harris)

Autograph Seeker (Barbara White)

Stage Manager (Eddie Fisher)

Clerk (William Pullen)

Pianist (Claude Stroud)

Frenchman (Eugene Borden)

Reporter (Helen Mowery)

Captain of Waiters (Steven Geray)

Sarah Siddons Award Guests (Gertrude Astor, Jack Chefe, Sayre Dearing, Franklyn Farnum, Bess Flowers, Collin Kenny, Ethelreda Leopold, Carl M Leviness, Leota Lorraine, Harold Miller, Stanley Orr, Marion Pierce, Paul Power, Suzanne Ridgway, Larry Steers)

Waiters (Frank Baker, Thomas Martin, Matthew McCue, Cosmo Sardo)

Waiter at Margo’s Party (William H O’Brien)

Actor (Robert Whitney)



*Warlock reads the tag-line*

W: “Its all about women…and their men.”

W: Guess we’re going to find out what Eve is all about.


*Opening credits*

W: I think this is one of the last ones to be in black & white. I’m 90% sure An American In Paris is in color.

N: Useless information from Warlock.

W: Alfred E Newman on the soundtrack.

N: Is that where they got the name?

W: Could be.


*Narrator says the Sarah Siddons award is prestigious. Its not important to what the MC says but what we hear*

W: All I hear is your voice, guy.


*The minor awards have been presented*

W: To show them all would take too long.


*Narrator “All about Eve in fact”*

W: Title name drop.


*Addison DeWitt is the Narrator and he is a critic and commentator*

N: He’s you.

W: And you.


*Addison is with Karen Richards, the wife of the playwright Lloyd Richards*

W: Celeste Holm from Gentleman’s Agreement.


*Max Fabian is just out to make a buck. Eve Harrington won the Sarah Siddons award and Margo Channing has been an actress since she was four and is the current star*

W: Bette Davis was supposed to be washed up at age 42.

N: Hardly.

W: This is basically the Oscar’s for theater productions.


*MC has been the head of the society for 40 years. He says he’s earned his place out of the sun. MC says the actress who won the award is the youngest to ever win the award. He puts her over as living her dream and hands the award to Eve Harrington. She gets a standing O from everyone except Margo and Karen*

W: Bravo, bravo.


*Addison narrates Eve’s background before we cut to Karen’s voice. We cut to the previous June where Karen goes to see a play that Margo is in. Karen is met in the alley where Eve runs up and introduces herself. She asks what Bill Simpson is like and Karen grills her on what she’s doing there. Eve went to every showing of Margo’s play and Karen says that must have been expensive. Karen wants Eve to meet Margo and Eve is too shy*

W: I see where the story is going, this actually may be interesting.
*Karen brings Eve inside and she’s enthralled by everything backstage. Karen tells her not to run away as she walks into the dressing room. Margo trash talks Southern women as Karen kisses Lloyd. Margo wants Lloyd to write a play about a normal woman who shoots her husband*

N: Hahahahaha


*Margo calls everyone kid and Karen says Margo has fans. Margo says they’re autograph fiends, not people. Margo says they’re not fans, they’re rats. Karen says Eve is waiting to see her and Margo tells Birdie Coonan to get rid of her. Karen says you can’t, she promised. Margo calls her mousy with a funny hat and Karen brings her in anyway. She’s awestruck and is shy, but greets everyone. Birdie tells Margo to be nice and leaves. Lloyd asks if she likes the play and Eve does. Eve says even The Hairy Ape was good because Margo made it. Margo goes to tell everyone her tale when Birdie walks back in. She says she saw Remembrance and it changed her. She grew up as an only child in Wisconsin and acting made her feel special. Lloyd and Karen encourage her to continue*

W: Good, character development.


*Eve quit school and joined a Brewery in Milwaukee to pay for theater group. She met Eddie and Lilliom that guided her along. She and Eddie got married during the war and said with Eddie gone, she went back to work. Eddie was supposed to be in San Francisco on leave but he wasn’t there. He was killed in combat just before he was to go on leave. Karen, Lloyd and Margo look sad. She stayed in Frisco and tried to live there when Remembrance came to town. Here she is, Margo pretends to cry. Birdie “That story had everything but bloodhounds chomping at her rear end”

W: Hahahaha I knew someone would shit on it, thought it would be Margo.


*Margo tells Birdie to respect the story. Birdie apologizes to Eve and Eve says don’t worry about it. Birdie says she’s not a 5th rate vaudvillian. Bill walks in barking orders and is mad that Margo isn’t ready. Karen introduces Eve but Bill blows her off*

W: Wow, what an asshole.


*Eve wants to go but Margo says to stick around. Eve says she’ll put Stanislavski on a plane and they’ll talk alone*

W: Hahahahaha Stanislavski flop!

N: What?

W: You know when Tom Heinsohn says “Stanislavski flop” on Boston Celtics telecasts? He means the Russian method actor who overacted everything. That’s the reference she just made.


*Margo tells Eve to wait for her as Karen and Lloyd go to leave. Karen wishes she sees Eve again soon. Eve thanks Karen and Lloyd for their generosity and we cut to Karen narrating how she doesn’t remember where she and Lloyd went. Back in the dressing room Eve talks to Bill and asks about Hollywood. He wants to move on from the theater because its a flea circus opera. He goes on a monologue putting down theater and saying Hollywood is where he wants to direct*

W: This is like the opposite of Birdman.


*Bill calls her “junior” but apologizes for going on the monologue. He’s only directing one movie anyway and she says she may not make it back. Eve walks out with Birdie and Bill tells her not to mess the seams on her legs. At the train station Eve says she’ll pack the bags so Eve and Bill can be alone. They walk off and they call her an innocent lamb in their big stone jungle. Margo says he’s a bad guy and he says not everyone can be Gregory Peck*

W: Ironic that Peck worked with Celeste Holm 3 years earlier.


*Eve, Bill and Margo walk into the station and Eve kisses Bill goodbye. Bill tells Eve to keep an eye on Margo while he’s gone. Eve and Margo leave, walking by a huge “no smoking” sign*

W: Hahaha, good luck enforcing that in 1950.


*Margo’s voice narrates how Eve moved in with them. Eve and Birdie became her superteam. We cut to the end of a Margo performance with Eve watching intently*

W: Remember Rocky 5?

N: Sort of.

W: This seems like the exact same storyline.


*Eve cries over Margo’s performance and its been a month since Bill left. Margo says she has to fit in a girdle for 2 and a half hours and Birdie says it would take herself 2 1/2 hours to get one on*

W: Bahahahaha


*Eve takes Margo’s costume away and Birdie whines about Eve stealing her thunder. Margo walks out and sees Eve pretending to take bows in the costume. Margo tells Eve to let Mr. Brown handle it before we fade to black*

W: Half hour in.


*Margo gets a phone call in the middle of the night saying she was supposed to call Bill. Bill is delighted to hear form her and he’s coming back in a week. Bill wants Margo to sing happy birthday to him just the way he wants it*

N: This is you telling me to say something cute.


*Bill hangs up and Margo lights up a cigarette*

W: Hey you, no smokin.


*Birdie brings Margo breakfast in bed and Margo is still smoking*

W: Jesus, how did she not drop dead of lung cancer at age 50?

N: Maybe she quit later in life.


*Birdie says Eve works hard night and day. Birdie says something’s off with Eve, it seems like she’s studying Margo like a play. Eve is in a former outfit Margo used to wear and asks what she wants her to do. Eve reveals she placed to call to Bill in Hollywood but forgot to tell Margo. She says she sent a telegram to Bill as well before leaving. Margo and Birdie lock eyes*

W: Ahhhh, wait a minute. This isn’t Rocky 5, this is Trish Stratus vs Mickie James only less stalking.


*Birdie helps Margo with a dress for a party. Bill is at the party but hasn’t come up yet. Birdie gives her a look*

W: Eve.


*Margo runs downstairs and sure enough, Bill is with Eve telling a story. Margo tells Eve to beat it and Bill gives Margo a look. Bill says they were just talking about Hollywood. Bill detects Margo’s jealousy and she says there’s an age difference, Bill says stop that. Margo goes on a rant about Eve studying her and possibly losing her to Bill. Bill says without a cliche that she doesn’t have to worry about that. Bill says if Margo is going to sharpen her fangs, don’t sharpen them on him or Eve. Margo says what about her fangs and Bill says she doesn’t have any. He calls her a lunatic and Eve walks in calmly asking for further orders. Eve walks out and greets Karen, Lloyd and Max. Eve subtlely gets in a dig at Eve as she smokes and brings everyone in*

W: She’s giving Constantine a run for his money.


*Fifi arrives as Lloyd asks what’s with the vibe in the room. Margo chugs a drink and Bill gives her dirty looks. Margo “Fasten your seatbelts, its going to be a bumpy night”

W: I’ve seen that scene before.


*Addison’s date is Miss Caswell*

W: That’s Marilyn Monroe.


W: Yup, ironically how this was a movie about a young actress upstaging the veteran. Marilyn later upstaged both Bette Davis and Anne Baxter by becoming the biggest sex symbol of the 1950’s.


*Caswell is an actress as Eve walks down and greets Addison. Eve and Caswell greet each other and Margo brings up Eve’s interest in the theater. Caswell’s first name is Claudia and she says Max look like an unhappy rabbit*

N: Heh.


*Addison goes off with Eve and Claudia leaving Margo by herself chugging drinks Birdie brings. Later an intoxicated Margo sits at the piano and tells the piano man to play the same song 5 times in a row. Bill tells her to go greet the guests and Margo is too drunk and depressed to get up. Max asks her for a bicarbonate soda and Margo says Claudia is giving Addison heartburn. Margo says she’s got a box just for Max and Max brags he has friends. Margo slovenly says she loves him and Max tells Bill she’s loaded. They go to the pantry and Max wants Eve to be a replacement in one of his productions. Margo says she’ll read a part with her for Max. Margo says to give Eve a job in his office and he says she’s her help. Margo says that’ll be fine*

W: Get rid of the problem.


*Lloyd walks in and says Karen wants to go. Max says he’ll go check on Claudia. Lloyd says a Hollywood actor is there and Margo scoffs. Margo scoffs at Lloyd for saying she’s ageless and says she’s 40 now. Margo slurs she feels like she took her clothes off. Lloyd says this isn’t about Bill and Margo says Bill is 32 and will look it for 20 years. Meanwhile Karen is doing her hair when Eve walks in. She’s got the actor’s coat and Karen asks if Eve is happy. Eve says there’s a new word for happiness. Before Karen leaves Eve asks for a favor, she wants to be Margo’s understudy since the current one is going to be out on maternity leave. Karen says Margo must go on and she will. Eve is worried about Lloyd, Bill and Max and Karen says don’t worry about them*

W: Sucked into the story yet?

N: Shhhh, let them speak.


*Eve leaves and Birdie walks in. The party guests all assemble on the staircase. Addison, Claudia, Karen, Eve, Max and Bill. Addison goes on a monologue and Bill tells Eve you just heard his next article. Claudia “I can’t yell out ‘oh Butler, maybe someone is named Butler.”

W: Good lord.

N: Was that her gimmick?

W: Slightly more intelligent than that.


*Eve says the applause is a euphoric state to be in*

W: 80 minutes left.

N: Stop the countdown shit.


*Margo and Lloyd walk in and Margo is a belligerent, Bill tells her to knock it off. Margo mouths off and Lloyd says to call it a night. Bill says good idea, Margo says no. Karen says time to go and Margo yells at her. Karen yells back and Margo stumbles up the stairs. She tells Bill to play host now. Bill asks if she needs help and she goes on a speech scoffing at him and Eve. Claudia takes a drink as Bill follows Margo. Addison says they’re going to miss the third act. Eve sits down dejected and Karen tells her not to take it personal. “Einstein couldn’t figure her out”

N: Pfft.


*Eve says she’d rather Margo pick on herself than anyone else. Karen and Lloyd leave as Karen promises to get Eve booked. We fade to black*

W: Now what.


*Margo is supposed to be in a play called Aged In Wood and she walks in with Addison waiting. Claudia isn’t there, she’s sick. Margo is late and the audition is already over. Margo asks who read in her place and Addison says Eve, her new understudy. Addison says Claudia sucked but Eve nailed it. Lloyd was most excited with Eve’s performance and Margo says what about her. Lloyd says Margo wasn’t even mentioned as Claudia walks out. Addison says she’s better off in television and Claudia asks if they have auditions*

N: Derrrr.


*Margo walks in as Bill and Lloyd with Eve. Max is in the front row and Margo pretends she has no idea what’s going on. Lloyd, Bill and Max give her the stink eye and say the audition is over and Eve is the understudy. Eve tells her she was terrible but Lloyd says she did amazing. Margo goes on a rant saying a much younger actress revitalizes him and Eve slowly backs away. Bill says “Addison” and Lloyd calls him a venomous snake. Lloyd and Margo yell at each other as Bill shakes his head, sits down and lights up a cigarette*

N: That’s me right now.


*Max tries to butt in from the crowd but Lloyd cuts him off and tells Margo to stick to dead playwrights. Lloyd “The stars never die nor change.” Max says this is for lawyers and Max says he’s a dying man. Lloyd and Margo continue to argue before Lloyd storms off. Bill lays down and wants nothing to do with this. Margo asks where Eve went and Bill doesn’t know. Margo says she must have scared her away and Bill says she scares him too*

W: Yeah really.


*Bill tells her to calm down but she refuses. She doesn’t want to be plotted against and Bill calls it nonsense. Bill tells her not to get carried away and hops up when she attacks him. Bill throws her on the mattress and says he loves her and she needs to stop being ridiculous. Bill finally gets Margo to calm down and tells her to stop being jealous of Eve. Bill wants to get married but Margo stones him. Bill says that’s the last time he acts and he leaves. Margo insinuates he’s going to find Eve and Bill says that would be believable. We fade to black and cut to Karen painting. Lloyd walks in and says he’s had it up to here with Margo*


N: Hahahaha


*Lloyd vents about Addison, Eve and Margo. Lloyd says Margo needs a boot in the ear. Karen says she, Lloyd, Bill and Margo are going on a trip and Lloyd says lock up the blunt objects. Karen narrates saying Margo had a boot to the rear coming. Karen goes to paint but gets an idea of a joke. Karen calls Eve but we cut to the getaway that Bill no-showed. Margo, Lloyd and Karen are in the car*

W: This is just waiting for something to happen.


*Lloyd swerves and Eve says they’re wearing long underwear when the engine dies*

W: Ah lovely, don’t you love when you break down in the dead winter.


*Lloyd figures out they’re out of gas and Karen claims she took the car this morning. Lloyd walks off to look for gas as Margo turns the radio on, then off. Margo lights up a cigarette and claims she’s sorry for being unpleasant for weeks. Karen says they know her well enough and Margo says she wishes she knew herself. Margo says she gets drunk when she doesn’t get what she wants, is insecure and scared. Margo says she loves Bill and wants him. She says she doesn’t want to be Margo Channing, she wants to be herself and wants Bill to love her that way. Karen says Bill’s eight years younger than she is*

W: He’s a milfhunter like me.

N: Oh stop it.


*Margo says she’s been oversensitive to Eve and says she dropped at lot of things on the way up the proverbial ladder. Margo rants and raves and Karen says she’s sorry about this. Margo says she didn’t drain the gas herself and Karen says nothing*

W: Hahahaha. Karen


*Addison narrates how Eve was awesome at the play in Margo’s place. Addison walks outside the dressing room as Bill tells Eve she did great. Bill says her one scene was good and she gives credit to him. Addison stays outside and listens as Eve walks closer to him*

W: Uh oh.


*Bill says he’s in love with Margo but Eve slyly tells him to branch out. Bill stones her cold and she leaves, Bill says don’t cry just say its an incomplete forward pass*

W: More like a personal foul, unsportsmanlike conduct.


*Eve throws a tantrum before Addison walks in. Eve tries to be modest but Addison sees right through it. He tells her he knows what her plans are and he’ll help her. Addison says he’ll do a column about her. He catches her in a lie when he suggests he caught Remembrance at the Shubert and she doesn’t answer what her husband’s last name was*

W: Oh ho hoooooooo, I see where this is going.


*Karen narrates that she was ashamed of herself. Karen walks into a party and greets Eve where Addison is there too. Eve and Addison are meeting a talent scout for film. Karen is there waiting for Margo and Addison hands Karen a newspaper with Addison praising Eve. Karen is horrified of what she reads and leaves*

N: Uh oh.


*Karen brings the paper to Margo who praises Eve and calls Margo every name in the book and saying she’s holding younger actresses back. Margo asks how every media outlet around were there at that particular performance. Margo says she’s gonna get Eve and Addison for this when Bill walks in. Bill calls it a piece of filth and Margo cries*

W: She’s human for the first time the whole movie. Now the roles have been reversed, love the writing and acting in this movie.


*Lloyd and Karen read the paper and Lloyd is furious about it. Karen asks how he knows what he knows and he says Eve told him. Lloyd says he needs to do Footsteps To The Ceiling now with Eve on tour with Aged. Lloyd thinks about casting Eve for the lead role and Karen is pissed, calling her a worm. Lloyd calls her just an impulsive kid but Karen calls Eve ingratious and deceitful. Margo calls Lloyd and wants a meeting later with her and Bill. Karen says Bill and Margo would die without each other. Lloyd says he hasn’t cast Eve yet and Karen says run everything she wants by her first. We cut to the four having dinner and Lloyd mentions Eve gave her notice. Margo and Bill mock disappointment*

W: 38 minutes left.


*Margo and Bill are getting married the next day and they make wedding plans. Lloyd toasts the four of them when Karen is handed a note from the waiter. Karen says its from Eve wanting to speak with Karen in the Ladies room. Margo grabs an empty bottle and spots Addison by himself. Karen says she’ll handle it and Margo says come back and say everything. She blows off Addison on the way to the bathroom and Addison toasts the table and Margo toasts back by eating a breadstick*

W: Ha.


*Karen finds Eve in the ladies room*

W: Do women’s bathroom have a couch, table and chairs?

N: Hell no.


*Eve in a harsh tone says to listen to what she has to say. She rambles on about how she’s a good person and when she had a tooth pulled, she has no recollection of what she said. When she talks with Addison, she felt the same way. Eve says she didn’t say anything derogatory toward Margo and her karma is that theaters all over town blackballed her. Eve says the Hollywood meeting didn’t go well either but Karen says Addison is a powerful friend. Eve says he’s not her friend and Karen was her friend. Karen “Nothing is forever in the theater” Eve says she doesn’t believe it*

W: A sob story, and not a very convincing one.


*Eve says there’s something Karen can do, she wants to play Cora. Eve’s voice changes to haunting and says Addison will tell the whole town Karen purposely cost Margo the role in Aged in Wood to ruin their friendship unless she gets the part of Cora*

W: Wowww, good ol blackmail.


*Eve goes back to Addison and tells him she’s not hungry. She slyly tells Addison she didn’t eat humble pie and Karen will speak to Lloyd about casting Eve. Addison starts to think not everything is on the level and Eve says she needs him more than ever. Addison says he’ll hold her to that as Karen comes back to the table. Lloyd is shocked Eve apologized and Margo says everyone should shut up about Eve. Margo says she’s forgiving tonight as Eve and Addison leave. Margo calls her Evil*

W: Hahaha I’m starting to believe it.


*Margo forgives everyone’s behavior for all of what Eve’s done and declares she’s going to continue in Aged in Wood*

W: Wow, problem solved itself.


*Karen is shocked as Margo says getting married will help her accept her role and letting Eve have Cora will make everyone happy. Karen laughs hysterically and can’t tell anyone why. Margo takes Karen’s wine glass away*

W: Ha.


*Karen narrates that Bill, Lloyd and Max fought bitterly over the play and over Eve. Eve kept catering to Lloyd and Karen said she felt helpless in it all. Karen gets a call from some woman saying Eve’s been crying all night and wanted Lloyd. Lloyd says he’ll be right over as Karen looks shocked as Eve and the woman grin evilly*

W: Wowwwwwww


*Addison and Eve walk down the street as billboards show Eve will be in Lloyd’s play. Eve says this will launch her into stardom and the street will be paved with stars. She wants to take a nap and Addison calls her a killer. She wants him to come in with her and he does. Eve says Max paid for it after Lloyd insisted. Eve says she and Lloyd are having everyone over after her performance. Addison asks what about Karen and Eve reveals she’s going to steal Lloyd from Karen*

N: Fuck this bitch.

W: Hahahaha wowwwwwwwwwwww.


*Eve says she’s in love with Lloyd but Addison knows better. He knows she only wants him because he’s the most famous writer. Eve tells him they came up with this plan themselves and Addison scoffs. Eve gives a story on how Lloyd came to him in love and never went home. Addison says there never was or will be anyone like her again. Addison stands up and says he’s no fool. Addison says to give up the act and she denies it. Addison says its time they talk, killer to killer. Addison says Lloyd won’t be leaving Karen for her because he won’t allow it. Addison says after tonight, she belongs to him. Eve laughs and Addison slaps her. Addison says never laugh at him and Eve tells him to get out. Addison scoffs and says he went out with Mrs. Fiske. Addison reveals she’s not Eve Harrington but Gertrude Slescynski. Her parents are poor but she ran away 3 years ago. She did work for the Brewery but she lost her job because she was banging the boss. She was paid $500 to get out of town and Eve runs away. Addison confronts her about accepting a bribe and reveals she was never married nor was there an Eddie. Also, Eve has never been to San Francisco ever. She says he had to lie to get Margo to like her. Addison says yeah, to get close to Bill. Addison knows all about it and says he knows what she did to Karen. He also reveals he had lunch with Karen 3 hours earlier and she knows everything too. Addison says he doesn’t want her now and they’re both improbable. They’re the same in a lot of ways and they deserve each other*

W: He’s just a big of snake as she is but at least he admits it.


*Addison says enjoy the nap and goes to leave. She claims she won’t do the play now. Addison says she’ll give the performance of her life before we cut to the beginning of the movie where Eve accepts the Sarah Siddons Award. She gives a speech saying she has much to learn from everyone and this is only the beginning. Eve thanks Max for giving her a shot, Karen for being her first friend and Margo for being her mentor. Karen and Margo give her the stink eye as Eve thanks Bill who ignores her completely. Eve thanks Lloyd and he looks down. Eve looks at a smirking Addison and says this is the happiest night of her life. She reveals she’s going to Hollywood and her heart is in the theater*

W: Uh huh….


*Eve says she’ll be back soon if they want her back and the room gives her a standing O. Lloyd hands his little trophy to Karen and kisses her. Karen coldly congratulates her and Margo says she can put the trophy where her heart is*

W: Ha.


*Addison wants to go to Max’s party but Eve doesn’t want to. She hands over her trophy and says take that with him. He says he’ll drop her home because he doesn’t want to miss the party. We cut to a taxi cab with Addison walking Eve home before he leaves. Eve goes into her apartment and there’s a woman asleep in a chair. Her name is Phoebe and she’s a big fan. She gives almost the exact same story Eve gave when she met Margo. Eve lights up a cigarette and Phoebe says she’ll clean up the mess for her. She got there from the Brooklyn subway in an hour. Eve says she’ll never make it home and Phoebe says it doesn’t matter. Phoebe says she’ll get the door and Addison is there. Addison hands the trophy to Phoebe and says to give it to Eve but wonders how the woman knew his name. She slyly says its a famous name and says he name is Phoebe…she calls herself that. Addison smirks and asks if she wants an award like that herself, Phoebe coldly says she’d do anything to get one. Addison says to ask Eve how to do that and he leaves. Eve tells Phoebe to pack the trophy in one of the trunks and Phoebe idolizes it*

W: The cycle continues.


*Phoebe picks up Eve’s elegant gown and puts it on. She holds up the trophy and looks in the mirror with it. She nods her head at all the mirrors*

N: What a lunatic.



W: Bravo…bravo…bravo


Neyzor Blades Assessment: I give it a 6….good story I guess.

The Warlock’s Assessment: Wow…I fuckin loved that movie. I give it a 9 out of 10 for the writing, the acting and the direction the movie went in. I got completely sucked into the story and how the roles changed on a dime. Eve went from the shy, soft spoken woman to a manipulative evil bitch and the only one who figured it out was Addison. That’s incredible acting by everyone involved.

Final Grade: 8 out of 10 – Excellent


*Warlock rises from the couch*

W: Holy shit I thought the movie would be at least watchable but I did not expect it to be one of the best I’ve seen this month. Literally this is right up there with Western Front, Casablanca and Gone With The Wind. I loved this movie and everything involved. The acting was amazing, the story was amazing and the payoff was great. You could really see the character transformation in not only Eve but Margo as well. The movie ended up setting a record with 14 different Academy Award nominations, winning 6 of them including Best Picture. It was the first time in history four women in the same movie were nominated for Best Actress or Best Supporting Actress. Anne Baxter and Bette Davis got beat out by June Holliday for Best Actress and Celeste Holm and Thelma Ritter got beat out for Best Supporting Actress by Josephine Hull. George Sanders won Best Supporting Actor, Joe Mankiewicz won Best Director as well as a testament to how good the movie was. When all is said and done did All About Eve deserve to win Best Picture? You goddamn right it did. That was absolutely amazing and I recommend it to everyone. It wasn’t a “chick flick” a rom com or that kind of bullshit. This was dirty, it was messy, it was deceitful. That about wraps up another edition of Oscar’s Month here at Warlock’s Movie Realm. Now get outta here before I give ya a slap!

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